WEEK 7, TERM 1, 14 march 2025
principal's message
Congratulations to the Social Justice Committee and the Social Justice Committee Coordinators Mrs Kaye Guan (Maths Faculty) and Ms Katrina Thompson (Technology and Computer Network Manager) for the superb International Women's Day breakfast held on Tuesday morning in the Hall.
Our speakers Yuna Cho (Year 12), Ms Saachi Singh (Class of 2024) and Mrs Patricia Droguett (nee Luperdi, Dux of the Class of 1998, Partner and Co-Founder Software@Scale) were excellent!
We also had four members of Hornsby Police including the Hornsby Community Liaison Officer, and Mrs Mala Mehta OAM (Hornsby Women's Shed), members of PLC and Knox and a number of parents.
Thank you to the members of the Social Justice Committee for their extraordinary efforts in ensuring the morning was a great success.
Mrs Guan and Mrs Thompson's care and attention to detail for the event was evident with the hall being beautifully decorated with purple balloons and streamers, purple tablecloths and flowers.
It was also wonderful to hear in the speeches the students' love of their teachers with Mrs Boden (Head Teacher HSIE) being mentioned by Saachi for her strong advice and Mrs Viner, Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Black as inspirations for Yuna pursuing her interest in improving access for girls in education across the world. Well done HSIE!
Mrs Droguett (Class of 1998) mentioned her love of Mathematics, Japanese, Geography and Textiles and fondly remembered Principal Mrs Johnstone 1987 - 2000, Mrs Drayton, Mr Massingham and Dr Turner on her tour of the school after the breakfast. Her message to the students was the importance of developing strong relationships and social networks so that we can all learn from each other and help one another.
Well done to the Social Justice Committee and Mrs Guan and Ms Thompson!
Our March P and C meeting will be held on Wednesday evening 19 March online from 7pm - 8pm. The school will present a report on the outstanding HSC results from 2024 and the course and university offers made to our students. Details on how to join the online discussion will be emailed to all parents by Tuesday 18 March.
Our Grounds and Garden Day for Term 1 will be held on Saturday March 22 from 8am - 10:30am (with morning tea from 10:10am). A number of our gardens (including the outdoor gym) need weeding and a bit of TLC. Please sign in at the entrance to the Administration Block. Students who participate will receive a Minerva signature.
The school has just purchased $27,500 worth of Maths textbooks for Years 7 -10. With each curriculum change whether it be in Maths, Science, English, HSIE, PDHPE, Languages, Creative and Performing Arts, Technology or TAS there are many expenses. For instance in HSIE there are eleven new syllabuses being implemented that require new resources including textbooks. Thank you to all parents who have made contributions to the school so that our students receive the best possible education.
The school is a founding member of the International Coalition of Girls' Schools. This membership provides the school with opportunities for our students and the latest research on the benefits of girls' education. With a push for fewer single sex schools in NSW it is good to review the evidence on the benefits on single-sex schooling for girls. Please see the research summary below. The full research paper is also published in this edition of the Torch.
Key findings of the research -
- Students attending girls’ schools showed different approaches to learning and had more developed and positive attitudes about the important values and culture provided in all girls’ schools.
- Girls attending girls' schools expressed a strong preference for an all-girls’ environment. They were hesitant and wary of co-educational options because of the risk of gender stereotypes.
- Girls attending girls' schools were significantly more likely than girls from co-educational schools to agree that boys and girls can achieve as well as each other at the same task.
- It was in these environments (girls' schools) that students felt like they had a voice, could make decisions, and feel like their ideas were being used to make positive changes in their schools.
- The researchers attribute this to the stronger social connectivity girls have with their peers at girls' schools compared to girls in co-educational environments.
Kind regards,
Justin Briggs (Principal)
Deputy Principals' Message
HGHS Wellbeing & Positive Education Statement
Hornsby Girls High School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Positive Education frames our learning culture in conjunction with the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework (ASWF) which aims to ensure that all Australian schools are safe, supportive and respectful teaching and learning communities that promote student wellbeing. We aim to cultivate students’ intellectual, socio-emotional and physical wellbeing. At Hornsby Girls we encourage students to focus on Personal Best Goals and the work of Andrew Martin who has defined Personal Best Goals as specific, challenging, and competitively self-referenced goals that involve a level of performance that meets or exceeds an individual's previous best. Hornsby Girls High School also adopts the concepts presented by Professor Martin Seligman's PERMA model and his Strengths-based Approach. This evidence based Positive Psychology approach guides our school philosophy and planning to enable all students to Flourish.
HGHS School Values
The students of Hornsby Girls High School agreed on the following core School Values for the entire school community in 2018. Our school values are:
Social Responsibility
Personal Bests
Intellectual Curiosity
These values underpin positive relationships between all members of the school community. We set high expectations of student behaviour and attitudes, and the actions of our students are expected to reflect these agreed values.
YAM- Youth Aware of Mental Health
Year 10 students have been engaged in a suicide prevention course over the last few weeks and their final session is Monday of week 9. This highly valuable evidence based program has been well received by all students and helps to create a space for our young people to learn about and promote positive mental health practices. Thank you to Ms Hoogerwerf and the wellbeing team for providing Year 10 with this valuable experience.
Students in Year 7 and 9 have now completed their NAPLAN examinations in Writing, and Reading. They will continuewith Conventions of Language and Numeracy next week. Our students have positively approached these examinations and we thank them for their engagement with the process. Thanks also to Ms Thompson (IT coordinator) and Mr Horan for their assistance in resolving technology issues during the examinations.
HGHS Mobile Phone Policy
HGHS endorses the DoE Policy of “Off and Away”. This policy allows students to carry their mobile phones in their bags to and from school. Students while on the school grounds must not use their phone to text, to make a phone call, play games or access social media. Students can only use their phones for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. This could be, for instance in a Maths or Science lesson, or to take screenshots of a teacher’s notes during class if allowed to by a teacher. Students are to keep their phones in their bags, at all times while on the school premises. If a teacher sees a student with a phone on a desk or not in a bag, the teacher will ask the student to put the phone away whether they are in a classroom or in the playground.
Repeated infringements will be referred to the relevant Head Teacher or Deputy Principal. School staff can allow students to use their mobile phones in specific circumstances, for an educational purpose, for their wellbeing or to support students with specific needs. These are called exemptions. Specific exemptions to our procedures include timetable checks, checking the time, and using your phone wallet to access your student card to allow you to swipe-on at the beginning of the school day.
Most importantly if a student needs to contact their parents because of an emergency, or illness they must go to the Reception Office. They should not be using their phone to contact parents to come and pick them up. The process is for the student to go to reception, be checked into the sick bay and parents called by an office staff member.
Parents should continue to only contact their child through the Reception Office on 94765711 during school hours. The mobile phone ban will apply during all school hours, including break times such as during lunch and recess. Individual student requests for exemption will be managed by the principal and assessed by the school, for medical and learning needs.
Ms Wallwork and Ms Gilmore (Deputy Principals)
P and C Meeting March 19 7pm - 8pm online
This month's P and C Meeting will be held online from 7pm on March 19. An email with registration details will be sent by Tuesday 18 March. The meeting will be a presentation by the Principal Dr Justin Briggs on the school's HSC results and the course and university offers received by the Class of 2024. We look forward to your participation.
Mrs Radhika Prasanna P and C President
Grounds and Garden Day Saturday March 22 from 8am - 10:30AM
The Term 1 Grounds and Garden Day will be held on Saturday March 22 from 8am. Please come to the Administration Block to sign-in. There is quite a bit of weeding and some general cleaning up of the gardens to do around the school. Morning tea will be served at 10:10am. Many hands make light work! All welcome!
Mrs Belinda McIntrye P and C Grounds and Garden Day Coordinator
At Hornsby Girls High School, school values are a key part of learning and participating in school activities. The acronym ‘KRISPIR’ is used to list the school’s seven key values - kindness, respect, inclusivity, social responsibility, personal best, intellectual curiosity and resilience. KRISPIR can help us reflect these important values amongst the school and public community, helping Hornsby Girls to maintain a positive school identity and helping students to grow into positive members of the community. We believe these values can benefit physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing and help students achieve their Personal Best in all aspects of their lives!
SWL Leaders and Mrs Hoogerwerf
The Maths Challenge is a problem-solving activity organised by the Australian Maths Trust (AMT), which is aimed at stimulating the mathematically interested students in their year level.
The Maths Challenge takes place over three to four consecutive weeks in Term 1 or Term 2, with the school setting the exact timing. Students receive a problem book containing six problems and are required to present written solutions to as many of these problems as they can. The problems are challenging and require time and persistence, but are based on maths that should be known at that level. Students in the Junior (Year 7-8) and Intermediate (Year 9-10) levels may work with a partner who has also entered the same level of the Challenge if they wish and they must both record their partners name on their solutions. Separate solutions must be prepared and submitted by each student. Solutions will be sent to AMT in Canberra for marking.
The Maths Challenge is designed to be an enjoyable and valuable learning experience for students.
Students should ensure that they have looked at the past papers and information on the whole year cohort Maths Google Classroom so that they are aware of the time, effort and expense required for this competition. The competition will run over four weeks, from the beginning of Term 1 Week 11, over the holidays, and to the end of Term 2 Week 1. Students should aim to complete the Challenge as early as possible to avoid clashes with studying for school exams.
If students wish to enter, they need to reply 'yes' to the question on Google Classroom as soon as possible. This will allow an email to be sent to parents via SchoolBytes with details on how to pay and give permission. Permission and payment will be due Thursday 20th March, 2025.
Congratulations to all the members of the HGHS Zone Swimming team who competed at Ryde on Thursday!
A special shoutout to:
Eva Zhang: 1st in 200m Freestyle, 1st in 50m Freestyle, 3rd in 100m Freestyle
Charity Yan: 3rd in 200m Freestyle
Alina Chen: 1st in 100m Breaststroke, 3rd in 200m Individual Medley, 3rd in 50m Freestyle
Relay Team Results:
U17s 4x50m Freestyle Relay: 1st place - Livia, Minnie, Angela, and Sara
U15s 4x50m Freestyle Relay: 2nd place - Alina, Hannah, Emily, and Yolanda
U13s 4x50m Freestyle Relay: 2nd place - Eva, Charity, Charlotte, and Erica
A huge thank you to our Year 10 PASS students who volunteered throughout the day and helped make the event a success: Claire, Thinolee, Sienna, Sophia, Sophia, Cassie, Yuna, Yuna, Faith, Ziqi, Samaira, and Summer!
Good luck to all Swimmers competing at Sydney North Swimming on 19 March.
Mrs Hall - Carnival Convenor
Art North 1-22 March 2025
At the Grace Cossington Smith Gallery, the prestigious Art North exhibition opened on 1 March 2025 to a crowd of hundreds. Visual Arts students from 19 schools within Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai had their outstanding Body of Work exhibited. It is an annual exhibition that rivals Art Express. The exhibition was opened by Alister Henskens SC MP Member for Wahroonga and Shadow Attorney General, Mayor Warren Waddell of Hornsby and Mayor Cristine Kay of Ku-ring-gai was also in attendance.
This year, complex conceptual practice that engaged and concerned students included issues about family, the self, identity, students place in the world, technology, the urban environment and the nature of the Australian landscape. The artworks on exhibit were all outstanding and highlights a thriving visual arts community among our young folk.
Fiona Yee and Talise Xu had their canvas paintings hung. Both works are thought provoking, present complex issues, are highly engaging and demonstrates their expertise in the expressive form of painting.
Every exhibiting student were given a jam-packed goodies bag, filled with art materials and Posca pens.
Fiona Lee
Title: Dua na vale (Two homes) Expressive Form: Painting
Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size: x2 76 x 103 cm
Artist Statement: ‘Dua na vale’ meaning two homes is a representation of the disparity between my sister and I's connection with our birthplace, Fiji. The longing for a greater sense of belonging within Fiji since the severing of the physical connection from moving overseas is a wish for the both of us, but remains greater for me through my shorter experience within Fijian culture and country. Inspired by Maria Rova's use of symbols, the disconnect is emphasised through the disjointed masi pattern, the flowers, in the style of Tim Maguire, of Fijian and Australian origin being representative of our main cultural influences.
Talise Xu
Title: Life as an Opera (Ren Sheng Ru Xi) Expressive Form: Painting
Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size: x2 92 x 1.52 cm
Artist Statement: My artwork titled, “Life as an Opera” critiques the inherent performativity of living within a society which demands conformity. I render the alienation of the individual alongside the facade of identity in my diptych in which the motif of Chinese opera suggests the constant state of performance that we are in. As such, the technique of pointillism evokes the fragmented identity of the postmodern individual who confronts the audience in her indifferent eye contact. However, this fragmentation is juxtaposed by the sweeping colours within the second canvas, luring the viewer into the masquerade, ultimately revealing the futility of resisting against the illusion of life.
Be sure to visit the gallery in the month of March to see our student’s work on display as well as some incredible artworks from the local high schools.
Ms Pozzolungo - Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts
Year 7 Field of Mars Geography Excursion
On March 7, 2025, two of our Year 7 classes had the privilege of visiting The Field Of Mars! We were learning about landscapes and landforms in Geography, and our teachers, Mr Truong and Mr Moss, accompanied us on the excursion. We trekked from Hunters Hill, Columbia Park, to Buffalo Creek Reserve, and encountered a variety of flora and fauna in the wild, as well as a wide variety of rock formations! Two rangers split us up into our classes and showed us the path in our walk. There were many breaks and activities, such as sketching our surroundings, learning about Aboriginal tools and seasons, and comparing different landforms! It was truly a beneficial and informative experience for all of us. It was a new experience for the teachers as well as my peers, but I’m sure we all had a great time learning face-to-face about landforms and landscapes. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I highly recommend any Geography enthusiasts to take a trip to The Field Of Mars, as it shows the intriguing story of many rock formations, flowers, animals, and landscapes and landforms. Also, a very special thank you to the teachers who organised this excursion - we all had such a pleasant time!
Opening of the School Fitness Room
The PDHPE Faculty are thrilled to announce the opening of the School Fitness Room, available to all senior students (Years 11 and 12), teachers, and staff members. The equipment in this room has been acquired through grants received from our participation in the Premier's Sporting Challenge over the years. It is a space designed to foster long-term well-being benefits for staff and senior students.
Guidelines for Use: To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all users, we have set out some important guidelines. Please click on the link below to view guidelines.
1. Induction Required: All senior students interested in using the school fitness room MUST complete a mandatory induction session before gaining access. This induction will cover safety protocols, equipment use, and general guidelines to ensure a positive and safe experience for all.
2. Booking an Induction: To book your induction, please visit the PDHPE staffroom who will provide the necessary paperwork and schedule your session.
3. No Access Without Induction: Please note that the school fitness room is off-limits to use for anyone who has not completed the induction. This policy is in place for your safety and to help you use the space effectively.
We are excited to provide this facility as part of our commitment to promoting student and staff wellbeing. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this great resource and work towards a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you in the fitness room!
Ms Hoang - PDHPE Teacher
Young Curators Program - Visit to Grace Cossington Smith Gallery 20 2 25
The Young Curators Project is an authentic experience in exhibition curating. It is a joint initiative with Abbotsleigh Girls HS, 3.33 Art Projects, Grace Cossington Smith Gallery and Australian artist Tina Havelock Stevens a multidisciplinary artist. On 20 February 2025, students went to the Grace Cossington Smith Gallery where they met Mary Faith the Gallery Director and our co-curators Year 11 Visual Arts students from Abbotsleigh Girls HS. It was an opportunity to get to know one another and to discuss ideas in how to set up the exhibition for Tina Havelock Stevens. Students critically looked at the gallery space, hanging solutions and themes for the catalogue publication.
Ms Pozzolungo Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts
Young Curators Program – Visit to Artist Studio 11 3 25
On Tuesday 11th of March, our Year 11 VA class had the opportunity to meet Tina Havelock Stevens and visit her studio at Art Space at Woolloomooloo, Sydney. She is most well-known for combining her documentaries with her passion for music and drumming. Through viewing her workspace and her past and future works, our class received insight into the intricacies of her artmaking practice, which explores the ambiguities of human nature, and the significance of place. Following the studio visit, we were also able to fully immerse ourselves within one of Tina’s site-specific artwork at Martin Place Metro Station pedestrian tunnel, a transformative sound and lighting installation.
Isabel Yang and Ella Xie, Young Curators, Year 11 Visual Arts Students
Feeling A Little Stuck? Quick Tips for Task Initiation
We all have been there; sometimes, initiating a task is difficult. When a task feels overwhelming, boring, or uncertain, the brain may see it as a threat and trigger a fight/flight/freeze response. That often leaves us feeling stuck and unable to start.
While some may mislabel this as a lack of motivation and even laziness, it is helpful to see this as a function of our nervous system and how the brain responds to perceived threats.
Remember, you don’t always need motivation to start a task; the motivation may come after you start.
The good news is that there are strategies that could help us move forward.
Try these:
The 5-minute rule - Instead of telling yourself that you must do the whole thing – commit to working on it for 5 minutes. You will be surprised that you could end up doing more. The key is getting started.
Move the Body - Moving the body, even briefly, stimulates the brain, improves blood flow, and improves focus. Try standing up, doing a 10-second wiggle, stretching or bouncing lightly.
Pair it with something you enjoy - Pair the task with something you enjoy—your favourite piece of music—or pair it with a reward upon completion.
Change of environment - A change of scenery can stimulate creativity and help break the feeling of being stuck. If possible, move to a different room, go outside, or rearrange your study area to create a fresh perspective.
Stay hydrated - Dehydration can negatively affect cognitive function. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day.
Working with someone - It could be helpful to work with someone to get started, whether with organising your time, managing your workload, or finding solutions to a tricky question.
Check out these available groups:
· Thursday Homework Club after school with Ms Kontos in the library.
· Peer Tutoring Thursday lunchtime in the Library Annexe. – It's for anyone in Years 7 & 8 who'd like some support with schoolwork, planning for assessment tasks, study skills, etc. Or even if you’d just like a friendly chat with someone who has been through Years 7 & 8 and understands them. Contact Ms de Meyrick for more details.
Remember, you can always visit the wellbeing office or contact any of the wellbeing team members if you’d like to discuss this further.
More tips and resources: HGHS Wellbeing Hub
The HGHS Wellbeing
International Coalition of Girls Schools Research
The Strategic Plan for Children and Young People 2022-2024 is the second whole-of-government plan for all children and young people in NSW.
Launched in April 2022 and informed by the voices of more than 41,000 children and young people in NSW, this Plan brings together initiatives undertaken across government under six core commitment areas. Grounded in the articulated needs and hopes of children and young people, the goal of this Plan is to create a future where all children and young people have the supports they need to thrive.
The Plan plays a key role in bridging the gap between Government policies and initiatives, and children and young people's voices and perspectives.
Strategic Plan Tracking Reports
The Advocate committed to undertaking and publishing results from an annual quantitative survey that tracks the experiences and perceptions of young people in NSW across these six key areas of the Plan. The six key areas include:
Hope for the Future, Love, Connection and Safety, Health and Wellbeing, A Good Standard of Living, Environments for Joy and Fun and Respect and Acceptance
The NSW Strategic Plan for Children and Young People Tracking Report 01 was released in February 2023, highlighting the changes in children and young people’s experiences since we launched the Strategic Plan for Children and Young People 2022-2024 in 2022.
In 2022 the areas of focus were ‘Health and Wellbeing’ and ‘Environments for Joy and Fun’.
The NSW Strategic Plan for Children and Young People Tracking Report 02 highlighted the changes in children and young people’s experiences across 2023.
The 2023 areas of focus were on ‘A Good Standard of Living’ and ‘Respect and Acceptance’.
The final NSW Strategic Plan for Children and Young People Tracking Report 03 compares data from 2021 through to 2024, highlighting the persistent impact of the high cost of living and ongoing concerns surrounding mental health and wellbeing.
The 2024 areas of focus on ‘Hope for the future’ and ‘Love, Connection and Safety’.
Please see website for further details - Strategic Plan for Children and Young People
THE WOMEN'S COLLEGE Applications 2026
Follow link to read about The Women's College - Women's College