Above: Counselors, Mrs. Garavanta and Mrs. Young, hosted their first board game day at all three lunches this past Tuesday in the Collaboration Studio. It was a huge hit!!! If you have any board games you would like to donate to Larson for board game day, we would happily consider them!
Weekly Calendar (2 Weeks)
Now that we are hitting our stride, The Rebel Report will be shared bi-weekly from here on out. Look for the next Rebel Report on Friday, November 3 live from DC!!!
Week of October 23
Week of October 30
This Week @LarsonMS
Games from today's LARSONstrong pep rally!!!
PTO Trunk or Treat -- Thursday!
On Thursday, October 26th at 7:15pm - 8:00pm we will have our 2nd annual Larson PTO Trunk or Treat Event! Please help our PTO make this a great event for our students and their families! We are asking for candy donations, trunk and volunteer signups. Please see the available slots and signup if you are able to help. We are appreciative of all the donations and volunteers! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Beth McCarty (248) 217-7524 or Liz Blakely (248) 842-7726.
Congratulations to the following students that were elected as STUCO representatives for the 2023-2024 school year!
Officers: Sophia Mestrata, Brendan Scobel, Toni Rose Valentino, Jack Appledorn, Mckenzie Blake
8th Grade Reps: Jacob Rufin, Aaqib Farhad, Dylan Kobal, Anna Holt, Kyla Zoller, Arnav Nikam, Aliyah Potts, Jonah Calvario, Lauryn Harper, Ashish Nair, Vivienne Brown and Sahana Nair.
7th Grade Reps: Lola Doa, Jayden Yousif, Sawyer Gallagher, Dita Thaqi, Gigi Arapakis, Ian Guilbault, Chloe Yousif, Cristian Petrous, Suvir Ravoor, Liadan Lennon, Mia Rossi and Sid Bajpai
6th Grade Reps: Abby Hyska, Adele Hyska, Victor Pertile, Berklie Tull, Harper Long, Elisa Blachford, Zoey Blake, Mathew Harper, Harrison Leonard, Maeve Tennis, Olivia Phillips and Ellary Frazier
StuCo wants to announce the themes for each day of the first Spirit Week of the year, which will take place the week of October 23!
Monday: Hat Day;
Tuesday: Generations Day;
Wednesday: Pink Out Day;
Thursday: USA Day;
Friday: PJ Day
Check Schoology for more details!!!
MSVMA State Honors Choir
8th grade student Viraj Tathavadekar auditioned and has been accepted into the 2023-24 MSVMA State Honors Choir! Viraj's resilience prepared him well for his audition. He will now be traveling all over Michigan to three rehearsals in preparation to perform at the DeVos Center in Grand Rapids in January an at the MIchigan Music Conference. Way to go Viraj!
We are excited to share our first ever club & IM catalog. Click on the link below to find info about the clubs and IM sports offered here at Larson. Some of those include: Homework Help Club, Quiz Bowl, Yearbook Club, Rebel Readers, Science Olympiad, Craft Club, Larson Free Press, Rebel Cafe, Girls' IM Basketball, IM Cross Country, and IM Flag Football
The kitchen staff opened the snack bar! Snacks are NOT included in the free lunch program. As a result, for students to get a snack, they will need money added to their MySchoolBucks account. In addition, they will need to have their School ID for the purchase. To add money to the account, please see the flyer below.
Girl Botz Give Away
To celebrate International Women in Robotics day, Larson inaugural all-girls robotics team , Girl Botz FTC 22918 gave away Aloe Vera plants to teachers, staff and families at Larson Middle School and at the feeder schools along with their team’s bookmarks and cards promoting Girls in STEM , their Robotics journey and the service projects and community outreach they do in between building and coding their robot.