
Adams Update November 1, 2023

Every day is a great day at Adams!

Bi-weekly Newsletter

Picture Retakes on Thursday!

  • Picture Retakes are tomorrow, Thursday, November 2! HR Imaging has a NO QUESTIONS ASKED policy for retakes. If you are unhappy with your student's picture, it can be retaken on retake day. Students must bring their original proofing envelope or purchased package and return it to their homeroom teacher to have the retakes. For those of you who have already returned your original proofing envelope to school for retakes, you are all set.
  • HR Imaging will also photograph the following groups for the yearbook on November 2: Band, Orchestra, Choir, Safety Patrol, Robotics, Chess Club, and Culture Club.

Please check backpacks this week, as we will be sending home picture orders from September 12.

Report Cards Now Available on ParentVUE

First Marking Period report cards are now visible on ParentVUE, which means you can see them on your phone or online. If you view the report cards on the app, you can scroll through the boxes or view a PDF, whichever works best for you. A few notes to keep in mind as you read the report card: the key for the marks is at the bottom of the indicators, so scroll down to view. The marks on the PYP portion of the report card show you which units have been covered so far. There are no grades, yet, for the Auxiliary classes (Art, Music, PE, World Language), as those grades are only figured at the end of each semester. Please let your child's teacher or me know if you have any questions about grades.

Vocabulary Word of the Month

The MPS District Vision: Lead with respect, trust and courage. Ensure an equitable collaborative and inclusive culture. Enable all to achieve success.

At Adams Elementary we follow the vision and the work the district is doing with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by introducing a vocabulary word to students each month. The word is introduced, and defined, at the morning meeting at least once each week of the month. We also include PYP Learner Profile Attributes. The word for November is equity. Equity ensures that every person has the tools and support they need to be successful. The PYP attribute is principled. Be sure and ask your student about the words shared at morning meeting.

Narrative Writing Celebration

Mrs. Billette's first-grade class celebrated finishing their first writing unit and publishing their own book. Each "Red Carpet Writer" walked down the red carpet and got to share about their published book in the spotlight! Students were so proud of their hard work and placed their very own stories into the classroom library for others to read.

Tennis Assembly

Adams Elementary School hosted a professional tennis player Monday morning to talk to the students about her experiences as a professional athlete. We were lucky enough to have Angela Kulikov from Los Angeles, California, share about herself and her tennis career. Angela has been ranked as high as 57th in the world and is seeded 4th in doubles of the 2023 Dow Tennis Classic.

Three Adams students who currently train at the Midland Community Tennis Center were called to the court to rally with Ms. Kulikov and show off their tennis skills.

The Midland Community Tennis Center is hosting the Dow Tennis Classic this week with daytime and evening matches.

Adams would like to thank professional tennis player Angela Kulikov for sharing her experiences with us and The Midland Community Tennis Center and The Dow Tennis Classic for arranging our visit.

Halloween Celebrations

Sweet treats, smiles, and creative costumes were plentiful as students and staff celebrated Halloween with a costume parade and classroom parties.

Thank You!

Installation of the new Chaos Climber and Parallel bars is complete and ready for play - this was made possible by your fundraising efforts for the PTO Dream BIG through supporting our Book Fairs and Walkathon! Thank you!

2023-24: Robotics - Join the Adams Team!

We are seeking interested 2nd and 3rd grade families of Adams Elementary that would like to participate in our Explore Robotics Program. You can learn more about FLL at their website: https://www.firstlegoleague.org/season. The Explore is for grades 2-3 and takes place in the Spring, and the Challenge is for grades 4-5 and takes place in the Fall.

Is your child interested? If so, please fill out the form below and let us know. We will also need parent mentors, so if you are interested in filling that role, please note that on the form.

Lost and Found

Students should check the lost and found periodically. We have accumulated many misplaced items such as jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings. Please label your child's belongings to help us quickly return them to their owners. We will donate unclaimed items at the end of each semester.

Community Programs

We want to be sure that our families are aware of the community programs available to those needing assistance. At this time, the following programs are available to Adams students/families:

The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Backpack Buddies Program is available again this school year. Contact the office at 923-6037 if you would like to receive the food backpack.

Link to the PTO e-newsletter: https://adamsatomsptoupdate.my.canva.site

Link to the Spirit Wear Store OPEN until Nov 3 (last time to purchase until Spring): https://adamsfall2023copy.itemorder.com/shop/sale/

Link to RaiseRight Scrip Gift Card Order Form: https://ade.midlandps.org/fs/resource-manager/view/0598592d-241d-4e59-980a-08ce4be695ae

Upcoming Key Dates and Times

  • Nov 2 - Retake & Group Picture Day
  • Nov 3 - Adams School Spirit Wear Orders Due
  • Nov 3 - Northwood Student Volunteers
  • Nov 7 - No School - Professional Development Day for Staff
  • Nov 10 - RaiseRight Scrip Gift Card Orders and Payment Due Nov 10
  • Nov 13 - PTO Meeting 6:00 pm
  • Nov 14 - Adams Restaurant Night Papa Johns Pizza (Promo Code: Adams20)
  • Nov 16 - PYP Peace Walk
  • Nov 17 - Popcorn Friday & Atoms Spirit Day (Wear Adams Gear or Something Blue)
  • Nov 22 - 1/2 day - Dismissal at 11:51 a.m.
  • Nov 22 - Adams Spirit Day - Roll Out of Bed Day
  • Nov 23-24, No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • Nov 28 - Adams Skate Night at the Roller Arena

Want to connect with more families from Adams Elementary?

Join the Friends of Adams Elementary PTO Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/midlandadamselementary/, or follow on Instagram @friendsofadamspto.

PTO President - Emma Palmiter - adamspto12@gmail.com

Daily Schedule

  • 8:35 am First Bell, students may enter the building, head to their classroom
  • 8:40 am Second Bell, school starts
  • 11:30 am - 12:19 pm Lunchtime (1st & 3rd - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (KDG & 5th - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (2nd & 4th - Play/Eat)
  • 3:40 pm Final Bell, students dismissed

Reporting Absences Through ParentVUE

Parents/Guardians can report student(s) absent via ParentVUE. This feature appears as a blue button titled "Report Absences" on the app's main page or website.

  • Parents/guardians can report absences for a single day or multiple days.
  • Report each student individually. Do not enter additional students in the notes section.
  • For each absence reported, parents/guardians must provide a detailed note explaining the reason. If you report your student as sick, please list the symptoms your student is experiencing. The note will help school attendance staff select the correct attendance code.
  • If you have a legal or medical document, please upload it with the absence, or provide it to the school attendance staff upon your student's return. Parents/guardians can still call to report an absence at 989-923-6037.

Tracy Renfro



Wendy Sekely

Administrative Assistant


Adams Elementary School

Office (989) 923-6037

Fax (989) 923-6035

1005 Adams Dr.

Midland, MI 48642

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