
JBS News November 10, 2023


1331 N Blue Road, Greenfield IN


Please stay up-to date on all JB Happenings!


If you walk your student to the front of the building in the morning for arrival, please be sure and supervise them until we open the doors at 7:30am. Please do not just drop them off, as our adults do not come out to supervise until 7:30am and having students out front, unsupervised, is a safety concern. Thank you!

JBS and Cougar Spirit Wear!

Looking for the perfect Holiday Gift? Look no further, check out all the awesome JBS and Cougar swag from Organic Robots!

Holiday Assistance

Christmas Assistance applications are now available at the school through November 17. If you have any questions regarding the program or would like an application, please contact Miss Broadus @ abroadus@gcsc.k12.in.us or 317-462-4491.

Families, churches, or organizations who wish to sponsor a family in need should also contact Miss Broadus.

Applications for the Cops for Kids program are available at the Greenfield Police Dept. (or online at www.greenfieldin.org) and Shop with a Deputy at the Hancock County Sheriff’s Dept.

Families may only receive assistance from one of these three programs.

Picture re-takes will be Wednesday, November 8th for any student who did not get their picture taken, or would like new pictures taken. If you need an order form please reach out to the office. If you are getting re-takes, please be sure and send in your original pictures.

Toys for Tots

JBS has received the Toys for Tots donation box. We will be accepting toy donations through the end of November. New toys are accepted for all ages. The donation box is located right outside of the front office.

Family Literacy Learning Corner

School Dismissal Manager

School Dismissal Manager is now LIVE! Please check your email for login and set up directions. All school dismissal changes now go through School Dismissal Manager. You do NOT need to call the office if you put your change/absence in the APP. You should receive a confirmation email from SDM with your update.


This year, student iPads will be turned off from the hours of 7:00pm-6:00am, as they are not needed for instructional purposes during this time. Please be sure and charge iPads each night and limit use of them for non-school purposes. Thanks for your help!


Our JB Way is our expectations of students. We expect JB Cougars to be Respectful, Responsible and Kind! When we "catch" students following the JB Way, they are recognized by earning a Cougar Buck. Students also earn a Cougar Buck each day they are at school. They can then cash those bucks in for small prizes and fun coupons. Big thanks to our PTO for sponsoring the prizes!

This week's Positive Office Referrals!


Each classroom at JB has a designated snack time to help our students stay fueled for the school day! Please send in a healthy snack with your child each day. You can also send in bulk items to share with the class, we are always appreciative of donations.

The office at J.B. Stephens helps provide snacks for students that may not bring them from home for the day. If teachers are out of snacks in the classroom, the students come to the office. As you can imagine, we can go through a lot of snacks over time! Any contribution helps!!! We truly appreciate it!

Food Service

Please be sure and note the NEW lunch menu below.

New lunch/breakfast prices

JBS School Hours

  • Doors Open: 7:30am
  • Tardy Bell: 7:45am
  • Breakfast (optional/paid): 7:30am-7:45am (if your child is eating breakfast at school, please be sure to get them to school by 7:30am, so they have plenty of time to eat)
  • Dismissal: 2:10pm

Volunteer Form

If you're interested in volunteering this school year, attending field trips, etc, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Profile application, found by clicking here, before volunteering. This form must be completed each school year. We look forward to having you at JB!

Upcoming Dates

An additional ELearning Day has been added to the calendar. April 8th will be our 3rd and final pre-planned Elearning Day.

  • November 9th & 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences
  • 11/15/23: PTO Meeting @ 6:00pm
  • November 22nd-24th: Thanksgiving Break; NO school
  • 12/1/23: All Pro Dad
  • 12/25/23-1/5/24: Winter Break; No School

E-learning Days: Students do not come to school, but complete online assignments at home, while teachers are in Professional Development.

  • September 19th
  • November 7th
  • April 8th

Events/clubs/Sports around Greenfield