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Hunter Sports High News Term 1 - Week 5 - 2025

What's On?

  • Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th February: Year 7 'Great Aussie Bush Camp'
  • Thursday 13th March: NAPLAN Writing, Years 7 & 9
  • Friday 14th March: NAPLAN Reading, Years 7 & 9
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st March: Harmony Week
  • Thursday 20th March: NAPLAN Language Conventions, Years 7 & 9
  • Friday 21st March: NAPLAN Numeracy, Years 7 & 9
  • Tuesday 25th March: HSHS Swimming Carnival
  • Friday 27th March: Year 7 Focus Day
  • Tuesday 1st April: Parent Teacher Interviews, Years 7, 11 & 12
  • Monday 7th April: School Photos
  • Tuesday 8th April: End of Term Assembly
  • Friday 11th April: Cross Country/Colour Run

principal's message

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

What an exciting start to the 2025 school year! It has been incredible to see our students jump into the new year with such energy and enthusiasm, marking a busy and eventful beginning here at Hunter Sports High.

We are absolutely thrilled to welcome all our new students and families—thank you for choosing to be part of our vibrant school community. We can’t wait to get to know you and watch you thrive. And of course, a big welcome back to our returning students and families! It’s fantastic to see you here with us again as we embark on what promises to be an inspiring and successful year, filled with growth, learning, and new achievements.

One of the standout moments so far has been watching our new Year 7 students settle in with such excitement and positivity. Their adventure at the Great Aussie Bush Camp being a true highlight, and I’m sure they will come back with amazing memories of new friendships, fun experiences, and personal challenges. The Year 7 Camp is a beloved tradition at Hunter Sports High, and it’s always heartwarming to see our youngest students begin their high school journey with such enthusiasm. A huge thank you to Mr. Armstrong our Year 7 Advisor, all our Year 7 teachers and support staff, Mr. Jovanovski our Year 7 Deputy and more, who have worked tirelessly to ensure this transition is smooth, supportive, and memorable for our new students.

A big thank you also goes to everyone who joined us for the ‘Meet the Teachers’ Breakfast here at HSHS in Week 3. It was a wonderful way to connect with our school community, enjoy a delicious breakfast, and put faces to names. The fresh fruit salad & yoghurt, muffins, tea/coffee, and croissants were a hit, and it was truly special to see so many of you supporting your child’s start at Hunter Sports High. We’re grateful to all those who helped organise the event, and to everyone who took the time to be there. It’s moments like these that help us build strong connections and continue to grow as a supportive school community.

Looking ahead, NAPLAN is just around the corner for both Years 7 and 9, and our students are gearing up to showcase their language, literacy and numeracy skills. This is a great opportunity for them to highlight their strengths and identify areas where they can continue to grow. We’re here to support them every step of the way, ensuring they approach NAPLAN with confidence and positivity. Remember, it’s all part of the learning journey!

In addition to NAPLAN, Year 7 and Year 11 interim reports will be sent home by the end of Term 1. These reports will provide you with a valuable snapshot of your child’s progress and adjustment to high school or senior courses. Please take the time to read through them and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Speaking of progress, Parent-Teacher Interviews for Years 7, 11, and 12 will be held in Week 10 of this term. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers, discuss their achievements so far, and check in on how they’re settling into the new school year. We encourage you to book a time to have these important conversations and taking the time to connect.

For those new to HSHS, our school newsletters are published twice each term, and they will keep you informed about student achievements, upcoming events, and all the important happenings at Hunter Sports High. Be sure to check out our website at for past newsletters and other resources and follow us on our official Facebook page for regular updates, and Instagram for Sports Academy updates.

Finally, we’d like to take a moment to emphasise the importance of student attendance. At Hunter Sports High, we truly believe that Every Day Counts, and we encourage both students and parents to prioritise regular attendance. Consistent attendance plays a key role in a student’s academic success, and we ask that you notify the school of any absences and reach out if there are concerns about attendance.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support. We are incredibly excited for what’s to come this year and look forward to watching our students grow and succeed in all aspects of their education.

Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!

Warm regards,

Ms. Rachel Byrne - Principal

English Write Now

As we embark on another exciting year, we extend a warm welcome to Miss Emerson Doherty, who joins our English faculty for 2025. Miss Doherty brings an enthusiastic and innovative insight to our team, and we look forward to the expertise she will contribute to our classrooms.

Miss Emerson Doherty, who joins our English faculty for 2025

Reflecting on 2024, we celebrate the incredible achievements of our students, from outstanding HSC results to impressive performances in NAPLAN. Their dedication, alongside the unwavering support of our staff and families, has made our faculty a place of growth and success. We are so excited to see what the year brings.

In 2025, as we welcome our new Year 7 students to Hunter Sports High School, we have so many exciting plans. We value the partnership between school and home and look forward to working closely with parents and carers to support our students in developing their literacy, critical thinking, and love of learning.

This term, we are starting our Reading to Ignite Curiosity initiative, whereby students in Year 7 will begin reading a book a term across their different subject areas. In Term 1, our TAS faculty starts this program with the implementation of The Invention of Hugo Cabret being read alongside their studies in Design Technology.

Thank you to our entire school community for supporting and recognising the value of reading in our young people’s lives.

The English Faculty would like to acknowledge the passing of an erstwhile colleague, Mr Ross Morgan, who died in January this year.

Mr Morgan was a great supporter of the English Faculty and of Hunter Sports High School and worked for some years in a relief and casual capacity in English.

His knowledge of, and love for literature was quite remarkable and his authentic and caring nature was appreciated by many students in English classes.

He will be remembered fondly.

"...and may flights of angels sing him to his rest"

The English Faculty.


Welcome to another year of learning and striving for success. 2024 proved to be extremely successful in terms of HSC results and student numeracy growth. We are setting the bar even higher this year and would like to remind students of some simple expectations to be successful at Mathematics in 2025.

Equipment required for every Maths lesson:

  • Laptop. (With charger or enough charge for entire day)
  • Calculator (This is compulsory. Casio FX82 is recommended by NSW BOS and can be purchased at the office)
  • Pen
  • Exercise book (A4)

Get to know our online Platforms:

Canvas: All students will be part of a Canvas course for their class. This is a portal for information, announcements, communication with teacher and access to relevant class content.

Education Perfect (Years 7-10): This website is an interactive portal that supplements the work students’ study in class. Every student will have a unique login and password. EP is used for interactive lessons as well as pre-testing and post-testing. Students are welcome to see their class teacher or Sean Love (HT Maths) for login assistance.

Edrolo (Years 11-12): This website is an interactive portal that supplements the work students’ study in the HSC courses. Every student will have a unique login and password. Edrolo is used for lesson reviews, HSC practice questions as well a compulsory Progress Check at the end of each topic that all students must submit.

This term in the mathematics department:

Term 1 Assessment tasks

All students studying Mathematics in years 7-10 have assessment tasks coming up in week 9 and 10. Students will be issued the task notifications through Canvas. All upcoming assessment dates can be found in the HSHS Assessment handbook on the school website.



The Diamond Class have welcomed Mrs Streatfeild as their main teacher this year. Mrs Sreatfeild is enjoying this change, and is very happy to be working alongside Mrs Stewart again with this class. The group has been looking at resumes as well as TAFE and work experience opportunities and has been preparing to be a part of the Coffee Shop program once again.

The Diamond and Pearl classes will be starting out in Coffee Shop, which is a work program where GEM students are given the opportunity to gain skills in food preparation, customer service and money handling. Every Friday we open up our Coffee Shop to staff, and our students serve the amazing meals that have been prepared by either Mrs Stewart or Mrs Wilkes, with the help of GEM students.


Our Opal class has had a great start to the year with students increasing their skills in employment with students enrolling in TAFE courses and others pursuing work experience.

Students have been actively engaged in work-ready lessons designed to equip them with essential skills for life beyond school. We are proud of their commitment to preparing for future success.


We have another jam packed year planned in the Ruby class. We started the year by welcoming 2 new students into our room, and both are settling in well. We look forward to participating in Making Waves Foundation: Winds of Joy once again. This is a valuable program offered by volunteers on a 40ft yacht for students with disabilities. Students are given hands-on experience on the water, and it provides our students with valuable life skills.

The Ruby class is continuing our Recycling program, collecting paper and cardboard across staff areas and classrooms within the school.

We also look forward to getting our senior Ruby students out to work experience in the near future.


We are happy to welcome six new Year 7 students to the Jet class. With the support of their main teacher, Mrs. Browne, they have adjusted well to high school. They are enjoying the many opportunities that Hunter Sports High provides, joining in-class activities and making new friends. It’s great to see them working together and feeling comfortable in their new environment. We look forward to watching them grow and succeed.

Getting Creative

The Getting Creative program offers students in Jet, Opal, Ruby and Pearl the opportunity to participate in creative challenges, $20 Boss and mini electives. Students have elected a course based on interests. These include Art, Drama & Dance and Gardening & Upcycling.

Students’ hard work and creativity will be showcased at our Market Day and Art Exhibition in Term 4 for parents and the community to experience.

Leaving To Learn

Students across the GEM Academy look forward to a year filled with opportunities outside of the classroom. Ruby are heading to the Newcastle Show to scope out garden projects, scarecrows and art ideas. Their ticket price is being subsidised by can-collecting through the Return and Earn incentive. We are also headed to Stockton, Tomaree and the Windale Hub.

We are looking forward to Mrs Cottrill gaining her bus licence in the near future, so we can combine groups, and offer more students great experiences in the community.

The Diamond class have also been busy planning their Leaving to Learn excursions for Term 1. As a class, they brainstormed and discussed some different options, and have decided to visit Warners Bay, the Newcastle Foreshore and Swansea Channel for some fishing. The Diamond group will budget for, plan and then shop for their groceries to make lunch whilst out on these days.

personalised pathways

Passion Projects

Students have selected their Passion Projects for the term and have begun to learn new skills in a variety of activities including: Music, Culture, Craft, Mindfulness, Planning an overseas trip and Recreational Activities. Thank you to Minimbah staff who are delivering the Cultural program for our students.

Students have started their 'Passion Projects' for Term 1


The Wellbeing team has had a very busy and productive start to the year. Orientation Week on 6th and 7th of February involved various sessions for all students with the aim to provide a supported, positive and smooth transition to the new year, particularly for our new Year 7 students. One of the many highlights of this week involved the commencement of the Year 7 Peer Mentor Program which is being led by selected Year 10 students who have already displayed their strong skills in leadership. This program will continue to run over Semester 1. Its aim is to support Year 7 students as they continue to find their way through the HSHS setting, and provide them with opportunities to develop several skills, such as teamwork, resilience, listening, communication, etc.

Breakfast Club is up and running and is available each Friday morning before school. Thank you to Mr Horne for his organisation and to the dedicated staff who assist to make this program possible. Thank you also to Bakers Delight at Mount Hutton for supplying the bread each week.

On Friday 14th February, a motivational speaker, John ‘JC’ Coutis presented to the entire student body in 2 sessions. JC is celebrated as one of Australia’s foremost motivational speakers and he addressed themes of mental health, wellbeing, goal setting, inclusion and resilience. Students were engaged throughout his presentations and many students took up the opportunity to meet and speak to JC after his presentation. It is hoped that JC words have both inspired and motivated students across the school.

Motivational speaker John 'JC' Coutis

There are lots of events coming up in wellbeing for the rest of the term, including the Year 7 Focus Day which will be on 27th March and will involve a range of wellbeing activities, presentations and lessons for this year group. There will also be a Game Smart Workshop on 11th March for selected Year 8 and 9 students on gaming habits that can develop into problem gambling whilst empowering students to make responsible choices. Please see the attached flyer for more details and contact the SSO or Head Teacher Wellbeing if you wish to know more about this program:

Game Smart Workshop


Welcome back to the new school year. We hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting year of learning. This year, we welcome Miss Cross to the faculty. We also extend a warm welcome to our new Year 7 cohort and to the new students joining us in Years 8-12.

Here’s what our students are exploring in HSIE this term:

Year 7 – In Geography, students are examining the interconnected nature of the world. They are developing an understanding of the effects of human activities on places and environments and are investigating sustainability initiatives. This knowledge is essential in fostering responsible global citizens who can make informed decisions about the future of our planet.

Year 8 – Kicking off their studies in History, students are delving into Ancient and Medieval History. Their first unit focuses on how historians and archaeologists investigate the past, laying the groundwork for a deeper appreciation of historical inquiry. Understanding these periods helps students see the foundations of modern society and appreciate the diversity of human experiences.

Year 9 – In Geography, the focus is on human alteration of biomes and the current and future challenges to food production. Students are also exploring management strategies to address these challenges. These topics are crucial as they equip students with the knowledge to understand and respond to global environmental issues, including food security and sustainability.

Year 10 – As students begin their final year of mandatory History, students are investigating the expansion of European settlement in Australia and examining living and working conditions in the 20th century. These studies provide valuable insights into Australia's development, helping students understand contemporary Australian society.

Year 11 – Students are encouraged to make summary notes and complete pre-lesson activities to prepare for class discussions. Assessment task notifications will soon be distributed, so please remind your child to communicate with their teacher to make adequate preparations.

Year 12 – Congratulations to our Year 12 students on achieving excellent results in their first HSC assessment task, completed at the end of Term 4. As they embark on their final year of studies, we encourage students to continue seeking support from their teachers and Mr. Berry.


📢 Jumping Headfirst into the Year with Amazing Career Experiences!

We’re kicking off the year with a wealth of career opportunities for our students, thanks to our partnerships with the Educational Pathways Program (EPP), Regional Industry Education Partnership (REIP), and TAFE NSW.

🔍 What’s Coming Up?

📌 SYF & Headstart Courses – Get a head start on your future with specialised courses.

📌 Apprenticeship Seminars – Learn how to secure an apprenticeship and take the first step in your career.

📌 REIP Courses – Hands-on industry experiences to build real-world skills.

All information on upcoming courses and experiences will be available in Canvas under the Careers tab in your Year Hub. Don’t miss out on these fantastic opportunities to explore your future!

For more details, see Mrs Schubert or Mrs Slaney in the Careers Office or check Canvas regularly.

📩 Stay informed, stay inspired!

A USI is your individual education number for life.

You will need a USI to apply for any EPP, REIP and TAFE courses

  • You will need ID – eg: Medicare card, license, birth certificate, passport
  • Your USI will store ALL of your courses and education outside of school, for the rest of your life. TAFE, First aid, Barista, White Card, Sports Coaching, etc.
  • Use a personal email when you set up your USI number.
  • Your school email will stop working after you leave school.
Keep your USI number as a contact in your phone!


Pre - Apprenticeship / Traineeship Skills Courses

TAFE NSW Start Your Future (SYF)

TAFE NSW Start your future
SYF opportunities for 2025

REIP experiences

The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) Program designs and delivers bespoke opportunities for employers to connect with secondary schools. Through these connections, students learn about jobs and pathways to employment. They develop new skills and employer networks, allowing them to make informed decisions about their career pathways. Employers have the opportunity to educate students about their industry and actively participate in the development of talent pipelines.


What: NECA Electrical Female Apprenticeships information session

The National Electrical and Communication Association (NECA) is looking for a cohort of local females wishing to pursue a career as an Electrician

Topics covered will include A Day in the Life of an Apprentice Electrician, the pre-apprentice program for women, the recruitment process, and the benefits of working for NECA, followed by a Q&A.

When: 4th March 5:00 pm (approx. 30mins)

Where: Online (TEAMS)

Who: Female students wanting to work locally as an Electrical Apprentice – parents, guardians, and CAs are encouraged to attend this information session

How: You can register your interest HERE. An invitation with a link to the information will be sent to you

  • Are you a woman seeking new challenges and a sense of adventure?
  • Have you considered a rewarding career with the Australian Federal Police (AFP)?

Information session – Tuesday 11 March 2025

Join our free Women in policing and protection - online information session and hear directly from our panel of female officers working as a protective service officer (PSO), national police officer and ACT police officer, along with our Recruitment team.

You will get to hear about their day-to-day experiences, the opportunities and challenges, the benefits and support available to women in the AFP, and the recruitment process.

You will also have the chance to ask your questions, and be inspired by their incredible stories of courage, commitment, and success.

Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday 11 March 2025
  • Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm (AEDT)

Register here

School & Community notices

School student travel information for parents and students

School Travel Passes: Applications are now open for 2025 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel. Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their School Opal card at their nominated postal address from mid-January 2025.

Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible.

In the Opal network, students should travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until they receive their valid School Opal card. If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local bus operator to discuss their travel needs. Students living in rural and regional areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via their school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some rural and regional operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.

Further information can be found at Enquiries can be submitted at

Apply now for 2025 school bus travel passes

Getting to school by bus in 2025: Will your child be catching the bus to school next year? Applications are now open for a Bus Travel Pass. As it’s a busy time of year, we highly recommend you make this application before the end of the year. It’s also good to check the bus timetable to make your child’s journey to school as easy as possible. Here is how it works:

Bus passes

  • All students catching the bus in 2025 will need a school travel pass.
  • Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.
  • For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, visit from a desktop computer.

Bus timetables

Busways is the school bus operator that runs your schools’ bus services. To find your child’s school bus timetable visit the Busways website by using the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on ‘school services’ in the navigation bar and then proceed to ‘school timetables
  3. Enter the school’s name in the field that says ‘enter a school name’
  4. Select the school’s name and the timetable should open on your device. If you are unable to find or search for the school’s name, use the drop-down menus on the same web page to find the school.
  5. Once the timetable is opened, you will be able to identify which school bus services are available in your area for your child to use.