Welcome to the the 2024-2025 Broughal Music Blast! It's finally February! All City Orchestra is a few days away, and opening night of Mean Girls, Jr. is less than 2 weeks away. Make sure you get your tickets for Mean Girls, Jr. as soon as possible! Check out the Blast for more information. Go Rockets! Please note that the Broughal Music Blast will be sent out every weekend, detailing the rehearsal schedule, upcoming events, and important announcements.
Liberty HS Band & Orchestra Auditions
On Friday, 1/31, and Monday, 2/3, the band directors from Liberty High School will be auditioning some of our 8th graders for the Grenadier Band & Orchestra. These students should report to the Band Room 10 minutes before their scheduled audition time so that they can set up their instruments, warm up, and review their audition materials. The audition schedule is posted on Schoology and in the Band Room. If you have any questions, please talk to Mr. Stoltz.
All City Orchestra
This week is All City Orchestra! This event is for select students from Broughal, East Hills, Nitschmann, and Northeast. We have rehearsals at Northeast MS (1170 Fernwood Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017) on the following dates:
All City Orchestra Rehearsal Dates:
- Tuesday, February 4th, 7:15 - 11:30 AM
- Wednesday, February 5th, 7:15 - 10:30 AM
Please make sure you are on time and have your instruments and equipment with you for rehearsals! Students should find their own transportation to Northeast MS. After rehearsal has ended, students will be bussed back to Broughal MS. Students are encouraged to bring one (1) snack item to share with All-City students at the end of the last rehearsal. Snack items should be individually wrapped and should serve at least 6 students.
All City Orchestra Concert Information:
The All City Orchestra concert is on Wednesday, February 5th, at 7:30 PM. The doors open to audience members at 7:00 PM. Students should wear black bottoms and either white or black top. Students may wear ties or bow ties. Please report to Northeast MS by the following times:
- Strings - 6:45 PM
- Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion - 7:00 PM
Tickets cost $3.00 each and can be purchased at the doors. We accept payment in cash, check, or money order made payable to "NEBOPO." If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Mr. Stoltz (astoltz@basdschools.org).
Virtual BMPO Meeting - Thursday, 2/6, 7 PM
In our next BMPO meeting, we will share more details about Mean Girls, Jr. and continue our preparation for the busy month of March - including the Broughal Blues Jazz Fest! Additionally, the Liberty HS Band Directors will be attending this meeting. They want to share information with 8th graders who plan to join Liberty's band and/or orchestra next year. This is a great opportunity for students and families to ask questions about next year.
Please use the following information to join the Zoom meeting. If you have any questions, please contact the Directors.
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83392070498?pwd=8qpeF4FD08zAivXAWTlWoI9EmkkAHG.1
- Meeting ID: 833 9207 0498
- Passcode: 3p9PKr
Saturday Jazz Band Rehearsals
Jazz fests will be here in a couple months, which isn't a lot of time to learn new music. I've scheduled the following Saturday Jazz Band rehearsals so that we have more time to learn our music and prepare for our upcoming jazz fests in March:
Saturday Jazz Band Rehearsal Dates
- Saturday, 2/22, 12-3 PM
- Saturday, 3/1, 12-3 PM
These rehearsals will take place in the Band Room at Broughal Middle School. Lunch will be provided on each date. If you have any questions or need any more information, please talk to Mr. Stoltz.
Mean Girls, Jr. Tickets on Sale NOW!
Tickets for MEAN GIRLS, JR. are on sale NOW! The students have been working hard to put together this hilarious comedy, guaranteed to bring a lot of laughter to your next long weekend. We hope you'll join us at one or more of the following dates and showtimes.
Tickets cost $5 for adults, while tickets for students and senior citizens cost $2. Tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis. You may pre-order your ticket online or purchase tickets at the door if any remaining seats are available. Click the button below to reserve your tickets, or visit BroughalMusic.org. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Putlock or Miss Trostle.
Congratulations PMEA Intermediate Band & Orchestra Students!
Congratulations Serenity, Caleb, Geremy, Cali, and Naomi for proudly representing Broughal Middle School and Bethlehem Area School District in the PMEA District 10 Intermediate Band & Orchestra Fest on Friday, 1/24. These 5 students rehearsed for an entire day with other 7th and 8th grade students from around the Lehigh Valley. At the end of the day they performed an outstanding concert at Zoellner Arts Center. Congratulations!
Recording of the PMEA Intermediate Fest concert
If you want to purchase a recording of the PMEA Intermediate Fest concert, please utilize the following QR code or click on the button below.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Broughal Blues Jazz Fest
On Friday, 3/14, Broughal Music will be hosting the 14th Annual Broughal Blues Jazz Fest. This is an exciting event for our school community and other students around the Lehigh Valley; this also is an important fundraiser for the Broughal Music program. However, we need volunteers to make this event run smoothly. Adults and high school community students from Liberty and Freedom are encouraged to sign up for one of the following roles:
Please review the description of each volunteer role and email Mr. Stoltz if you are interested in signing up for a specific role. We also need help with the following tasks:
- Acquire gift card donations from grocery stores
- Beverages (Water & Soda)
- Food (Pizza, Hot Dogs, Rolls, Condiments)
- Snacks (Chips, Candy)
- Plateware, Napkins, Utensils
If you would like to help take care of any of these tasks, please email Mr. Stoltz. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Winter Concert Recording
Did you miss the Winter Concert? Want to relive the concert? The recording is now live on the Broughal Middle School YouTube Channel! Congratulations to all the Broughal Music students on a phenomenal performance! Special shout out to Mr. Laudenslager and his student crew for recording and editing the video!
Band Group Photo
Interested in purchasing the 2024-2025 band group photo? Check out the link for more details!
Handbook Forms Due - Tuesday, 10/1
Like past years, we will be using Google Forms to collect your responses for your Handbook Forms. CLICK HERE to access and complete your forms. If you need paper copies of the Handbook Forms, please contact one of the Directors. All electronic and paper Handbook Forms were due by Tuesday, 10/1. Don't forget to fill out the paper BASD Medical Form (English | Español) in addition to the electronic forms!
Volunteers Needed
One of the most helpful ways to assist Broughal Music is by volunteering! Depending on the event, you'll be assisting and supporting students and directors so that EVERYONE can have a successful, stress-free performance/event! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mr. Stoltz (astoltz@basdschools.org) as soon as possible and let him know which of the following events you would like to volunteer for:
- Friday, 3/7: Northeast Jazz Fest
- Friday, 3/14: Broughal Blues Jazz Fest
- Saturday, 3/15: Parade of Shamrocks
- Friday, 3/21: Nitschmann Jazz Fest
Please note that adult volunteers must have active clearances on file with the Broughal Music Department BEFORE volunteering. Additionally, community service students are limited to students currently attending Liberty High School or Freedom High School. If you have any questions, please contact one of the Directors.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
The Krispy Kreme Fundraiser has ended! All orders and money were due by Thursday, 1/30. Orders must be picked up by Thursday, 2/6, at 3 PM, in the Band Room. For more information, please check out the Order Form below. If you have any questions, please speak with the directors.
Gertrude Hawk Candy Fundraiser
Our first fundraiser started on Thursday, 9/5, and we have NO MORE boxes left! Check out the following details for more information on our first and one of our most popular fundraisers:
- There are 48 bars in each candy box. Each candy bar costs $2. Students should return $96 to the BMPO. All money and orders were due on Thursday, 9/26.
- For each box sold, students earn $40 towards their Broughal Music account.
5 people owe candy money
$50 Fair Share Due Thursday, 9/26
The $50 Fair Share was due on Thursday, 9/26. We use this money to purchase music, supplies, clothing, food, and beverages. We also use these funds to pay for transportation, field trips, and various items and events throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please contact the directors as soon as possible.
Fundraiser & Monthly Payment Plans
Broughal Music has created the following Student Fundraiser Plan and Monthly Payment Plan to help students and families pay for trips and Fair Share. Please note that these plans are optional. If you have any questions, please contact one of the Directors.
Student Account Information
Want to know how much money is in your child's account and how much money you owe for Fair Share, the Broadway Trip, and the Spring Trip? Check out the Broughal Music website or the following button/link. The document is organized by Student ID number, so make sure you have the ID number ready. If you cannot find your child's ID number, please contact Mr. Stoltz (astoltz@basdschools.org).
Do you know when your next lesson is? Have you been practicing your instrument? Check the Lesson Schedule regularly so that you are prepared for your next lesson. Remember, you need to attend 17 lessons per instrument in order to attend the Spring Trip!
Welcome to Mean Girls, Jr.!
The production team had the honor and delight of witnessing some of the very best auditions in Broughal Theatre history for this production. Because so many students were so well-prepared for their auditions, we get to boast an absolute powerhouse cast, but we also had to make some extremely difficult choices for several roles. There are no small roles in theatre and every single member of this cast will shine under the stage lights. The most memorable scenes are those that include our full company and we will all come to discover (or rediscover) the joy in collectively bringing this show to life. (If you saw School Song last year, you know what I'm talking about.). We are so proud of all of you for taking on this challenge and choosing to see this production through. We can only do this if we do it together. On behalf of the entire production team, WELCOME TO MEAN GIRLS JR. Check out the rehearsal calendar so you can start planning ahead.
If you have any questions about the rehearsal schedule, please contact Miss Trostle (jtrostle@basdschools.org) or Miss Putlock (aputlock@basdschools.org).
- Mon, 2/3: Liberty HS Band & Orchestra Auditions (DAY 2)
- Wed, 2/5: All City Orchestra Concert - 7:30 PM @ Northeast MS
- Thu, 2/6: Krispy Kreme Pick-Up, 3 PM
- Thu, 2/6: Virtual BMPO Meeting, 7 PM
- Thu, 2/13: Mean Girls, Jr., 7 PM
- Fri, 2/14: Mean Girls, Jr., 7 PM
- Sat, 2/15: Mean Girls, Jr., 2 PM
- Thu, 3/6: Virtual BMPO Meeting, 7 PM
- Thu, 3/6: Wawa Coupons Begins
- Fri, 3/7: Northeast Jazz Fest, 6:30 PM
- Sat, 3/8: BASD MS Ice Skating, 3:30 - 5:30 PM
- Fri, 3/14: Broughal Blues Jazz Fest, 6:30 PM
- Sat, 3/15: Parade of Shamrocks, 1 PM
- Fri, 3/21: Nitschmann Jazz Fest, 7 PM
- Thu, 3/27: Wawa Coupons Ends
- Mon, 3/31: End of Marking Period 3
- Thu, 4/3: Wawa Coupons PICK-UP, 3 PM
- Thu, 4/3: Virtual BMPO Meeting - 7:00 PM
- Thu, 4/3: All Spring Trip Payments Due!
- Sat, 4/26: Cops N’ Kids Celebration
- Thu, 5/1: Spring Concert, 7 PM
- Thu, 5/1: Grades for Spring Trip Due
- Thu, 5/15: All City Elementary Concert @ Nitschmann MS
- Fri, 5/16: SPRING TRIP: Hersheypark & Music in the Parks Festival
- Fri, 5/23: Fountain Hill Memorial Day Service
- Fri, 5/23: Uniform Collection
- Thu, 5/29: BMPO Meeting & Incoming 6th Grade Meeting - 7:00 PM
- Fri, 5/30: Return School Instruments & Equipment
- Thu, 6/9: Last Day of School for Students
In this handbook, you will find policies, procedures, and other important information regarding the Broughal Middle School Music Program. Please take the time to read this handbook, as the success of our music program depends upon each individual working toward the same goal.
Like past years, we will be using Google Forms to collect your responses for your Handbook Forms. Use the buttons below to access and complete your forms. If you need paper copies of the Handbook Forms, please contact one of the Directors. All electronic and paper Handbook Forms are due by Friday, 10/4. Don't forget to fill out the paper BASD Medical Form in addition to the electronic forms!
Visit our website for more information on the Broughal Music Program!
Check out our Facebook page for important information and to see all of the awesome things that are happening in Broughal Music!
TalkPoints for Families App
Created with an image by Alina - "Top view of pleated santine fabric in neon light. Creative abstract background"