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Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 19.04.24

We were thrilled to see some sunshine at last this week in Lower School and took full advantage of some dry and sunny weather!

Nursery kicked off their 'creep, wriggle and crawl' topic with a minibeast dressing up jump in day! They drew pictures of their minibeast character as well as painting it. Have a look at some of the awesome costumes we had!

Later in the week they went on a minibeast hunt around the school grounds, they found lots of insects hidden in the grass and around the flowers.

Nursery have been learning about ladybirds this week. They have been listening to lots of stories about Ladybirds- the bad tempered ladybird, what the ladybird heard and what the ladybird did next. They showed great listening skills and then practised their cutting and creative skills by making ladybirds using paint and card.

Nursery made some ladybird biscuits and shared what was left with Reception so that they could make some too 🐞🐞

Reception have been learning about caterpillars and butterflies. They used loose parts to make different minibeast pictures.

As part of their P.E. lesson, they used the P.E. equipment to make a giant hungry caterpillar and then went upstairs to view it on the mezzanine. They showed great teamwork skills- working like little ants to get the art attack complete!

Reception have also been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly as well as making repeating patterns and symmetrical butterflies. They also used the story of the hungry caterpillar to make their own story- changing what the caterpillar ate. In their maths learning, they are already learning counting in 2's! Wow! ⭐
