Personal Blog Barry walsh

Views on AI

The Article linked below talks about the future of AI and specifically talks about how important empathy is in the use of future AI. The article also mentions how Humana Pharmacy has already begin an empathetic AI service to aid their call centre teams during calls with it's customers by helping the call centre team to understand the emotions of the caller during the call. Examples of the messages that the AI would send to the call centre team include: the pace of the caller in terms of how fast they are speaking and sudden pauses etc. I found the article interesting by stating valid concerns about AI and also gives positive hope for future AI for a change. They show this hope by giving an example of how people have already started trying to add empathy to AI so there will be maybe less concerns about its future use. For example if AI in the future has to have empathy added to it there may be less fear of the more extreme fears surrounding AI on it turning on humans for example. The video linked below talks about the fears of AI.

Video Link:

Link to Article: