
porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 20th October 2023


We have had a fabulous week and an amazing half term. We have all settled very well and have started to build some wonderful friendships. The children have been involved in a range of different activities and have made an amazing start to learning all the nursery rules and routines.

REMINDERS: Have a fantastic half term holiday, hopefully staying safe and healthy.


The children have worked really hard this half term. They have learnt new routines, new skills and lots of new names! After listening to the ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story, the children enjoyed designing their own gingerbread man and re-telling the story. The children asked to bake their own gingerbread men! We looked at what ingredients we need and followed instructions carefully. In our maths lessons, the children have been learning to count and continue to learn lots of counting songs.

REMINDER: If you missed the reading workshop, the slides and links are on Seesaw. If you need a copy of your child's log in details, please ask a member of staff.

Please bring your child's reading book and reading record into school every day.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named including coats!

Year 1

We have discovered Banjo Robinson (our magical travelling cat friend) was in the Atlantic ocean heading to the country Morocco. We learnt about Moroccan foods, what type of trees they have and that it is part of the African continent. We even danced in a circle to traditional Moroccan music! In Year 1 children learn the names of the five oceans and seven continents of the world and how to locate them on a map.

Year 1 love their daily reading time. Currently the children love poetry, any book from the Oi Frog series, The Oak Tree and Meet the Oceans. We also enjoy revisiting favourites from Reception including Little Rabbit Foo Foo and Room on the Broom.

REMINDER: Please listen to your child read and read aloud daily over half term to ensure children have the chance to rehearse their phonic knowledge and skills therefore continue to make progress with their reading.

We have sent home their P.E. kit so it can be washed over half term. Please return the kit after half term reading for our Thursday P.E. lessons. If they are not already, please label all items with your child’s name. Thank you.

We wish you a happy and safe half term.

Year 2

This week, we made our own special version of ‘The Night Pirates’ story. We changed some parts and used our very own characters. It was so much fun!

In our maths classes, we focused on the fundamental concepts of addition and subtraction. We looked at number bonds and partitioning numbers.

We went for a walk near the seaside and looked at different buildings comparing the present-day buildings with their historical counterparts. We identified striking differences and delightful similarities.

REMINDER: PE kits will be sent home; these should be returned after half term washed and ready to be used on Tuesday. Please continue to read over the half term holiday.

Enjoy your half term.

Year 3

Year 3 have been working hard on addition and subtraction this week, learning how to exchange where necessary. In English, we have been writing up our recipes for flatbread and in science we have been learning about our muscles: what they are and how they help us move. In history we have reached the Iron Age, looking at Iron Age artefacts and the new materials of the time.

REMINDER: Please continue over the break to read with your child and practise times tables - particularly 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4.

Next half term please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school. Our PE lessons are Tuesday and Thursday. but the kit can be brought in and left ready for use.

Year 4

This week Year 4 have been learning more about addition and using known facts to help them add larger numbers. In English, we have been writing our own version of ‘The princess who hid in a tree’ and have changed key elements to make it our own. We have also enjoyed using the computing suite for some learning time.

REMINDER: Please remember to read with your child regularly. Then record what has been read within their reading diaries.

PE kits will be sent home; these should be returned after half term washed and ready to be used on Wednesday. The children can wear tracksuit bottoms in PE now that the weather is getting cooler.

Year 5

This week Year 5 have created their own space collages. Throughout the term, they have learnt different skills to make a collage. They put all of these skills into practice and created some imaginative pieces of art!

On Wednesday, we took a trip to Southend Planetarium. The children found out lots of interesting facts about space. They also explored the museum and took part in a scavenger hunt.

REMINDER: Please continue to read over the half term holiday. If you are out and about and read in some interesting places then please take a photo and send them into class!

Year 6

This week we have been using our knowledge of electrical circuits to make our own switches with conductors of electricity. In English, we have written biographies about Sherlock Holmes. In maths, we have been learning how to calculate using the correct order of operations. We have enjoyed our final netball and dodgeball lessons in PE and are excited to see what next half term holds!


This week in French, Year 2 are learning about numbers to 20; Year 4 are perfecting their numbers up to 70; and Year 5 are learning a variety of animals. We look forward to welcoming Years 6 and 3 back to French after half term, and to meeting Year 1.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday: Music Making for year 1 and 2.
  • Thursday: Choir for years 3 - 6.

Instrumental Lessons

We do have a few vacancies, please contact Mrs Baines if your child would like to learn an instrument.

  • Tuesday am; Drums
  • Wednesday am: Keyboard and Flute
  • Wednesday am: Guitar

Instrument taster session

Music-0n-Sea has teamed up with Southend Libraries to provide a musical instrument taster session at Westcliff Library 1.30 - 3.00pm Monday 23rd October. They'll have a range of instruments available to try. From Ukulele, Violin to Clarinet there will be something for everyone.

The session will run as a free drop in session but attendees must book their free ticket at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/musical-instrument-taster-session-tickets-728743089197.

Healthy Schools

Online Safety

With children increasingly going online, the chances of them coming across content that may cause them upset also increases. Whilst carefully monitoring the use of devices and ensuring the settings are correct will minimise this, there may be occasions when you will need to talk with them. This latest guide offers you some ways to support them.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.15am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

School Uniform Donations

We welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.15am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.

*** White Polo Shirts needed ***

If you have any white polo shirts or short sleeved white shirts in good clean condition that your children have grown out of could you consider donating them to the school.

Thank you



Congratulations to Stingray and Orca Class who received their class attendance awards this week. Stingray having had the best attendance in school at 97.69%, had their class attendance song played as the children left assembly.

Parents Reporting Absences

We have had a higher than usual number of pupil absences that have not been reported to the school attendance team this week. Absences that have no reason recorded are marked on the register as unauthorised. If a child is absent without a reason being provided, the school will aim to contact you. If we are unable to get hold of you by phone or email school staff or our local authority attendance officer may also carry out a welfare visit to your home address.

Please be reminded if your child is absent from school for any reason, a parent should contact the school to let us know. You can do this by telephoning the school on 01702468047 (select OPTION 1 for the attendance line) on the morning of absence. Make sure you are ready to provide your child's name, class and reason for the absence. You can also report a pupil absence via the attendance email – attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk. Mrs Wyer or Mrs Morris will confirm that they have received your message and the reason for the absence can be communicated to the class teacher.

Pupil attendance is checked daily, so if an absence is going to continue for more than one day, please keep us updated in the same way, call or email the school.

Out Of School Hours Absence Reporting

You can call the school and leave a voicemail message on the attendance line or leave a message in the form of an email, if you need to contact the school at a time that is out of school hours.

Dinner Menu

Week 1

Monday - Ham & Pineapple Pizza - Margherita Pizza - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Sweetcorn - Chocolate Rice Krispie Cake

Tuesday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Jacket Potato with Cheese - Peas - Spiced Carrot Sponge

Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Macaroni & Cheese - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans or Cheese - Seasonal Greens - Vanilla Ice Cream

Thursday - Chicken Fajita Wrap - Vegetable Pasanda with Rice - Pasta with Roasted Tomato & Basil Sauce - Steamed Carrots - Maryland Cookie

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers - Vegetable & Bean Chimichangas - Pasta with Cheese Sauce - Chips & Baked Beans - Chocolate & Courgette Sponge

Diary Dates


  • Monday 23rd - Friday 27th - October Half Term
  • Monday 30th - INSET Day


  • Friday 17th - Children In Need
  • Monday 20th - Year 5 & 6 visting the cinema


  • Wednesday 6th - Flu Immunisations
  • Tuesday 19th - Christmas dinner
  • Thursday 21st December - Wednesday 3rd January - Christmas break


Essex Fire Museum - Halloween open days 2023 (October Half term)