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ADOBE PROJECT NEO (BETA) Release notes & Community sharing

October 2024 Release Notes

* 3-4X Faster performance during object rendering - this will make it butter smooth to work with bigger scenes.

* Type tool is now in the build and supports up to five fonts that can be blended and shape edited just like any of the other primitive shapes in Neo.

* New Community sharing flow that promotes learning and inspiration from fellow Neo users by browsing the community. Users can choose to remove files from community sharing from a set of intuitive controls and easily accessed settings.

* History slider is now integrated into the community gallery so that anyone can see how a design was created - its like having thousands of tutorials right when you open the app!

* New UI updates to bring some of the style elements into even more familiar Adobe territory.

* New object stack controls and layout for better navigation and ability to toggle visibility on/off.

* Improvements to the Send to Illustrator as vectors feature to reduced the number of points created and auto-grouping of SVG zones by face so that files are more organized when working in Illustrator.

* NEW! Scene to image (GenAI) feature gives creative control to designers by creating images based on a scene composition based on the depth, angle and color information in the scene. Generate endless comps and reference with exactly the right angle.

* Save camera views so that you can lock in the different angles for your compositions.


Community sharing

Explore, learn, and share with other designers

View how a design came together step-by-step. Remix a featured project to use it as a starting point. And share your own work in the gallery so you can inspire and help other designers learn Neo.

Shared designs are mini tutorials

When you share a design, others can view it and snapshots of its history in Community. This helps everyone see what’s possible with the app and learn how to use it better. You can remove a design from the Share menu in the workspace or the More menu in Your designs, or on your design in the Community.

Learn and design faster by remixing

Remixing enables you to use a file as a starting point for your own design. This way, you can learn how the composition came together by exploring all the aspects of the file. Currently, remixing is only supported for projects that are created by Adobe artists. To Remix a project, find your favorite in the Remixable filter in Community. Click the image for the file and locate the Remix button to open the file in the Neo editor.

Invite others to view and collaborate

Shared designs also enable you to Share a link to your design with others. When others open a link to your design, they will be able to see your design directly in the Neo editor so that they can look around your file and see all the variations and possibilities of your design work. While another person has your file open, you will see a visual indicator of where they’re currently looking. Others viewing your file can move content and shapes around but any changes to your file will not be visible to you and will not be saved. From the Share menu, select the Copy link option to copy the link to your clipboard.

Community filters

Use the filters to navigate to one of the categories to look for your preferred content in Community. If you like a shared artwork and you want to see more by the same artist, click the more icon in the design thumbnail and select More from this user. To view any of the filters below

  • Trending – most viewed or liked of recently shared designs.
  • Remixable - Adobe-created content, all files are remixable.
  • Popular - most liked of shared designs.
  • Timeline – live view of the most recently shared files so that you can see other designers learning in real-time.