SFHS Science League Meets Mondays @2:45 pm in room 1214 with Ms. Liem

The goal of the Science League is to bring science-minded students together.

The clubs in the Science League include: Research @ SF, Neuroscience Club, Biomedical Research ClubBiotech Club, and the Biomedical Engineering Society. The Science League is moderated by Ms. Liem.

Meeting Dates for 2024-25

Research @ SF

Research @ SF is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of innovators and researchers and encourage anyone who is curious about the sciences to join!

Neuroscience club

The Neuroscience Club delves into the fascinating intricacies of the brain, offering students a chance to uncover its many mysteries and complexities through exciting hands-on activities, insightful student-led discussions, and speaker events in a low-pressure environment.

Biomedical research club

The Biomedical Research Club contributes to the field of medicine by conducting relevant, targeted research aiming to bridge the gaps in current knowledge and foster potential solutions to pressing medical challenges.

Biotech Club

Biotech Club aims to serve as a community of people ambitious about or interested in biotechnology, where they can learn more about the field as a major/career and hopefully discover something they're passionate about.

Biomedical Engineering Society

The Biomedical Engineering Society fosters innovation and collaboration among students by providing hands-on experience and insights into the intersection of biology, medicine, and engineering.