WVSS Monthly Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2024

Dear West Vine Families,

It has been a wonderful start to the school year. Thank you for the warm welcome, friendly smiles, and positive attitudes. During my interview process, I was aware that West Vine was a special place. A place where students and families were welcomed and supported. Since my official start date in July, I have experienced this first hand. Thank you for allowing me to join your community.

The fall is upon us and there are many events that are up and coming. Please be on the lookout for advertising through Parent Square. In particular, please be sure you have the evening of September 26 set aside for our Annual Grades 1-5 Back to School Night. This is a wonderful evening when you can come to the school and meet all of the devoted staff who work with your student. More information is coming soon, but if you block that night out, you will be set.

Have a wonderful rest of September, and I look forward to seeing your student at the school.


Damian Reardon

Proud West Vine Principal

Our 2024-2025 School Theme - Hoisting Our Sail


September 25 - Picture Day

Sept 26 - Back to School Night (Gr. 1-5)


We are excited to kick-off the school year with our SWIM school-wide expectations and assemblies. We want all students to try their best to become expert “swimmers” this year! Our school mascot is the Super Beluga whale. The idea of SWIM is to catch students taking part in positive actions all throughout the day including: in the classrooms, hallways, specials, lunch, recess, and even on the bus.

Each month, we are going to focus on one letter from SWIM. This month, we have been focusing on learning all the parts of SWIM (Stay Safe, Work Hard, Include All, and Model Respect.

News From the Nurse......

On Thursday,10/3 and Friday,10/4 hearing and vision screenings will be conducted on students at West Vine as required by Connecticut General Statutes for grades K,1, 3-5. If a hearing problem is suspected, the student will be rechecked at a second screening. If further consultation is recommended, parents will be notified in writing of the findings and will be asked to seek further medical evaluation. If your student has had a physical within the last year and the screenings were completed by their pediatrician, and documentation was given to the nurse, your child will not be screened unless requested by a guardian prior to 9/27. If you have any questions concerning the screenings, please contact the school nurse.

Have a wonderful start to the new school year!

Pam Schroeder, RN

West Vine Street School Nurse

Interventionist Corner

We are off to a great start at West Vine Street School! It’s nice to see all the students back and hearing about their summer vacation. We want to thank everyone who took part in the Summer Reading and Math programs. We can’t thank you enough for making reading and math a priority during the summer months. In these monthly newsletters we will plan on writing about some helpful tips, research, book recommendations, math games and what’s happening for reading and math fun around our school. Feel free to reach out to us at any point during the school year.

Wishing you the best 2024-2025 school year!

West Vine Reading & Math Team,

Faith MacDonald-Reading Interventionist

Jackie Longo- Reading Interventionist

Kate Southard- Math Interventionist

Connections Committee

Hi Families,

This year we are merging our former Spirit, SEL, Coordinate Buddy and Student Leadership Committees to form one ultimate, “Connections Committee!”

Our connections committee has been hard at work planning fun activities for the year, organizing SWIM assemblies, and beginning our Coordinate Buddy connections.

Coordinate Buddies:

Our coordinate buddy classes have been set and are enjoying a fun ‘getting to know you activity’ for the month of September.

Student Leadership:

Fourth and fifth grade students: Student Leadership applications have been distributed. If you are interested in becoming a student leader for West Vine Street School - please fill out the application packet and turn it in to Mrs. Major or Mrs. Turgeon by next Friday, September 20th.

Our first student leadership meeting will be held after school on Monday, Sep 30, 2024.

Spirit Days:

There are no spirit dress up days for the month of September. Spirit days will begin in October. A list of all spirit days for the year will be sent home within the next few weeks!

Click the SEPTEMBER Menus ( Breakfast and Lunch) from SPS Nutrition Services.