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The Lenham School Newsletter

Term 5 - Summer Edition


Points in Time... - Mr Ferguson


Working Hard

Spring Showcase

VIAT Speaking Contest

Duke of Edinburgh


The Importance of Reading

GCSE Art Exhibition

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme

How to Find Out More

Second Hand Uniform

Dates for the Diary - Term 6

Points in time...

Dear Parent/Carer,

I can’t believe I am almost coming towards the end of my first year as your Headteacher! This has been the most challenging year of my working life, but at the same time, the most enjoyable and rewarding experience I have ever had.

'Time Flies'

When key points in time like this come up, you can suddenly become quite reflective, and I have especially felt this way watching our Year 11s conduct themselves so brilliantly in their GCSEs. As a school community, we should all be incredibly proud of how they have handled this challenge. For them, it is a key point in time in their lives and it will quickly come round for children in the younger years. As an example, if your child is just finishing Year 8, then they will be sitting these exams in three years. That might feel like a long way away, but if you close your eyes and cast your mind back three years, they were just starting Year 6… suddenly three years doesn’t feel like such a long time, does it?

'Future's Bright'

That’s why I am continuing to take big decisions to help make the Lenham School the best school around. Some of these are fun and easy decisions, like holding music concerts and launching PSA football academy streams. But, some of them are more challenging, such as my decision to ban phones. I am sure that all of you fully understand that whatever decision I have to take, I am doing it for the good of everyone in my care. All I want is the best for your children and to ensure that when they reach those key points in time in their lives, they are ready.

Mr Ferguson - Headteacher


As we approach the end of Term 5 it is a time to take immense pride in what has been achieved this term and so far, this year. Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 have begun their external summer examinations with gusto: the school continues to be vibrant with students engaging in great work both in and out of the classroom.

Working Hard

Students in Year 11 have been building towards their exams all year. Over the Easter holidays the school was open on most days offering revision sessions for nearly all subjects. Over a hundred students engaged with at least one session and all students have worked incredibly hard to get ready for their exams. As a result, the first two weeks of exams have gone smoothly, and students remain upbeat despite the tough challenges they face. The same can be said for students in the 6th Form who have been completing exams as part of their Level 3 BTEC programme. We will be offering more sessions over the May Half Term that students can sign up to via the following link: Year 11 Revision

Year 11s working hard during Easter Holiday Revision...
In Class...
Guided by their expert teachers

Spring Showcase

The students once again took centre stage for our Spring Showcase. Following the success of the last showcase in January, students from all year groups took to the stage to sing, dance, act and perform as part of the School’s band. It was an extravaganza to be proud of as students displayed confidence and character as they performed to a sell out audience. Please do keep an eye out for our final live show of the school year in Term 6.

Giving our students the chance to shine

VIAT SPeaking Contest

Students from TLS competed in the annual Valley Invicta Academies Trust Speaking Competition. This is where students from all year groups compete against students from all the schools within the Trust in delivering two short speeches (one they have prepared for and one that is unknown until the evening). We were really proud of the three students who took part: Autumn, Jack and Scott and a massive well done to Autumn who came first place in the Junior Category.

TLS participants - Autumn, Jack and Scott
Junior Winner - Autumn

Duke of Edinburgh

Our latest cohort of Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award students have been busily preparing for their upcoming expedition. This has involved them attending regular training sessions, taking part in a high level First Aid Course as well as carrying out a practice expedition on a very wet and windy day at the start of May. Students in Years 9 & 10 will shortly be completing their main expedition which will support them in completing the award. Many thanks to Miss Mason, Mr Richardson, Miss Collins as well as Miss Bassett (last minute step in) for supporting our students.

Duke of Edinburgh participants


As always this has been a very busy term for students participating in extracurricular activities. TLS believes that shaping students' character through a well-planned and developed Personal Development programme is as integral to their development as the academic rigour they face in the classroom. Key highlights this term include our second Year 8 Trip to Portsmouth; Year 10s being very busy with trips out to Herne Bay for Geography; Mid Kent College to learn about future courses; Whitechapel to learn about the murders of Jack the Ripper and taking part in the ‘Degree in a Day’ at Canterbury Christchurch University. Students were also told about an exciting opportunity to participate in an 8 day expedition to Romania in July 2026 which has received a lot of positive interest.

Year 10s visiting MidKent College to find out about their exciting post 16 courses
Year 8s exploring the delights of Portsmouth Dockyard

The Importance of Reading

We know practising reading is pivotal to enable our young people to access the curriculum. As a parent, you are faced with the joy and challenges of having a teenager or pre-teen, especially when it comes to the battle of screen time. The habits from primary school are often lost if we do not remove the screens for just 10-20 minutes per day and encourage conversations about what our young people are reading and giving them a quiet, calm and screen free space to read. In class, years 7-9 are spending part of their fortnightly library lesson exploring their reading identities…could you discuss at home who you are as a reader?

I’ve noticed we enjoy fishing at the weekends – why don’t we have a look for a book about the best fishing techniques to use?

I can see you enjoy helping me cook – let’s have a look at a recipe book about using chocolate!

You seem to love that video game set in Japan – I’ve noticed a fiction book which is set in Japan – let’s give it a go.

Supporting Reading

GCse Art Exhibition

We would be thrilled if you wish to join us for the GCSE Art Exhibition on Tuesday 25 June between 4-6pm. Student work will be displayed in the T-Hub and we would welcome anyone who wished to come and see the amazing work that has been produced by our students.

We would love you to join us

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme

The HAF programme in Kent provides healthy, nutritious food and exciting, enriching activities for children during the school holidays. It also supports their physical and mental health and wellbeing. Families of children aged four to 16 years, who receive benefits-related free school meals (FSM), can access the opportunities for free during the Easter, Summer, and Christmas holidays. More information is available on the HAF Programme website:

How to Find Out More

Please feel free to join our Facebook Page The Lenham School | Maidstone | Facebook to keep up to date with all the exciting things that are happening both in and out of the classroom.

Second Hand Uniform

Details of how to access our second-hand uniform is available on our school website. With the continued rise in household costs, we hope this initiative can make a small difference by helping some of our families to access free uniform

We wish all our students a restful break and look forward to welcoming them back on Tuesday 4 June.


Dates for the Diary

3 June Staff Development Day - School Closed (Apart from Year 11s)

4 June Start of Term 6

4-7 June Year 10 & 12 Work Experience

5 June PGL Info Evening

7 June Progress Reports Issued

10-14 June Key Stage 3 End of Year Exams

11-13 June Year 5 Open Mornings

18-20 June Year 5 Open Mornings

20 June Year 10 Aspirations Evening

20 June Year 7 Science Trip to Wingham Wildlife Park

21-28 June Year 10 & 12 Pre Public Exams

26 June 6th Form Induction Day

27 June Year 7 Author Visit

27 June VIAT Music Event

27 June Year 11 Prom

1-5 July Year 6 Transition Week

5-8 July Year 7 PGL Trip

8 July Year 10 Employability Day

9 July VIAT Sports Event

10 July TLS Speech Day

10-12 July Year 7-9 Trip to Paris

12 July Last Day of Term
