
porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 10th November 2023

Remembrance Day

We were very proud with the perfect way in which the children observed the minute silence today for Remembrance Day. Prior to 11 o'clock, the children had discussions in class about the significance of the day and the importance of showing respect for those who have given their lives in the armed forces and for anyone affected by war around the world.

Children in Need

Friday 17th November is Children in Need day. We will be raising money for this worthwhile charity by having a non-school uniform day. If you have anything Pudsey related, feel free to wear it, but don't feel you have to.

We will be collecting for the charity and your child will be able to bring in cash donations to give to their class teacher. There is no expectation to donate; we understand that many will have donated already or have other charities which they support.


This week we have had a very exciting week. At the beginning of the week we talked about fireworks, the colours, shapes and noises. We had special black playdough and made and painted our own fireworks. On Friday we learnt about why we wear a poppy. We made some of our own poppies and made some yummy poppy biscuits.

REMINDERS: Please unsure your child comes to nursery daily with a warm coat and the appropriate footwear for the weather conditions as we use the outside environment daily …. rain or shine!!


This week we were excited to talk about Guy Fawkes and the fireworks displays. We learned how to use different describing words to describe the sounds they make. We were learning how to make a 3D firework using paper. We had lots of fun acting out ‘helicopter stories’; we have had to think carefully about emotions and expression. We used our imagination to become characters in a story. In maths, we have been learning about weight and capacity. We have enjoyed using the weighing scales to compare items using specific vocabulary: heavy, light, lighter, heavier. At the end of the week we learned about ‘Remembrance Day’; we watched a short video and decorated a poppy picture.

REMINDERS: Please ensure your child has a named coat in school every day as the weather is very unpredictable and we open the outdoor area everyday!

Please continue to read at home with your child aim for three times per week minimum. We will change their book in school once a week.

Year 1

We have been learning to rhyme words from our key texts, ‘Oi Frog’; dog, bog, hog and ‘Oi Cat’; mat, rat, bat. The rhyming words have been used as a prompt to make our own sentences. We have also been learning how to subtract amounts on a number line by counting back. The children needed a lot of practice using their fingers to make jumps backwards. Please use the app Seesaw to support your child at home to complete some subtraction calculations.

REMINDER: Can you please make a note of how your child reads at home. This helps us make an assessment between home and school learning.

Also, please ensure all PE kits are returned to school. All clothing needs to have your child’s name on them. This helps us to ensure items are not lost.

Year 2

This week in our English lessons, we looked at conjunctions and persuasive language. We learned how to use joining words like ‘and’ and, ‘but’,” and “because” to make our writing more interesting. Not only that, we also discovered the power of persuasive language and crafting sentences that make our amazing school library sound even more fantastic.

In maths we continued with adding and subtracting larger numbers, some with two digits, and ensuring they stay within the tens place. In PSHE we explored resolving conflicts and arguments in the best possible ways. We learned some clever strategies to find solutions if we don’t agree.

REMINDER: Please remember to send your child to school with a coat; they need it when playing outside.

PE kits should also be in every Tuesday or alternatively be left at school. They will be sent home at the end of the term.

Year 3

This week Year 3 have been writing stories based on The Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. In maths we have tackled subtraction, complements to 100 and estimating and in design and Technology we investigated pneumatics using syringes and piping, ahead of designing our own pneumatic toys.

REMINDER: Please send your child with a PE kit - our PE sessions are Tuesday and Thursday.

Year 4

This week we have been writing our own play scripts based on The Princess Who Hid in a Tree. We have used adverbs and special punctuation to make our play scripts make sense. In maths we have finished our topic on addition and subtraction and have been using estimation to help us figure out answers. In geography we continued learning about migration and why people move countries for economic reasons.

REMINDER: Reading diaries should be in school every day so that the children can read to an adult and read to themselves.

Year 5

This week in English we have been creating our own metaphor poems, using the world biomes we have learnt about in geography as inspiration. We have been describing 'deathly' dangerous deserts - hotter than ovens - to underwater aquatic cities under the cover of mirror like waves. All the children have worked hard and flexed their creative writing muscles! In maths we have been looking at square and cubed numbers - before moving on to multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000. In science we have continued looking at forces, attempting to prove that we can counter its effects with counteracting forces like air resistance. Phew, what a busy week!

REMINDER: please ensure your child has a completed PE kit in school ready for PE lessons on Monday and Friday.

Year 6

In English, Year 6 have continued to explore the Shakespeare play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and wrote a monologue by Duke Theseus. In DT, the children made a pressure and toggle switch as part of the Electronics unit. The children investigated whether light travels in a straight line in our science lesson using torches and pieces of cardboard.

REMINDER: Please read daily and record in your home school diary. A PE kit must be in school on Wednesday and Friday.


This week year one have been learning some more basic phrases in French and really enjoyed it. Year six have continued to learn French through the topic of football, and year three have been reading and writing about pets. Any European Day of Languages posters at home, please bring them in, so I can get on with the judging. Thank you.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday lunchtime: Choir
  • Tuesday: Music Making for year 1 and 2.
  • Thursday: Choir for years 3 - 6.

Instrumental Lessons

We do have a few vacancies, please contact Mrs Baines if your child would like to learn an instrument.

  • Tuesday am: Drums
  • Tuesday am: Guitar and keyboard
  • Wednesday am: Keyboard
  • Wednesday am: Guitar

Healthy Schools

Online Safety

Many apps and digital games may at first appear to be free and fun but employ microtransactions that can quickly mount up and cost a small fortune! It’s a system which has featured in many of younger gamers’ perennial favourite franchises, from Fortnite to FIFA. As well as encouraging regular spending, microtransactions – especially the increasingly common use of loot boxes – have also been scrutinised for what many argue is a resemblance to gambling, with the potential to foster addictive behaviours. This guide tells you what you need to know about microtransactions.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.15am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

School Uniform Donations

We welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.15am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.

*** White Polo Shirts needed ***

If you have any white polo shirts or short sleeved white shirts in good clean condition that your children have grown out of could you consider donating them to the school.

Thank you


Holiday Requests

Holidays taken during term-time will not be authorised, so please bear this in mind when making your booking. We would expect that holidays are booked during the school holiday dates. School term dates are available on the school website and printed copies are in the main foyer.

Appointments and Absence Requests

We encourage parents/carers to make appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the child should be out of school for a minimum amount of time, coming back to school after the appointment or attending school before the appointment and returning after it has taken place, if appropriate to do so. Attending an appointment during term-time will be counted as authorised as long as the school is notified in advance and evidence of the appointment is provided. Evidence can be shown by way of an appointment letter, card, text message or email. Please show this to the school office or email a copy to the attendance email address in advance of the appointment.

Requests for other absences can be made in two ways, 1) you can complete a Pupils Absence Request via our online form found on our website or 2) you can complete the request on a paper form that is available from the front office. All requests are review by our Principal. As a school we would expect that for any planned pupil absence, parents inform the school in advance. For many instances we can authorise an absence that we have been informed about. If we are not able to authorise the absence, we will note the reason of the absence so that it can be considered as part of the school’s pupil absence review and fixed penalty notice for absences process.

Reporting Absence

If your child is absent for any reason, you should let the school know by telephoning 01702 468 047 (option 1) on the morning of the absence. Please provide your child's name, class and reason for absence. Please also keep us updated if the absence continues into the following day.

Contact us

If you would like any support or advice on attendance or punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator or Mrs D Morris Assistant Principal and Senior Leader For Attendance through our email - attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk

Dinner Menu

Week 3

Monday - Cumberland Sausages with Mashed Potato & Gravy - Vegan Sausages with Mashed Potato & Gravy - Pasta with Cheese Sauce - Peas - Apple & Carrot Flapjack

Tuesday - Beef Chilli with Steamed Rice - Vegetable Chilli with Steamed Rice - Jacket Potato with Cheese - Steamed Carrots - Jam Sponge

Wednesday - Sticky Glazed Chicken - Margherita Pizza - Pasta with Tomato & Basil Sauce - Spicy Potato Wedges & Sweetcorn - Cherry Cornflake Cake

Thursday - Creamy Pesto Chicken with Fusilli Pasta - Vegetable Pasta Bake - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Pan Fried Leeks - Vanilla Ice Cream

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers - Vegetable & Bean Stuffed Pitta Pocket - Pasta with Tomato & Lentil Sauce - Chips & Baked Beans - Chocolate Shortbread Biscuit

Diary Dates


  • Friday 17th - Children In Need
  • Monday 20th - Year 5 & 6 visting the cinema


  • Tuesday 5th - KS1 rehearsals at the Church
  • Year 5 & 6 rehearsal at the Church
  • Wednesday 6th - Flu Immunisations
  • Year 3 Christingle
  • Thursday 7th - Year 4 Christingle
  • Wednesday 13th - KS1 Christmas Performance
  • Thursday 14th - KS1 Christmas Performance
  • Monday 18th - Year 5 & 6 Christmas service
  • Tuesday 19th - Christmas dinner & Christmas Jumper day
  • Thursday 21st December - Wednesday 3rd January - Christmas break

January 2024

  • Thursday 4th - Children return to school
