Vinelines 5 July 2024

To the children leaving us this year - I wish you good luck and I thank you for your contribution to the Vinehall community. I urge you to take with you the traditional values that have been so deeply instilled in Vines over our 85 years. It is these softer skills that truly impress and that will open doors for you throughout your lives.

I am confident that our children have the key characteristics to aid resilience. Even if they do not have all the skills and knowledge required to overcome a particular problem, they will have confidence in their inter-personal abilities and a resourcefulness to acquire what they need.

I know I speak for the parents and for all the staff when I say that we could not be happier and prouder of our Vinehall children.

Happy holidays to you all.


Prize Giving

Pre-Prep: Final Farewells

Nicky Whittaker - Head of Pre-Prep

Well we have finally made it to the end of the academic year and what a busy last week it has been!

In our Leavers' Assembly yesterday, I told the children the true story of Eric Lawes, who was a famous metal detectorist who discovered a hoard of silver coins dating back to the Roman period. In the assembly, the children had great fun with a metal detector before I explained that we come to school to discover our own precious treasure. This might take the form of a new friendship, discovering new talents, the joy of learning new things, or just a feeling of belonging. May all of us at Vinehall continue to unearth our own hidden treasure as we travel life’s journey together.

In our final Leavers' Assembly we said 'goodbye' to our wonderful Year 2 children, who are ready to spread their wings and fly to the Prep school. We bid a sad farewell to Louisa Bennett, who has given Vinehall and countless children so much during her service here. And finally, on behalf of all the staff, I would like to say a huge thank you for all the very generous gifts we have received and wish you all a lovely and relaxing Summer break. We look forward to starting all over again in September!

Nursery - Our Learning Journey

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

What a wonderful Learning Journey for our Little Vines. We started getting to know each other by learning about our 'Marvellous Selves.’ We have embraced seasonal changes and cultures and now, for many, the Nursery journey ends but new and exciting beginnings await! We are so proud of each and every unique individual and wish them all many more happy days ahead full of awe and wonder.


Catherine Garlick - Kindergarten Teacher

The children have had a wonderful time enjoying their last week in Kindergarten. Our book focus has been ‘Dear Zoo’ and we have been caring for our toy pets, writing letters to the zoo, playing with the small world animals and using the internet to find out about different animals.

We have also been thinking about moving on to our new class or school and talking about the exciting adventures that are waiting ahead. The Kindergarten staff would like to thank all parents and carers for their support this year. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this class and hope everyone has a very well-deserved happy summer holiday.


Louisa Bennett - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep

Reception have had a wonderful final week full of laughter. It started by reading 'Sharing a Shell' and we used pastels to create pictures of shells focusing on colour and detail. The highlight was the trip to Cooden beach. Although the weather was not very bright, it did not dampen the children's enthusiasm and we had a fantastic day. Reception also had a lovely morning in Year 1, where they explored their new surroundings for September.

Year 1

Jacklyn Garwood - Year 1 Teacher

The children ended their Year 1 journey by digging up the time-capsule we buried back in September. Laughter could be heard all around as the children discovered how much they had grown and how much they had changed from the portraits of themselves back then. Year 1 celebrated the many friendships they have made over the year. They will never forget their Pre-Prep beach trip, laughing and playing together. I am missing all the children already and wish them all the best as they venture into Year 2!

Year 2

Louise Hawtin - Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 had a wonderful day at the beach on Wednesday. The children found shells, built sandcastles, dug channels and paddled in the sea. They were also very lucky to spot a seal in the distance.

The children have also been thinking about how to improve the grounds of Vinehall, so worked in groups to think of useful additions to the school. Once they had devised their questionnaire they asked different members of staff for their opinions.

Year 3 - Cauliflowers fluffy and lovely, long leeks ... soon!

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Last Friday afternoon, Year 3 helped Louise Waters to plant cauliflower and leek seedlings in one of the vegetable patches. 'It was a really fun way to finish Activities Week', said Isabel VG.

Year 3 - Chalk and water fun!

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Last week Year 3 explored parallel and perpendicular lines and capacity. Another fun day in the sun at the end of Activities Week.

Year 3 - Do heavy/big 'Paper-copters' stay in the air longer than light/small ones?

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Our last investigation of the year in Science was great fun as Year 3 learnt about seed dispersal and planned a fair test. Mrs E was reminded of the 'Croc Drop' at Chessington as she perched at the top of the fire escape waiting for the children to drop their 'paper-copters' at the same time and the same height!

Year 3 Poetry Performance

Year 3 gave a stunning poetry performance to the whole school in the theatre on Wednesday. They performed 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper and 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson. Mrs E was immensely proud of them all.

Drama: Sister Act

Mary Alderson - Head's PA and Director of Drama

On Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July the Chaplin Theatre was transported to downtown San Francisco as our amazing Year 8s and some volunteer Year 7s embraced the challenges of larger-than-life characters, different accents, singing, dancing and keeping us all on the edge of our seats. Their efforts were rewarded by the delight of three packed audiences.

Skye R was magnificent in the role of Doloris van Cartier, a would-be Nightclub singer forced to take refuge from her violent boyfriend in a Roman Catholic nunnery. This is a challenging and vibrant role that she embraced with great skill and humour. Isla Mc was excellent as the initially frosty Mother Superior, and there was a marvellous group of wonderful singing nuns. Ricky W was an imposing Monsignor, with his sycophantic Chaplain (Joshua G). The baddies were led by Sebastian R’s evil Curtis, eventually foiled by the nuns and the devoted Eddie (Ethan E).

Productions such as this require a huge amount of support from staff and parents and I have been amazed at the creativity and commitment. Incredible costumes, props, crowd-control and even a spectacular stained-glass window. I am so grateful to them all but should give a special mention to the brilliant Kate Hunt, my right-hand superstar.

The children have certainly worked very hard to pull it all together in such a short time and with so few rehearsals during their post-CE programme. I am very proud of them all and hope they will take a love of performance with them to senior school and beyond. I wish them great happiness and success.

Year 7 Trip to France

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

What a fascinating trip to Normandy in activities week!

We visited: the Unesco World Heritage site, Mont St Michel; the D-day memorials; Bayeux Cathedral and the Bayeux Tapestry; the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen; Les Caramels d'Isigny; the Normandie luge roller coaster; a lovely creperie; and, of course, had the pleasure of meeting our friends at the French school. It was a hot and busy week, full of history, culture and memory-making.

Lots of the photos from the trip have been put together into an album which can be enjoyed at this link:


Kevin Higginson - Head of Mathematics

Three of our pupils from Years 7 and 8 qualified from the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge to compete in the next round of the competition, The Junior Kangaroo. This round is by invitation only for the top 25% of pupils in the country.

Congratulations to Matilda B, Ethan E and Isla M who received invitations to this round, with Isla being 'Best in Year 8 and best in School' and Matilda 'Best in Year 7'.

Our Year 3 and 4 pupils competed in the 'First Maths Challenge' last week, a national maths competition. They were all very successful in their endeavours. The best in school and Silver Award winner was Coralie F.

Congratulations to George S in 3E for being the most active on TTRS over the last fortnight, with an average time played of 2 mins 11 secs per day.

Remember 3 minutes per day average is what children should aim for to improve those key Times Tables skills.

I will be handing out prizes to pupils in Years 3-6 who can get their average time spent above 3 minutes over the summer holidays, starting Saturday 6th July and finishing on Sunday 1st September.


Sue Glossop - Director of Music

Congratulations to Arlo K who was selected to play the piano in the inaugural Repton International Piano Competition. Six schools were represented in the finals, including those in China, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and ten performances were chosen by Professor John Thwaites, Head of Keyboard Studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. In the finals, Arlo's performances were highly praised by Professor John Thwaites, who is known for his astute, insightful and fair adjudication.

Arlo's piano pieces were as follows:

'Rumores de la Caletta' by Albeniz

'Allegretto' by Martinu

View the whole competition at the link below:

Art - Activities Week / Stop Motion Collaboration

Tracey Konyu - Head of Art

As part of activities week, Year 3 and 5 pupils used the Stop Motion Studio app to send a clear message about the theme of the week, 'Collaboration'. Working in teams, the pupils had to decide what part that they would play in their production and were advised to work to their strengths. Whatever the role, all played a part, whether animator, writer, set designer or prop creator.

Art - Vinehall Summer Art Competition

Tracey Konyu - Head of Art

This is a print by the artist Lowry. This picture has been in the school staff room for a long time. It is blue and faded.

We need your help to upcycle this print. How can you do this? By adding something to the picture to make it more appealing. If you are interested in entering this competition, just ask Tracey Konyu for a photocopy of the print on which to add your ideas. The most original idea will be commissioned to work on the actual print to be displayed in the Prep staff room and win a £20 voucher.



Congratulations to Charlie C and Tymofii L in their success at the 2024 Athletic National Finals at Alexander Stadium in Birmingham on Wednesday:

Charlie C - 3rd place in U12 Boys 1500m

Tymofii L - 3rd place in U13 Boys Long Jump

Capture the Flag

Snapshots from Capture the Flag on Thursday afternoon ...

Tug of War

The results of the Tug of War competition were:

Juniors: Winners - Paxton, runners up: Rushton

Seniors: Winners - Rushton, runners up: Paxton

Congratulations to everyone!

Colour Run

House Race

Mary Alderson - Head's PA and Director of Drama

Saxton were the winners of the House race for the whole of this academic year and enjoyed a wonderful 'Silent Disco' in the Ryan Mitchell Pavilion as a treat. Not only have they been amazing throughout the year, but it turns out they know how to throw some excellent shapes on the dance floor and had great fun celebrating their well-earned victory. Mary Alderson, Carina Everist and Kevin Higginson are very proud of them all and grateful to the departing Year 8s for encouraging them; we look forward to holding on to the crown next year!

Vinehall Venturers

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

The Vinehall Venturers finished an adventurous year with a campfire full of rousing action songs and fun. It was lovely to be part of super collaborative singing and actions, with confident song leadership from Ivy G and Harry D.

We are a mixed-age activity group, loosely based on Scouting skills. Our programme aims to teach children to make the most of our beautiful grounds by learning outdoor skills, exploring the local environment, finding adventure, developing teamwork and building confidence.

I wish all the Venturers a wonderful summer full of new experiences and look forward to hearing about them all next term.

Sewing Club

Annabel Newcomb - EAL Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor

My super sewers made cushions this term.

Learn to Ride at Vinehall this August

1:1 lessons on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August. Sessions available: 10-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-2, 2-3. Lessons take place on the tennis courts below Pre-Prep. £45 an hour for one child. £65 for two children learning together. Price includes the option of good quality bike hire.

A step-by-step course to enable your child to cycle without stabilizers . Games and activities to make learning fun and develop your child’s confidence. Most children are pedalling within 1-2 lessons.

Please contact me direct at or give me a ring on 07508262768. Denise Lomas - accredited Bikeability and Balanceability