
10th May 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Tuesday 14th May – Tea & Talk: Nursery to Reception Transition 8.50am

Monday 20th May – Tea & Talk: Year 1 phonics screening 8.50am

Tuesday 21st May – Tea & Talk: Year 4 Multiplication Checks 8.50am

Tuesday 21st May – National Child Measurement Programme – Reception children only

Friday 24th May – Year 6 cake sale

Friday 24th May – Break up for half term – 3.10pm pick up

Monday 3rd June – Return to the Academy

Tuesday 18th June – Sports Day – EYFS & KS1- times to be confirmed shortly

Wednesday 19th June – Sports Day – KS2 – times to be confirmed shortly

Monday 24th June – Wednesday 26th June – Year 6 PGL

Friday 19th July – Summer Fete – 3.30pm – 6pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Disco

Tuesday 24th July

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Meet your child’s new teacher – from 1.15pm

Last day of term – 1.15pm collection


Dear parents/carers,

The SATs season is here. Next week our children in year six have their assessments for reading, maths and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling). This is followed by writing moderation and gives the overall outcome across the core subjects for children at the end of the primary years. I know that there are differing views on the purpose of the SATs and the impact that they have. It can be said that;

SATs results are a collective measure. They are used to show the quality of education within a school including the rating of the school in league tables. They influence school choice. They form part of the Ofsted outcome.

SATs results are a personal measure. They show the attainment and progress of each individual child. They show personal achievement. They prepare children for their next steps and pathways.

The phrase “Key Stage 2 SATs” can be a trigger for stress in teachers, parents and children across the country.

We know that positive health and wellbeing contributes to our children’s ability to flourish, thrive and achieve well. We support our year 6 to navigate change and the SATs season academically and emotionally.

Across year 6 there is a shared culture of growth and going for goals. They show ambition and determination. Our learning and life skills play an important part at this time with children applying the skills they have learned.

Our approach includes teaching positive coping skills including how to communicate how you feel and how to manage when you encounter something difficult or upsetting. We find that by making space to talk about these things, it not only gives our children ‘permission’ to express how they feel but helps them to understand that emotions are global experiences common to everyone, which helps counter worries. Space is given in response to need but also planned for key times. This includes the run up to SATs and during the week. Every morning at SATS breakfast, staff and children come to school early for a healthy start to the day. Some children are excited; we know those that thrive on challenge and are looking forward to the tests. There is emphasis on each individual’s experience – everyone will get different results and personal success.

Mrs Wheeler always provides the wanted ‘fist bump’ or calming techniques, should they be needed. The staff are at hand with pep talks and ‘praise’. There is a collection of emotion around this time, including a tangible sense of belonging. I am proud of their personal progress and ambition and wish them all the best next week.

I have seen each and every child develop and grow in a number of ways, with celebration of achievements along the way. Their last end of year report will share those highlights, memorable moments, attainment across the curriculum and their personal development. The teachers pass on their interests and talents shared with our secondary school colleagues so that they are aware from the outset the scientists, musicians, sports enthusiasts and artists.

To be honest, the summer term with the SATS season, year six residential, transition and end of year traditions for year six brings a range of emotions to children, parents and staff. It gets me, every year!

As always, enjoy your family time together. For those in year six, have a fun weekend, enjoy some down time, all the work is done. Rest. Sleep well and see you on Monday at breakfast.

Mrs Nicholls

Good luck to Year 6!

To year 6 – wishing you the BEST of LUCK with your SATS next week. We BELIEVE in you! Remember nothing is impossible as the word itself says ‘I’m Possible’. Mrs Hahn

A recipe of

Next week it’s your time to shine. To show what you know and have learnt in your time at Darlinghurst. Yes, there is an element of the unknown but that is part of your journey – to find out and celebrate what you are capable of. If the doubt starts to slip in, take a deep breath in and out and just remember you are amazing. You’ve got this. Remind yourself of how capable and confident you are and that you can and will try your best. Keep saying a positive mantra to yourself whenever that doubt slips in because it really will help shift that mindset. You are strong and regardless of the outcome, now is your time to shine – Mrs Powell

Everyone knows I love a bit of Disney. I just want to remind that year 6s that they’ve got this! Mrs Grant

Good luck on next week SATS year 6

Remember nothing is impossible.

The word itself says ‘I’m possible’

You are all superstars, who have achieved so much already.

So hold your head up high on Monday morning, Walk into school CONFIDENT

And DETERMINED, showing everyone that all of you are on your own path to EXCELLENCE.

Big hugs

Miss Wise and Jerry the Jellyfish 😊

From Mrs Bermon:

SATs don’t show belonging or the goodness in your heart

SATs don’t show your talent in music, sport or art

SATs will show your determination and focus to achieve

SATs will show your confidence and the fact that you believe

THAT you are all amazing and we know you will succeed

After all of your hard work and preparation, the SATs have nearly arrived. Take some time this weekend to do something you enjoy; fresh air, games, spending time with friends and family. Relax! The tests are just a small part of your journey and no matter how you do, I’m so proud of all of you. You are all stars! Believe in yourselves, use what you have learned and do your very best! Good luck Year 6! - Mrs Stevens

Good luck to all of the children with their SATs next week. We are incredibly proud of all the hard work you have put in. Thank you to all those children that have attended tutoring and all those that have been doing extra work. This will, no doubt improves your results and make you even more prepared for secondary school. Now is the time to shine, prove what you can do and to show us what you are truly capable of. Keep your nerve and remember all that you have been taught. We are all rooting for you and are very proud of your achievements. If you were wondering what they are used for, secondary schools do use these results to make predictions for your GCSEs. Ensure you sleep well and rest over the weekend and we look forward to seeing you all for breakfast in the hall on Monday at 8.15. Good luck! - Mrs Dunne

Wishing each of you the best of luck. You've got this! Mrs Lee

Dear Year 6, I remember you when you were smaller than me! I loved your energy and enthusiasm for everything we did. Good luck next week, you are all wonderful – Mrs H-B (Miss Scott)

This week, we have had a glimmer of summer! Let’s hope that this continues. Can we remind you to ensure that your child comes to school with sun cream already applied, a sun hat to wear when outside and a labelled water bottle in order to stay hydrated.


Dance Festival

The cheer squad performed at the Dance Festival on Thursday. Schools came together to celebrate dance and perform to each other on the outside stage. It was a wonderful event and our children performed the routine in style. The dance was choreographed by an ex- pupil and our enthusiastic staff – Miss Pearce and Miss Kinch.

Quad Kids

This week our Y4 and Y6 Quad kid Athletes were in action in a local competition. Each athlete has to complete four athletic elements, a sprint race, 400/600m race, howler throw and a standing jump. Over 24 schools attended this event and so the competition is fierce. Our children did not let the day faze them with many of them performing amazingly. At the end of the day, our Y4 team placed 6th overall and the Y6 team 5th. Bethany in year 6 also won bronze in the overall girls competition.

A special mention has to go to Ted and Estella both of whom fell at the start of their 400m race amongst the hustle and bustle when moving into lane. Lots of children would not have got up from a fall like this….but not our children! Both demonstrated great belonging and determination. Ted helped Estella up and ran with her for the rest of the race sacrificing his own in the process. Amazingly, Estella finished her race with an impressive time despite just fracturing her wrist!!! Wow!

National Child Measurement Programme – Reception children

On Tuesday 21st May, the school nursing team will be visiting the academy to complete the National Child Measurement Programme for the children in Reception. Please refer to the messages sent via Ping and Tapestry. Please note, that if you wish for your child NOT to take part in the screening you must OPT OUT. If the form is not completed, your child will automatically be included in the screening.


Year 5 – Secondary school open days

Supporting Southend Families

Learn more about how relational approaches can bring together change and improve behaviours for everyone through the Relational Practice, Supporting Families course.

You will be provided with tips, strategies and ideas that can also be shared with other family members. This is a universal training offer, available to families whose children and young people attend a Southend school.

Since September 2023, When the Adults Change has supported over 40 Southend schools to develop relational practice in each setting. Schools and families will be able to work better together to support attendance, engagement in learning and emotional wellbeing across the community.

The Supporting Family Course will be launched at an in person live event on Friday 14 June 2024, 10.00am to 12.00pm at the Civic Centre, Committee Rooms. Refreshments will be provided. This will be followed by a 3, 1-hour online workshops.

Booking a place on the Supporting Families Course will automatically sign you up for the in-person event and online workshops. Limited spaces. Book now by contacting

Find out more about the training provider:


Next Generation PTA – We are very happy to welcome new members to our PTA team who have brought with them great enthusiasm and eagerness to join us in our projects ahead.

Without parents and carers continued support we would not be able arrange events and purchase items for the academy, thank you.

Our latest purchase to support the academy is the cheerleader / basketball kit which arrived in time for the children to wear at the Dance Festival this week. Congratulations to them for such an amazing performance! We are so pleased to have been able to buy the kit for them to perform in. How wonderful that they have written us a thank you letter, this is much appreciated and we all so very proud of you.

Thank you again for your support, without you we could not support our fabulous academy.

If you would like to be part of our wonderful PTA team, please email Mrs Lowe-

Here are details of our upcoming events.



Starfish 98%


Lobster 98.4%


Victoria 99.2%



Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
