Rhifyn 1 Tymor yr Haf 2024
Mae'n bleser cyflwyno cylchlythyr sy'n cynnwys newyddion am ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau'r ysgol yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma.
Issue 1 Summer Term 2024
It is a pleasure to present a newsletter which contains news about the school's events and activities during this half term.
Dyddiadau Allweddol / Key Dates
13.6.24 Mabolgampau / Sports Day
24.6.24 - 27.6.24 Cwrs Croeso Bl.6 Bro Preseli / Bro Preseli Welcome Course for Year 6
3.7.24 Lluniau Ysgol / School Photographs
4.7.24 Diwrnod Pontio Bl.6 Dyffryn Taf / Year 6 Transition Day at Dyffryn Taf
5.7.24 Diwrnod Pontio Bl.6 Dyffryn Taf a Bro Preseli / Year 6 Transition Day for Dyffryn Taf and Bro Preseli
9.7.24 Diwrnod Pontio Bl.5 Bro Preseli / Year 5 Transition Day for Bro Preseli
10.7.24 Diwrnod Pontio Bl.5 Dyffryn Taf / Year 5 Transition Day for Bro Preseli
18.7.24 Diwrnod Olaf y Tymor / Last Day of Term
Gwybodaeth Allweddol / Key Information
'My School App'
Ein bwriad yw sicrhau sianeli cyfathrebu cadarn er mwyn sicrhau bod rhieni yn derbyn gwybodaeth yn amserol am ddigwyddiadau a materion addysgol. Rydym wedi buddsoddi yn yr ap 'MySchoolApp' a gwelwyd nifer o rieni yn ymrwymo i'r cyfrwng cyfathrebu. Dyma yw ein sianel cyfathrebu gyda rhieni sy'n caniatau i'r staff rhannu dyddiadau allweddol, newyddion a negeseuon allweddol gyda chymuned yr ysgol. Gwerthfawrogom pe bai pob rhiant yn ymrwymo i'r dull yma o gyfathrebu. Pe bai argyfwng ysgol, dyma'r cyfrwng byddwn yn ei ddefnyddio i gyfathrebu gyda rhieni a staff. Ein bwriad yw gwneud defnydd llawn o'r ap felly anogaf i bob rhiant ddefnyddio'r ap. Bydd rhaid gwneud cais drwy ebost am fynediad i'r ap ac mae cymorth ar gael o'r swyddfa ar ddefnydd yr ap pe bai angen.
Our intention has been to ensure robust communication channels to ensure that parents receive timely information about events and educational issues. We have invested in the 'MySchoolApp' app and have seen the majority of parents commit to this medium of communication. This is our communication channel with parents which allows the staff to share key dates, news and key messages with the school community. We would appreciate it if all parents would commit to this method of communication. If there is a school emergency, this is the medium we would use to communicate with parents and staff. Our intention is to make full use of the app so I encourage all parents to use the app if you are not currently doing so. An application must be made by email for access to the app and help is available from the office on the download and use of the app if needed.
Cymorth Ariannol / Financial Support
Sylwer, pan fyddwch yn cofrestru ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim, mae ein hysgol yn derbyn cyllid ychwanegol a ddefnyddir i gadw costau ymweliadau addysgol a phrofiadau i'r plant yn is.
Please note that when you register for Free School Meals, our school could get additional funding which is used to keep the costs of educational visits and experiences for the children low.
Eich Llais / Your Voice
Wrth i’r flwyddyn academaidd ddod i ben, rydym yn gwahodd rhieni i fyfyrio ar y daith rydyn ni wedi’i rhannu gyda’n gilydd. Mae eich mewnwelediadau a'ch syniadau yn amhrisiadwy wrth lunio dyfodol cymuned ein hysgol. Er mwyn sicrhau bod pob llais yn cael ei glywed, byddwn yn cynnal dau fforwm 'Yn fy marn i'. Dewiswch un dyddiad os ydych am ddod i'r ysgol. Mae’r sesiynau hyn yn rhoi cyfle i randdeiliaid rannu eu barn, eu meddyliau a’u hawgrymiadau ar gyfer gwella ein hysgol, cynnig syniadau am Gwricwlwm yr ysgol a thynnu sylw at arbenigedd yn y gymuned. Rydym yn deall efallai na fydd pawb yn gallu mynychu'n bersonol, felly rydym hefyd wedi sicrhau bod ffurflen ddigidol ar gael i'r rhai sy'n dymuno cyfrannu o bell. Mae eich mewnbwn yn hynod werthfawr i ni, ac rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'n fawr eich cyfranogiad yn y broses gydweithredol hon. Gyda’n gilydd, gallwn barhau i greu amgylchedd meithringar a chyfoethog ar gyfer ein disgyblion.
Fforwm 1 / Forum 1 : 17.6.24 @ 8:50-9:30
Fforwm 2 / Forum 2 : 20.6.24 @ 2:45 - 3:45
As the academic year comes to a close, we warmly invite parents to take a moment to reflect on the journey we've shared together. Your insights and ideas are invaluable in shaping the future of our school community. In order to ensure that every voice is heard, we will be hosting two collaborative drop-in 'In my opinion' sessions. These sessions give stakeholders the opportunity to share their views, thoughts and suggestions for improving our school, offer ideas about the school's Curriculum and draw attention to expertise in the community. We understand that not everyone may be able to attend in person, so we have also made available a digital form for those who wish to contribute remotely. Your input is incredibly valuable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your participation in this collaborative process. Together, we can continue to create a nurturing and enriching environment for our pupils.
Hoffech chi ddysgu Cymraeg? Would you like to learn Welsh?
New Learn Welsh Course for Parents, Carers and the School Community
Would you like to learn Welsh to use with your children and within the family? Would you like to gain confidence in supporting your children to learn Welsh? We are hoping to run a new Welsh at Home course for Ysgol Bro Brynach and Ysgol Beca parents, carers and members of the school community.
It will be for 1.5 hours a week for 30 weeks at beginners’ level. You will learn new vocabulary and phrases to use at home and enjoy learning to speak about everyday activities relating to school and family life. You will learn a lot of songs and use websites and resources relevant to children.
Please complete this form by June 10th, 2024 to let us know if you would like to participate and when you’d be available to attend the course.
Parcio a Throi / Parking and Turning
Mae sefyllfa parcio y tu allan i unrhyw ysgol yn medru bod yn anodd. A wnewch chi ein cynorthwyo drwy: - barcio’n ddiogel ac yn synhwyrol, gollwng eich plentyn yn ddiogel, peidio a pharcio o flaen gatiau'r ysgol a pheidio a throi eich cerbyd tu allan i'r ysgol neu gartrefi cyfagos. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
The parking situation outside of any school can be difficult. Will you help us by: - parking safely and sensibly, dropping off your child safely, not parking in front of the school gates and not turning your vehicle outside the school or nearby homes. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cylchgronau'r Urdd Am Ddim
Cylchgronau cyffrous AM DDIM! Mae holl gylchgronau’r Urdd nawr ar gael yn ddigidol ac am ddim!
Free Urdd Magazines
Exciting FREE magazines! All the Urdd magazines are now available digitally and for free!
Arfer Dda yn Ysgol Bro Brynach / Good Practice at Bro Brynach School
Defnydd effeithiol o’r ardaloedd tu allan er mwyn datblygu medrau’r disgyblion ar draws y Cwricwlwm. / Effective use of the outdoor areas to develop pupils’ skills across the Curriculum.
Twrnameintiau Pêl Droed / Football Tournaments
Cyngerdd Eglwys Sant Brynach/St.Brynach Church Concert
Gwyl Chwaraeon Cynradd yr Urdd/ Urdd Primary Schools Festival
Celf a Chrefft yr Urdd/Urdd Arts and Crafts
Diwrnod Heddwch ag Ewyllys Da yr Urdd / Urdd Peace and Goodwill Message
Diwrnod Codi Ymwybyddiaeth Awtistiaeth / Autism Awareness Day
Diwrnod codi ymwybyddiaeth awtistiaeth. Cafwyd diwrnod llawn hwyl yn dysgu am y pwysigrwydd o perthyn ac er bod pawb yn wahanol mae gan bawb y r'un hawliau. Codwyd swm o £100 i elusen awtistiaeth. Autism awareness day.
A day full of fun, learning about the importance of belonging and although everyone is different everyone has the same rights. A sum of a £100 was raised for the Autism association.
Ymwelwyr / Visitors
Ymweliad Diogelwch RNLI / RNLI Safety Visit
Dosbarth Lliwe / Lliwe Class
Ein thema’r tymor yw ‘Weithio rwy’n teimlo…’. Dechreuon ein thema’r tymor hwn drwy edrych ar y thema ‘Fi Fy Hun’. Cafodd y disgyblion y cyfle i fesur rhannau o’r corff, creu tŷ dosbarth a gwneud portreadau hanner ei wyneb. Mae’nt hefyd wedi archwilio ei theimladau a dysgu am strategaeth i ymlacio fel ioga ac ymarferion anadlu. Ar ôl hyn gwnaethom edrych ar y stori ‘Priodas y ddau fwgan brain’. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn mwynhau nifer o weithgareddau i ddysgu am briodasau. Rydym wedi creu caneuon gyda chlychau, creu map o sut mae’r cymeriadau’n teimlo yn ystod y stori a chael y cyfle i greu bwyd i’r briodas yn y gegin fwd ac addurno’r ardal chwarae rôl i greu priodas.
At the beginning of the term, we looked at the theme ‘All about me’. The pupils have had the opportunity to measure parts of the body, make furniture for the class house and a portrait of half of their face. The children have also had the opportunity to explore different feelings and use strategies to relax such as yoga and beathing exercises. After this we began looking at the story ‘Priodas y Ddau Fwgan Brain’. We have been busy enjoying several activities to learn about weddings. We have created a song using bells and have made a map of how the characters felt during the story, the children have also had the opportunity to make food for the wedding in the mud kitchen and decorated the role play area to create a wedding.
Yn dilyn ein thema o edrych ar stori ‘Priodas y Ddau Fwgan Brain’ gwnaeth plant creu gwahoddiad i briodas Bela a Bila ap Sion. Penderfynom ar ddyddiad ac amser, gwisg a bwydlen y briodas. Gweithiodd y plant ar gluniadur er mwyn creu gwahoddiad deniadol cyn dosbarthu i staff yr ysgol.
Following our theme of looking at the story ‘Priodas y Ddau Fwgan Brain’ the children have made an invitation to the wedding of Bela and Bila ap Sion. The children decided on the date, time, dress code and food menu for the wedding. The pupils then went on to work on the laptop to create an interesting invitation to hand out to staff in the school.
Yn ystod ein gwersi mathemateg mae’r plant wedi bod yn casglu data er mwyn cyflwyno mewn pictograff. Roedd angen i’r disgyblion mynd o gwmpas ei ffrindiau o fewn y dosbarth i ofyn ‘pa liw llygaid sydd gyda chi?’. Gwnaethant cofnodi atebion y plant a yna defnyddio’r wybodaeth i roi ar JIT. Roedd y plant yn mwynhau darganfod lliw llygaid ei ffrindiau.
During our mathematics lesson this half term the children have been collecting data to present in a pictograph. The children went around their friends within the classroom to ask, ‘What colour eyes do you have?’. The children needed to note the answers and use the information to use on JIT to create the pictograph. The children enjoyed finding out what colour eyes their friends have.
Dathliadau / Celebrations
Ar yr 22ain o Ebrill dathlon ni Diwrnod y Ddaear. Cawsom stori i ddysgu am bwysigrwydd o edrych ar ôl y ddaear a chreu murlun gyda’n dwylo. On the 22nd of April we celebrated Earth Day. We had a story to learn about the importance of looking after the earth and creating a mural with our hands.
Edrychwn ymlaen at ein thema newydd sef y stori ‘Ar Goll ar y Traeth’ lle byddwn yn gwneud llu o weithgareddau am y traeth a dysgu am ddiogelwch ar y traeth. We look forward to our new theme looking at the story ‘Ar Goll ar y Traeth' where we will be doing a whole host of activities about the beach and learning about beach safety.
Dosbarth Sien / Sien Class
Yn ystod hanner tymor cyntaf yr haf rydym wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn trafod teimladau wrth wneud gwaith ar y thema; 'Weithiau rwy'n teimlo ...'. During the first summer half term we have been very busy discussing feelings while doing work on the theme; 'Sometimes I feel ...'
Rydym wedi cael hwyl yn ystod sesiynau Ditectif Dysgu wrth wneud amryw heriau gan gymhwyso sgiliau sylfaenol llythrennedd, rhifedd a digidol. Rhai gweithgareddau rydym wedi mwynhau yw casglu data am deimladau'r dosbarth ac yna roi'r data mewn i bictogram neu graff.
We have had fun during Ditectif Dysgu sessions while doing various challenges applying the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and digital. Some activities we have enjoyed are collecting data about class feelings and then putting the data into a pictogram or graph.
Priodas oedd y ffocws yn ystod diwedd yr hanner tymor, cafwyd y stori; Priodas y Ddau Fwgan Brain gan Julia Donaldson. Buodd llawer o hwyl wrth greu tusw o flodau ar gyfer Bela, gwahoddiadau i'r gwesteion a trafod teimladau'r cymeriadau yn y llyfr.
Wedding was the focus at the end of half term when we read a welsh version of a Julia Donaldson book; The Scarecrow's Wedding. Everyone had a lot of fun creating a bouquet for Bella, an invitation for the guests and discussing the feelings of the characters.
Wrth drafod teimladau codwyd y pwnc 'Sbwriel'. Mae sbwriel a gwastraff yn gwneud i ni deimlo'n drist a chrac. Edrychon ni ar y gwahaniaeth mewn gwastraff pecynnau bwyd wrth brynu mewn archfarchnad a gyda gwerthwr annibynol. Hoffwn ddiolch i 'Fruits of Eden' am eu cyfraniad hael ar gyfer y gwaith yma.
Whilst discussing feelings the subject of 'rubbish' was raised. we looked at and compared the amount of plastic waste that is around fruit and vegetables when bought in a supermarket compared to an independent local firm. We would like to thank 'Fruits of Eden' for their generous contribution for this work.
Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at y tywydd i wella er mwyn datblygu ein hardal allanol gan ddechrau gyda'r ardal dywod. Ein syniad ni ar gyfer tymor nesaf yw newid yr ardal mewn i'r traeth. Felly os oes gennych unrhyw nwyddau/adnoddau/chyfarpar byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn. Dyma rhai pethau rydyn eisiau;
- bwcedi a rhaw
- cadeiriau traeth
- cregyn
- siapiau tywod
- mat picnic
- barcud
- cysgod o'r gwynt
We are looking forward to the weather improving for us to develop our outer area starting with the sand area. Our idea for next half term is to change the area into the beach. So if you have any resources/equipment we would be very grateful. Here are some things we need;
- buckets and spades
- deck chairs
- shells
- sand shapers
- picnic mat
- kite
Llun Llanast / Messy Monday
Mae disgyblion dosbarthiadau Lliwe a Sien yn mwynhau eu sesiynau Llun Llanast. Yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma maent wedi datblygu eu sgiliau creadigol wrth greu sioe sydd yn canolbwyntio ar deimladau. Maent wedi greu gwisgoedd, sgript, dawns a cherddoriaeth ac yna perfformio eu sioe yn ystod yr wythnos olaf.
Lliwe and Sien classess enjoy Messy Monday sessions. During this half term they have been developing their creative skills by creating and performing a show on 'Feelings'. They have created costume accessorize, sgript, music and a dance to perform in the final show.
Dosbarth Gronw/Gronw Class
Ein thema hanner tymor yma yw Weithiau rwy’n teimlo…. Mae’r plant wedi cael cyfleoedd i ysgrifennu barddoniaeth am eu hoff beth wrth ddysgu am ansoddeiriau, cyflythrennu a chymariaethau. Maen nhw hefyd wedi cael y profiad o wrando ar ein nofel dosbarth Saesneg ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ a gwneud gwaith ar y llyfr, er enghraifft cynllunio eu moddion rhyfeddol newydd, creu clawr llyfr a broliant, a disgrifio cymeriadau. O fewn ein gwersi Mathemateg, mae’r disgyblion wedi cael y cyfleodd i ddysgu am luosi a rhannu, dysgu’r broses o sut i ddefnyddio gridiau lluosi hir a sut i ddatrys problemau rhannu. Hefyd, rydym wedi dysgu am briodweddau siapau 2-D a 3-D. Mae’r plant wedi bod wrth eu bodd yn dysgu am y Corff, lleoliadau’r organau a’u swyddogaeth. Maent hefyd wedi gwneud Gwaith ymchwil i baratoi ar gyfer arbrawf hanner tymor nesaf. Yn ein sesiynau Ymarfer Corff mae’r plant wedi mwynhau criced, a dysgu sgiliau a rheolau newydd.
Our theme this term is Sometimes I feel…. The children have had opportunities to write poetry about their favourite things whilst learning about adjectives, alliteration and comparisons. They have also had the experience of listening to our English class novel ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and completing work on the book, for example, planning their own Marvellous Medicine, creating a book cover, blurb and describing characters. Within our Mathematics lessons, the pupils have had the opportunity to learn about multiplication and division, learn the process of how to use long multiplication grids and how to solve division problems. They have also been learning about the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes. The children have enjoyed learning about the body in science. Discovering the locations of the organs and their function. In our Physical Exercise sessions, the children have enjoyed cricket, learning new skills and rules.
Dosbarth Cynin / Cynin Class
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor mae’r disgyblion wedi bod yn astudio barddoniaeth gan rhai o feirdd Cymru a dehongli a dadansoddi’i. Yna aethant ati i greu barddoniaeth ei hun am ‘Emosiynau’ yn dilyn ein thema ‘Weithiau rwy’n teimlo…’. Mae'nt wedi bod yn datblygu eu synnwyr rhif ag yn dysgu am bwysigrwydd mesur. Maent wedi bod yn cyfrifo perimedr a arwynebedd siapiau, gwrthrychau a gofodau amrywiol. Mae’r disgyblion hefyd wedi cael y cyfle i ddysgu am luosi a rhannu, dysgu’r broses o sut i ddefnyddio gridiau lluosi hir a sut i ddatrys problemau rhannu. Yn Gwyddoniaeth rydym wedi cynnal ymholiad i ddarganfod pa hylif yw’r fwyaf effeithiol i alluogi planhigion i dyfu a wedi canfod mae dŵr afon yw’r fwyaf effeithiol. Yn ystod ein gwersi Ymarfer Corff rydym wedi bod yn datblygu ein sgiliau canolbwyntio, cydsymud a thaflu a dal wrth gael tro yn batio, bowlio a chaeu wrth ddysgu sut i chwarae criced. Yn ein gwersi Celf a Dylunio rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am yr artist Sbaeneg Pablo Picasso a chreu taflen wybodaeth amdano. Bum yn arbrofi gyda chiwbiaeth cyn symud ymlaen i greu portreadau gan ddefnyddio cardfwrdd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan waith Picasso.
During this half term pupils have been studying and learning more about the different techniques used that make poetry interesting and varied. They've studied poetry by some of Wales’s greatest poets and have gone on to write a poem of their own based on the theme ‘Emotions’ following our theme 'Sometimes I feel...'. Pupils have been developing their use of number and learning about the importance of measuring. They have been calculating the perimeter and area of shapes, objects, and spaces. Pupils have also had the opportunity to learn about multiplication and division, learn the process of how to use long multiplication grids and how to solve division problems. In Science we have held an enquiry to discover what liquid is most effective to allow plants to grow and have discovered that the most effective liquid was river water. In our Physical and Education lessons we have been developing our concentration, focus, hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills whilst having a turn at batting, bowling, and fielding whilst learning how to play cricket. During our Art and Design lessons we have been learning about the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and created an information page about him. We’ve been experimenting with cubism and have created portraits of our own using cardboard inspired by Picasso’s work.
Ditectif Dysgu / Learning Detectives
Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf mae disgyblion o flynyddoedd 3, 4, 5 a 6 wedi cael y cyfle i astudio a dysgu am amryw o gredodau gwahanol ag am ddiwylliant eraill. Cawsant y cyfle i... Over the last few weeks years 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils have had the opportunity to study and learn about different beliefs as well as various aspects of their culture. They have had the opportunity to…
Gwener Gwyllt/Wild Friday
O fewn ein sesiynau Gwener Gwyllt hanner tymor yma, ma’r plant wedi bod yn dysgu am grefyddau gwahanol. O fewn ein heriau maent wedi cyflawni y tasgau isod; Within our Wild Friday sessions this half term, the pupils have been learning about different religions. Within our challenge areas the children have been completing the following tasks;