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Noadswood Termly Newsletter Feburary 2025

Dates for the Diary


24th Kinda Week

28th Yr 11 BTEC Child development Trip


6th Yr 10 Mock Interview Evening

6th World Book Day

7th Inset Day

10th Year 11 Mock Exams all week

10th-13th Yr 10 Iceland trip

14th ATA Programmed Trip to Southampton

17th The Great Mathematical Pi Bake Off.

17th & 18th Food Practical Exam

17th & 18th Gym and Dance Show at 15:00

19th & 20th Gym and Dance Show at 19:00

26th Year 9 Progress Evening

27th Immunisations catch up

27th Fundraising evening for Rwanda

27th & 28th Year 11 Art Exams

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Noadswood families,

As you know, from our weekly updates, we’ve had another brilliant half term with so many of your children, and there has been lots to share every week. At the start of each academic year, we discuss the importance of embracing new challenges and making the most of what school has to offer and, as you’ll read, our students are doing all they can to do exactly that.

We also like to celebrate the work and successes of our staff, so this week it’s congratulations to Mrs Eldridge for successfully completing her National Professional Qualification for Leading Literacy alongside Miss Walker, who I mentioned last week. I would also like to celebrate the team of us who completed our First Aid training together on Wednesday, suitable for when we take our students overseas – excitement is building towards our trips to Iceland, to Rwanda and Paris this academic year!

I would like to thank all families who joined us on Wednesday night to look at their children's options preferences ready for year 10. Mr Hewitt, Mrs Rollett, Mr Rowling and our colleagues across the departments enjoyed seeing and talking to you all in person. Please do remember to use our dedicated Frog page and to reach out to your child's teacher or year leader if you have any further questions.

As you read this newsletter, the PSA will be getting ready to host their disco for year 7 and 8 this evening. I am looking forward to ending our half term in the best of ways with our children having a good time together. I won’t embarrass myself or them by getting on the dance floor, though... Remind them to bring cash for our tuck shop! I have got mine! What’s a school disco without snacks?

We would like to thank the students and you all so much for your fundraising support with the different events and charities we connect with. We would also like to thank Mrs Wyse, our Business Manager who has worked tirelessly to organise our ‘Save a Heart’ day today. Having brushed up my CPR skills in the First Aid training I mentioned, I am reminded how crucial these skills are, as is our ability to know what to do, calmly and skilfully, at the most important moment for someone else.

A couple of other highlights of my week them: firstly, I have been hearing about the work of our Therapy Team. I think for some young people, saying I would like to get some help for how I am feeling is an incredibly brave thing to say. It’s not for everyone, we know, but well done for those who engage with the support they need, and my thanks to our Therapy Team, our LSAs, and all of our Pastoral Support Team for all they do.

The second highlight I want to mention is our Trust Board meeting last night – I am thankful to the parents and local community members on our Board who provide us with hours of their time, challenge and support throughout the year. Trustees – or Governors as you may be more used to calling them – provide a vital role in any school or Trust in holding us to account, in taking seriously monitoring our priorities, our objectives, our budget and our provision for your children. Maybe you would like to join the Board? They are friendly, experienced and committed to the cause. If you would like a chat with me and our Chair, Alison, about their work and what you could offer, drop us a mail at

An interest in our school and availability for some meetings here at school or on Teams is all you need.

Finally, I have gone a few weeks without mentioning them, so it’s a big shout out to my choir! Happy half term, one and all! As ever, the practices we have had this half term have lifted my heart. We are including a song of gratitude and thankfulness in the language spoken in Rwanda, amongst our usual hits! We are preparing for our fundraiser at the end of March for the school our group will visit as part of the Rwanda excursion in the summer, as well as for our school concert. What a great bunch of enthusiastic, eclectic singers they are! They do you and themselves proud.

Finally, our usual reminder: please remember we have Skool Kit and supermarket vouchers available to help support families. These are not means tested and are for any families who may benefit from them, so please just reach out to your child's Year Leaders.

Whatever you and your children are doing over the break, we wish everyone a very good week. If you need us during the break, please use marking your mail URGENT.

And on this Valentine’s Day, I’m thanking everyone for connection, commitment, honesty, stickability and fun – key components of love in anyone’s language.

Best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood leadership Team


It has been lovely start to the Spring term here at Redwood.

Firstly, the students have been busy in the kitchen, and they will be in outdoor sessions preparing for upcoming campfire cooking in the upcoming half term. The students have been making hot dog kebabs, sausage and bean casseroles, puff pastry desserts and lots of snacks! They have also been spending time planning and preparing the garden getting it ready for our much-anticipated forest school space!

In Life Skills, the students have been planning upcoming trips into the local community. They have planned their transport and activities, deciding on where to stop for lunch! We have also recently secured an allotment that will be being shared alongside Flexible Learning. The students are excited to start growing fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs to use within their cooking in the following months.

The KS4 students have continued visiting different colleges such as Totton, Brockenhurst and Sparsholt; preparing them for their post 16 provision. Some students have also continued to visit Crazy Creatures, working towards AQA awards. During this half term, they have been looking at exotic animals such as lizards, snakes and stick insects. They are excited to start looking at birds next half term!

In Art, we have been creating gargoyle sculptures. The students spent time researching and designing their gargoyles and have turned these into 3D, clay models. The students are excited for these to dry and to be fired in the kiln ready for painting. In the meantime, they have started looking at ink printing and have been enjoying creating a display of positive and negative prints using a variety of colours and techniques.

The students have settled well into the new year and have continued to show resilience and independence. We are very proud of them and their progress over the following weeks and are looking forward to seeing what the rest of the term brings!


Rwanda Evening of Food and Entertainment

Thursday 27th March from 6-8pm

Want to see our team attempt an authentic Rwandan dance routine? And hear Miss Marshall’s choir sing some Rwandan songs (amongst their usual array of bangin’ hits!) Then come along to this event!

This summer, 13 excited and intrepid students will be venturing to the heart of Africa with three staff. Why are we going? This trip links with a longstanding St Andrews partnership with Maranyundo parish in Rwanda. Our Noadswood community links have enabled us to put together a 10-day cultural visit to experience Rwanda’s rich heritage, natural environment and local communities. This is an opportunity for young people to step out of their comfort zone, learn teambuilding and leadership skills, experience a totally different culture, and learn more about the history, geography and environmental diversity of this fascinating country.

We will be holding a special fundraising event for the partnership school which we will be visiting during the trip. With a strong commitment to sport here, we would love to support the parish link school with sports and school equipment that is much needed and would be enjoyed by many.

There’s nothing like a challenge to bring a team together; to raise money, build our team and, most of all, entertain you, so we are putting together a unique evening of entertainment. This will include food, music, dancing and more.

Tickets will be on sale after the half term holiday and will be £10.50 for adults and £6.50 for children. Please come along and support our students as they step forward into this new adventure.

Student Voice

We are currently raising funds for some more outdoor shelters so that students can go outside and get some fresh air, whilst being able to stay dry when it is raining. Money raised from all of the Wear Something Different days are going towards this new project. Surveys have been completed with students, and this is what they would like to see more of.

Student voice have had Tony Lane, the regional manager of Caterlink who supplies the food for our students, come to visit them. He listened to all of our feedback from the students and have already started to make changes. We asked for more cold food options, so two new open refrigerators have been installed to hold more baguettes and drinks. They have also introduced different Meal Deal options for £3.20. These will change daily.

We asked – They listened

Bikeability Level 2 and 3 Courses available

Bikeability will fully fund any course that a student takes part in, as long as they have not completed it before at another school. You must pass your level 2 course before you can take the Level 3 course. There are spaces for Level 2 and 3 courses on Tuesday 27th and Friday 30th May from 9am-12pm or 12.30pm-3.30pm. If you have not already booked on and would like your child to take part in one of these courses, please click here.

If either of these dates are not suitable to you, Bikeability will be coming back on Tuesday 29th July and Wednesday 27th August. If these dates would be better for you, please still complete the form above, and then email Marina Wyse on letting her know a preferred date and time. We are hoping to run these courses on an annual basis going forward.

Business Studies KS4 Students ‘Save the Date’.

More details to follow after half term, but Miss Munro will be holding a Support Your Child with Business Studies session on Wednesday 5th March 5.30pm-6.00 pm. If you are unable to attend this, we will make resources available after the event.

Subject News


Year 11 mock exams:

Students have been participating in review meetings with their teacher to talk about the preparation they did for the mock listening, reading, and writing papers. We have then discussed together how they are going to build on this to prepare for their GCSE exams.

At the moment, we are getting ready for the mock speaking exams, which will take place on the 27th of February for Spanish and French and the 5th of March for German.

German school visit:

We are very much looking forward to welcoming staff and students from our German partner school in March. It is always lovely to see everyone and creates a real buzz around school with our students interacting with the German students.


On Thursday 6th February, we had a fantastic opportunity to take 30 year 10 students to Fawley Oil Refinery. The day started with an introduction from 3 members of the EXXON team, who spoke about their career paths and their role at the refinery. We then boarded a coach which took us on a site tour - we couldn't believe how big the site is and just how many pipes there are! Students also had the opportunity to take part in some interactive workshops such as using VR headsets, purifying water, and talking to some apprentices who have just started their careers at Fawley. I would like to thank the staff at Fawley for organising such a brilliant event and to our students for their excellent behaviour throughout the day.

Miss Skinner, Mrs Conti, and Mrs Way


Opportunity for years 8 & 9

We are advertising the cultural trip to Krakow next year for our current year 8 & 9s. They have the opportunity to visit places from history books...

Recently, over 40 Year 10 GCSE Historians attended 'The Doctor's Show' at Berry Theatre Hedge End produced by School History Scene.

The Doctor's Show is a lively and engaging play that explores the history of medicine in Britain - from the Middle Ages to modern times.

Following each part of the play, students took part in an interactive workshop designed to strengthen their GCSE knowledge. They also took on the role of examiners; marking sample answers and gaining valuable insight into improving their own exam performance.

It was a fantastic experience for all involved and Noadswood have loved attending this annual event for the last 10 years.

The History Department are excited to launch the Y11 trip to Fort Nelson on Wednesday 1st October. It will be open to current Y10 history students. This will be a fantastic opportunity for GCSE historians to enrich their experience of the curriculum and to develop their understanding of WW1.

Students will take part in a WW1 study day which will include an immersive recruitment session, led by a recruitment Sergeant, during which students will discover how men were persuaded to join the army. They will also examine British and German equipment including shells, machine guns and grenades. They will find out about the horrors of the trenches through the injuries and illnesses that soldiers would have faced, and then discover the medical advancements being made during the First World War and how these were used in the chain of evacuation. This part of the day is linked closely to the Medicine in Britain site study, The British sector on the Western Front, 1914 – 1918: Injuries, treatment and the trenches and will support students to consolidate their understanding of this part of the GCSE course.

There are 60 places available for the trip and the cost of the trip is £19. More details can be found on Arbor. If you would like your child to attend, please sign up on Arbor by Monday 3rd March.


The Art department has been a vibrant hub of activity this half term. Students have been exploring news topics and techniques.

Year 7 and 8 have been exploring colour theory, in particular the colour wheel and complementary colours. Please do take a look at the amazing control of paint students have shown in their work.

Year 9 have just finished making their gargoyle and grotesques heads. They are ready to be fired in the kiln. They have worked very hard transforming their ideas into clay sculptures. Well done year 9!

Year 10 continue to develop and work hard on their BTEC and GCSE art coursework. GCSE fine art have been producing some lovely fluid art landscapes. GCSE photography have been working on portraiture. BTEC Students are just finishing up their clay tiles and slab pots using their theme on travel for their controlled assessment.

Year 11 GCSE Fine Art, Photography and Textile Design have made an exciting start to their exam prep work. Students have really started to show not only their technical skill but also the growth of each student is evident in their ideas and work. The Art department look forward to seeing their creativity flourish and artwork develop. Don’t forget that catch up sessions run every Tuesday for all KS4 students. This helps students to complete and keep up to date with coursework.

A big congratulations to Izzy, in year 10, for her design being selected by Furzey Gardens which will form part of their Jurassic trail, alongside other local artists! Well done, Izzy, we cannot wait to see your design brought to life!

Jurassic at Furzey will on this summer. Please do take a look on their website for more information and dates.

Notice - Art club will be moving to every Thursday from now on in T22. 3PM-4PM.

On behalf of the Art department -well done to all students on their efforts and artwork this half term.


Year 7 have been studying poetry this half term. Here is an example of some excellent poems that some students in Mrs. White's class wrote - well done!

Year 8 have been exploring a range of ballads whilst Year 9 have been studying World Poetry.

Year 10 have focussed on studying the GCSE Power and Conflict poetry collection and they have also worked hard revising The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde which is the set 19th Century text for GCSE Literature. Alongside their Literature studies, year 10 students have also been developing their understanding of the Language papers.

Well done to Year 11 who completed both Language papers and Literature Paper 2 in their mocks. Keep up the hard work, continue attending after school revision and learn those Mr. Bruff songs!

Finally, a group of year 11 students attended a trip to the Mayflower Theatre to watch a production of An Inspector Calls. It was a fantastic trip, and we hope that students found the performance beneficial in developing their knowledge of the play.


Save the date! The Great Mathematical Pi Bake Off.

On the 17th March, the Maths department will be celebrating International Pi Day. Bake a cake or pie to take part in the competition. More details to follow later in March.

Media Studies

Year 10 and Year 11 Media Studies students have been studying sitcoms this half term. It's been really interesting to have so many discussions about stereotypes and representations in the media. Calling all Media Studies students and any Year 9 students who might be considering it as an option next year - watching a Sitcom counts as revision!

Well done to Year 11 students who completed their Media Studies mock exam in January! We will be doing a second mock in class over the next few weeks and putting all the Component 2 hard work into practice.

Computer Science

Computer Science students are working hard to gain all the necessary skills required to get good grades in their GCSEs. Revision sessions have started again.

A student has been working on a practical computing project, with a volunteer, to assemble a buggy that a microbit computer can control through the use of sensors. She has used block coding to do this (an example of block coding from make code website is shown in the other picture). The student was able to talk me through what she did, and she learnt a lot. Great work!


We're excited to share the delicious details of our recent student food trip to Brockenhurst College. Our budding chefs had a fantastic time learning the art of bread-making from the college's expert culinary instructors.

Highlights of the Trip:

Hands-on experience: Students got to knead bread dough, shape and add a collection of finishing touches before baking.

Variety of bread shapes taught: Classic bread rolls, the rams head, flat rolls and butterflies.

Delicious results: The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the college kitchen.

Pastry tarts: Students made delicious white chocolate and raspberry tarts and practiced a range of presentation techniques - perfect inspiration for the handful of year 11 students that are sitting their final food exam in a few weeks.

Facilities: The trip also included a tour of the college's kitchens and in house restaurant. Students had a chance to work with college students on the Hospitality program and chat to the chefs about all the college has to offer. It is a particularly hands on experience with real industry chefs and fabulous worldly trips.

Thank You:

We'd like to thank Brockenhurst College for hosting us and for providing such a memorable experience for our students. We're also grateful to Mr Willoughby for driving the minibus on his day off.


On Tuesday 28th February, we took as a team of 6 staff and 49 students to participate in the Dance Live 2025 event at the Portsmouth Guildhall. The event takes place all over the country and schools come together to showcase their work and get the chance to meet other students and see others' work as part of an evening performance.

Each entry has to complete a seven-minute piece of choreography which must be accompanied by a seven-minute video which is played as a backdrop and helps to tell the story of their piece. This year, our piece focused on the impact of artificial intelligence and how it influenced people’s self- concept through childhood, the teenage years and finally the influence it could have on our future careers.

Noadswood achieved two awards on the night. We were given a creative achievement for our LED video, and we got the award for the best technical piece. More importantly, the students we took had an amazing experience. Their performance, enthusiasm and conduct throughout the daytime rehearsals and during the evening show was exemplary. The staff team were very proud of them!


It has been a very busy half term for students as they consider and prepare for their future education pathways.

Many Year 11 students have had their college interviews this half term. We would like to say a big well done to them. They have done a brilliant job of preparing for their interviews whilst also sitting their mock examinations.

Some Year 11 students have also started to prepare for applying for apprenticeships. SETA came this week to deliver a bespoke workshop to a group of Year 11s who are considering doing an apprenticeship next year. In this workshop, they focussed on how to apply for an apprenticeship, including how to write a CV. Gordon Lewis, our Careers advisor, will be holding another workshop later in the year. If your child is interested in doing an apprenticeship, please let him know at

It was great to speak with year 9 students and their parents and carers about their plans for their post 16 education at options evening this week.

This week has also been National Apprenticeship Week. We would like to say a huge thank you again to SETA and Totton College who came this half term to speak to Year 9 and Year 10 about what apprenticeships are and the pathways they can lead to. During tutor time, students completed a quiz about apprenticeships and watched videos of apprentices talking about their experiences. If, as a parent or carer, you are interested in finding out more about apprenticeships, please look at the Amazing Apprenticeships website here: Parent - Amazing Apprenticeships

Year 10:

Thank you to all students who have handed in their work experience placement form. If your child has not done this yet, please can forms be returned as soon as possible after half term. If you have any questions or concerns about work experience, please contact Gordon Lewis, our Careers advisor, or Miss Clews, Our Careers Lead, at

A reminder that the year 10 mock interview evening will be taking place after school on Thursday 6th March. Students should ask their tutors for their interview time slot

Careers Day:

This half term, students made their choices as to which job roles and career pathways they would like to explore on Careers Day. This will be taking place on Wednesday 2nd April. We are looking forward to welcoming external speakers from the community who will be coming to deliver talks and workshops about their job roles.

College open events:

Some colleges have upcoming open events. If you are interested in seeing a college and speaking to college staff about the courses they offer, please visit their website to check out the details.


This month is Love Your Library month. There are all sorts of activities and raffles for students to enter and a whole host of prizes to win.

On Thursday 6th March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Our annual character hunt will take place which involves students identifying which staff member is dressed as which character in order to win a prize for their tutor group. There will also be World Book Day activities in the Library at break and lunch time.

Watch this space and social media for more information.

All local schools have been asked to share these activities over at Lymington with families.
Karyn Hindson