
Surviving the Rising Prices in Las Vegas

Last May, J. Todd talked about rising prices of Las Vegas hotel rooms and food. And in June, he talked about how casinos are changing the odds on some of their games to make more profits. Now that taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are being told to raise prices, travel from the airport to the hotel and back could cost 50 percent more than just a few months ago. In addition, some casinos have started removing $1 chips from their roulette tables because no one wants to pay just $1.

To sum up, it now costs more money to go to Vegas, more money to stay in Vegas, and you don't make as much money in Vegas as you used to.

Here, "Is no one else out there looking for that little man?That's the question

The answer is yes. But you'll have to get off the strip and head for the downtown Grand Las Vegas, located on historic Fremont Street. I'm running "Welcome Back to the Downtown Deal". Guests can find $5 crab games with a $1 blackjack table, as well as affordable food options such as $2 hot dogs, beer, and shots for just $3.50. There are also reasonably priced rooms along with free parking for customers.
