
Communication & Marketing Update Fall 2023 | Archdiocese of Milwaukee

What's Inside This Issue

Resources, Networking, & Learning Opportunities

Join us for Coffee, Christ and Communication on the 2nd Friday of every month via Zoom. This is a casual get-together for parish staff communicators to connect, ask questions, and share insights. There is no agenda, just an opportunity to share knowledge and learn from one another. Sign-up here!

At our first meeting, we walked through the Communication Hub, did a deep dive on the ProShop Storefront, discussed catchy taglines for a billboard/postcard campaign, and conducted an informal poll on what kinds of webinars you'd like the archdiocese to provide. It was a great way to connect with each other, share ideas and just come together in solidarity. Hope to see you soon at our next meet-up on Oct. 13!


New Webinar Alert! Tips for a Better Parish Website | Join the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and eCatholic on Thursday, October 19, 2023, 10 a.m. CST for a webinar just for parish communicators, where you’ll gain valuable insights and tips to help you create or maintain an outstanding parish website.

In today's digital age, having an impactful online presence for your parish is essential. However, oftentimes your biggest challenge lies in determining what website content is crucial and what should be left out.

During this 60-minute webinar, John Caliguire and Michael Josephs from eCatholic will touch on effective ways you can better inform, invite, and engage your website users; share example resources to inspire you to start shaping your website into an effective communication tool; and offer a special gift just for parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Sign-up today!


Bulletin ads - did you know? We have a dedicated page on our website with bulletin ads from archdiocesan offices/initiatives/events, as well as local parishes and organizations looking to spread the word about what they have going on. However, we understand that bulletin space can be limited these days. So in addition to putting them in your weekly publication (if there's room!), consider using them as a way to reach your parishioners outside of Mass. Here are three ideas to consider:

  1. Create a list of upcoming events that parishioners might be interested in via your digital newsletter or weekly email, using the bulletin ads.
  2. Widen your circle and add upcoming events to your website calendar from other parishes and/or Catholic organizations. Bonus if they are free and family-friendly! Examples of these are Arise Milwaukee events, Catholic Ecology Center offerings, Pallium Lecture, Vatican II Awards, etc.
  3. Looking for social media content? Partner with other parishes and Catholic organizations and share what you've all got going on with your followers! Use the bulletin ads or simply share posts from one another.

Have you found other ways to use the bulletin ads? Let us know about them! Email taylora@archmil.org.


Your Guide to Making the Most of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Website

A quick reminder that parishes and Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee have access to a number of online resources through our website, archmil.org. The following is a quick breakdown of what’s available, and how your parish can benefit from using it.

Every parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has its own “landing page” on our website. Here, parishes can put in contact information, worship site and office address, phone number, email address, even your parish logo (some also use a photo of their building). The listing is tied to a search function that allows website visitors to find a parish within a certain proximity to them.

Tied to your parish page is the ability to list Masses, confession times, parish events, and job postings. Each listing is also tied to a search function: Find a Parish/Find a Mass/Find a Confession/Find a Job/Find an Event. Notably, Find a Mass and Find a Confession are two of the top 10 most visited pages on our website!

Throughout the year, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will promote on social media and other various avenues things that our parishes are doing, for example:

  • Holy days
  • Lenten fish fries
  • Upcoming festivals
  • Men and Women’s Prayer Groups
  • Parish auctions/galas/anniversaries
  • Advent/Lent faith opportunities
  • Open job positions
  • Etc.

Make sure that you list all of your upcoming events on our website so that we can do our part to help bring people to them. If it’s been awhile since you last updated your landing page, or posted an event, and you need some assistance, reach out to communication@archmil.org for help. All parishes are responsible for adding their own content.


Is Your Parish Website Mobile Responsive? 4 Reasons Why it Needs to Be

Written by Amy Taylor | Archdiocese of Milwaukee

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever for our churches to maintain a strong online presence, and having a responsive website is an easy way to ensure people can find you. Create and maintain your online presence by making sure that yours is designed to be easily viewed and navigated on all devices.


Google Business Listings Aren’t JUST For Businesses — Your Parish Needs One, Too!

It’s no secret that people are relying more and more on the internet to find what they need. For businesses, it’s essential they maintain a strong online presence. Additionally, this is especially true for Catholic parishes looking to reach new members and connect with the broader community. One way to do this is to claim your parish's Google Business Profile.

A Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows you to create a listing for your parish on Google Maps and Search. This listing will include information about your parish, such as your address, phone number, website, and hours of operation. It will also allow you to post photos and videos, and to respond to reviews.

Here's a quick exercise to see how your current Google listing stacks up. Visit www.google.com and type in your parish name and city. The information on the right-hand side is what is currently published on your Google Business Profile (whether you've claimed it already or not). How does it look to you? Is the address and phone number correct? Are the images attractive? Are there reviews, and if so, are they good? If you can see room for improvement, know that claiming your profile will allow you to refine your message and improve your digital presence.

Claiming your parish's Google Business Profile is a simple way to improve your online presence and reach new people. By following these simple tips, you can use your listing to connect with the community, build trust, and attract new members for Christ!


Identify Your Parish’s Web Audience and Give Them What They Want

Check-out this informative blog from our friends at LPi published July 20, 2023

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for churches like yours. A well-designed and informative website can be a powerful tool to connect with your community and reach out to potential visitors as well. However, to effectively engage your audience, it is essential to identify their specific needs and provide them with the information they are seeking. Let’s explore the diverse needs of those who might be visiting your parish’s website and discuss how to cater to each audience.

Need a little help? We're here for you! Connect today for parish resources, marketing guidance, tutorials, feedback, or any questions you might have.

Amy Taylor | Associate Director of Communication | (414) 769-3435 | taylora@archmil.org
