
Co-producing urban research: sharing methods and experiences

You are invited to a Manchester Urban Institute and Global Development Institute panel discussion in collaboration with Methods@Manchester

Wednesday 6th December 1.30pm - 3:00pm

Room G.36, Arthur Lewis Building

This panel discussion hosted by MUI and GDI brings together experts from around the world to share practical insights concerning the co-production of research. Co-production has become an essential and established element in urban research but involves a number of challenges for those involved. How can researchers develop trust and deliver meaningful impact with communities in the context of patchy and often short term funding? How can emergent research be fitted into the language of outputs and deliverables? Can co-production be done in ways that are fair to multiple partners and not hugely resource intensive? These questions are familiar to anyone conducting urban research, but are increasingly relevant to all researchers as disciplines from health to engineering adopt the principles of co-production.

Drawing on experiences working with different kinds of stakeholders to co-produce research in many different settings, the panel will discuss the kinds of methods and approaches that can work in practice. There will be ample time for discussion and questions, and we intend the panel to be entirely interactive.


  • Diana Mitlin (Chair), Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
  • Victoria Beard, Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities
  • Tine Buffel, Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group, University of Manchester
  • James Evans, Manchester Urban Institute, University of Manchester
  • Shuaib Lwasa, International Institute for Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam

This event is free of charge but it would be helpful if you could register in advance to give us an idea of numbers!