What a Mess! Nursery, summer term, week 2

Our imaginary work continued this week. We returned to our island and to our horror found that it has been trashed! Rubbish has been left everywhere. The children were not happy.

Remembering what our island looked like.

Luckily, the explorers were quick to work together to tidy it all up. We don't know who did it. We are just hoping that the plants and animals will be ok.

The children have been re-living their imaginary story about dinosaur discoveries from last half term through their play. We've seen dinosaur hunts happening and maps being drawn to find clues for lost items.

Using previously learnt skills and vocabulary during play.

Our maths this week has been all about the number five. We have written '5', drawn it, counted it and rearranged it.

Using the counters to show arrangements of five on a ten frame.
The quantity five.
We've been practising writing numerals.
Mark making numbers.
Subitizing five and counting amounts up to five.

Mrs Ranson has been helping everyone with oral blending. This is when we hear separate sounds and blend them together to hear a word. E.g. 'd-o-g' blends to make the word 'dog'.

Practising important pre-reading skills.

We have now seen and learned the picture cards for our Read Write Inc phonics scheme and next week we begin learning the sounds 'm', 'a' 's' and 'd'. Your child will come home with flashcards at the end of the week.

PLEASE spend a few minutes watching the video below. It's not as easy as it looks saying the sounds (not letter names!) correctly, but it's vitally important to your child's reading that you get this right. All teachers at school have had to learn the correct way of saying the sounds and in order for you to teach your child at home you need to do this too. https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/YDZaT6mY/Bzfp2FgJ


The children have loved writing during their time to play this week and we are all super excited to take the plunge into learning letters next week, expect to see emergent writing everywhere! If anyone doesn't have paper and pencils for their child at home please just ask us. We have a stash of scrap paper and we know how quickly children get through it at this age.