Viewbank Voice 27.03.2024 Term 1 2024, Week 9

  • Wednesday 17th April - ANZAC DAY Gold Coin Donation Day
  • Wednesday 24th April - Walkathon
  • Thursday 9th May - Mothers Day Stall


  • Friday, April 26
  • Monday, July 15
  • Monday, November 4


  • TERM 1: 29th January - 28th March
  • TERM 2: 15th April - 28th June
  • TERM 3: 15th July - 20th September
  • TERM 4: 7th October - 20th December


  • Grade 3 Camp to Phillip Island - October 28 to 30
  • Grade 4 Camp to Anglesea - May 15 to 17
  • Grade 5 Camp to Bacchus Marsh October 9 to 11
  • Grade 6 Camp - April 29 to 1 May

FINAL ASSEMBLY AND EARLY DISMISSAL A reminder that the final assembly of Term 1 commences at 2.10pm tomorrow, Thursday, March 28. Students will be dismissed from the gymnasium at 2.30pm to commence a well-earned holiday break.

TERM 2 EVENTS As always, there’s lots to look forward to when school resumes on Monday, April 15 for Term 2. In the second week of term, we have a major Parents & Friends event with a whole school walkathon on the Wednesday, along with our ANZAC day ceremony on that day. This precedes the ANZAC day public holiday on the Thursday and then a pupil free day on the Friday as our school joins Rosanna, Ivanhoe and Watsonia North staff for a day of professional development activities relating to Disability Inclusion. The third week of term sees the first of our four school camps this year as the Grade 6 students head off to Camp Coonawarra, near Bairnsdale. That week also sees our 2025 Foundation information evening in the school gymnasium. A busy start!

WORKING BEE Many thanks to all who attended Sunday’s working bee. It’s only taken 12 months (!) but the Foundation and Grade 1 ‘Pirate Ship’ area is nearly available again after our loyal volunteers spent a good part of Sunday morning bringing it back up to a safe, playable standard. We have a new fence and some other small works to complete over the holidays before reopening on the first day of Term 2. We also planted more than 60 Ornamental Pear trees around the school, especially up near the Grade 3 and 4 classrooms which in time will look even better as they grow. Whilst much more needs to be done around the school, especially with the stalemate between builders and architects with regards synthetic turf areas and breezeway walls bringing further development and reinstatement to a halt, we continue to be blessed with expansive grounds and views and a committed Buildings and Grounds committee and volunteers. Thanks again to all who attended on Sunday – always greatly appreciated!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy vacation and Easter break and whilst I personally won’t catch up with everyone on Monday, April 15 when Term 2 commences, I trust the term ‘kicks off’ with renewed enthusiasm after a well-earned break. As always, if you happen to be driving by and something suspicious appears to be happening on our schoolgrounds or near classrooms, please don’t hesitate to contact the local police as your vigilance helps keep our school free from vandalism or unwanted trespassers.

Kind regards,

Bill Kersing


Parents and Friends We attempted to elect a Parents and Friends President, Secretary and Treasurer again last evening (Tuesday 26 March). Unfortunately, we did not have any nominations.

What does this mean? The P&F at Viewbank Primary School will become an ‘inactive club’ unless a President (in the first instance) is appointed and then a Secretary and Treasurer. If any parent is willing to undertake the president role (or two parents who may wish to ‘job-share’), please contact the office to register your interest.

Events planned for Term 2 will still go ahead (Walk-a-thon, Mothers’ Day Stall) as these have been worked on and are almost ready to go. Term 3 and beyond events are less certain. Events ‘pencilled-in’ that may not be able to be run include:

  • Memorial pavers for 2024 Year 6s
  • Book Stall Exchange in Book Week
  • Fathers’ Day Stall
  • Student Disco
  • A range of things around the School Production (e.g. raffle, food stall)

Over the past two years, approximately $100,000 has been raised by the P&F. A summary of what this money was spent on was in last week’s Viewbank Voice. Because of the fantastic efforts of the P&F over the past two years, the money spent did not have to come from budgets that may affect teaching and learning programs. The school is indebted to the P&F for the work that was done.

Easter Raffle We would like to thank the P&F (and one or two of their children!) for organising the Easter Raffle. The raffle raised approximately $3000! Congratulations to the winners and to 1W for the class who sold the greatest number of tickets.

2024 Walkathon The 2024 Walkathon is scheduled to occur on Wednesday 24th April. Times for the day are:

  • 9am – 9:20am - Anzac Ceremony
  • 9:35 – 10:25am - Year 3 & 4 (50 mins)
  • 10:40 – 11:10am - Recess
  • 11:20 – 12:20pm - Years 5 & 6 (1 hour)
  • 12:50 – 1:50pm - Lunch
  • 2:00 – 2:40pm - Year 1 & 2 (40 mins)
  • 2:50 – 3:20pm - Foundation (30 mins)

The expected route for the event is attached. We will require parent helpers throughout the day as parts of the course are outside the school grounds – along Winston Road, Lascelles Avenue and Nevin Parade. We wanted to keep students off Martins Lane this year.

National Assessment Program – Literacy And Numeracy (NAPLAN) All students who were expected to complete the 2024 NAPLAN assessments did so by the end of the assessment period. I would like to thank the Year 3 and Year 5 staff for ensuring the tests were undertaken in accordance with the rules that were expected by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). There was the occasional technical difficulty, but these were dealt with calmly and efficiently. Thank you also to the Year 5 families who ensured that the BYOD iPads had the 2024 Lockdown Browser installed and Bluetooth headphones and keyboards (for those that chose to use these) were connected beforehand. Results will be forwarded once they arrive at school later this year.

If you are travelling this holiday period, please stay safe – particularly if out and about on the roads. See you all on Monday 15th April at 9am!


It’s hard to believe term one is done, it’s certainly been a busy start to the year.

Thank you for all that you have done to support our school. We are so lucky to have so many volunteers assisting across the school in a range of activities.

Have a safe holiday and enjoy the opportunity to relax, recharge and eat lots of chocolate. As Bill mentioned last week, I’m heading to the US to meet my new grandson and catch up with family. I will see you all again early in May.

If you have any spare time over the holidays please feel free to pull out any weeds in the garden beds in front of the administration building or those at the end of Nevin Parade.

Happy holidays and enjoy Easter.


TERM 2 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY CHARGES AND PERMISSIONS I would like to inform you that the charges for Term 2 extra-curricular activities will be uploaded unto Compass this week. Please note that all permissions and payments are required by Monday 22nd April. These activities have been designed to enrich and diversify the educational experience of our students. Kindly note that these activities are offered on a user-pays basis. For families facing financial challenges, we can arrange a flexible payment plan for extra-curricular activities to suit your needs.

Please reach out to me directly for a confidential discussion, and we will work together to explore alternative arrangements.

2024 ANZAC APPEAL BADGES ANZAC Appeal badges are currently on sale at the school's general office, priced between $2 and $10.

CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) The Government assisted Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports, incursions and excursions ($150 per child). Applications for the Governments ‘CSEF Fund’ can be accessed by filling in the application form and returning it to the office with a copy of your current Health Care Card. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply) i.e. a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Gold Card.

If you applied for the CSEF at your child's school in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply in 2023.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024.
  • Funds are paid to the school and will be automatically allocated to the Extra-Curricular Items and Activities unless otherwise stated by the parent at the start of the year.

Kind regards,

Lucy Addati

VPS ANZAC DAY Gold Coin Donation Day - Wednesday 17th April Viewbank Primary School is hosting an ANZAC Day Appeals Gold Coin Donation Day on Wednesday, April 17th. We kindly request that students bring along a gold coin to contribute to the RSL ANZAC Day Appeal. Please note that this is not a free dress day.

One of our major Fundraisers for 2024 is our Walkathon. On, Wednesday 24th April all Viewbank Primary School students will take part in this annual event completing laps through and around the perimeter of the school. Each lap is approx. 675 metres in length.

The students will walk at the following times:

  • Foundation 2:50 – 3:20pm
  • Grade 1 & 2 2:00 – 2:40pm
  • Grade 5 & 6 11:20 – 12:20pm
  • Grade 3 & 4 9:35 – 10:25am

We ask you to sponsor our students, and to seek sponsorship from family, friends, neighbours and workmates. This can be done as a lump sum for participating or a nominated amount per lap. Of course, the children will get great benefit from taking part in the walk!! All money raised will be going towards our major fundraising school upgrade project.

All students will be rewarded with an icy pole back at school after the completion of the walk (Please advise your class teacher if you do not wish for your child to receive one).

All students will be provided with a wrist band for the walk, and these will be hole punched at the conclusion of each lap. Once the walk is over the children will bring their cards home and collection of monies can then be organised.

Sponsorship monies can be paid via Compass (Course Confirmation and Payments) or returned to school by Friday, May 3. Thank you if you have already made a payment. If payment is made via Compass you are not required to return any forms to the school.

As always, we could not hold an activity such as this without the support of our parents and friends, both financially and on the day. If you can assist during the day by walking with the children, acting as a course marshall, hole punching cards after each lap, or simply cheering on our students we would be very grateful for your assistance. All volunteers must have, completed a Child Safety Standards Induction Checklist and presented to the school in advance, a current Working With Children Check, or approved exemption (e.g. VIT card, police badge etc).

Please register to volunteer here

Please support this major fundraiser, as it is the only one of its kind in 2024, and we do rely on fundraising to support school upgrades and equipment, which in turn support your child’s education.

Lower Plenty Bakehouse provide the school with fundraising Lunch Orders every Thursday. These lunches have been implemented via our Parents and Friends Committee. All money raised will be used towards our major school upgrad

Our Term 2 Fundraising Lunch Order Dates are:

  • Thursday 18th April (Orders closing on Monday 15th April, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 2nd May (Orders closing on Monday 29th April, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 9th May (Orders closing on Monday 6th May, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 16th May (Orders closing on Monday 13th May, 3:00pm) - Year 4 Camp
  • Thursday 23rd May (Orders closing on Monday 20th May, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 30th May (Orders closing on Monday 27th May, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 6th June (Orders closing on Monday 3rd June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 13th June (Orders closing on Monday 10th June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 20th June (Orders closing on Monday 17th June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 27th June (Orders closing on Monday 24th June, 3:00pm)

Orders need to be placed in advance via Compass Canteen. Ordering will close the Monday before the lunch date at 3pm. All of Term 2 lunch dates are now open for orders and can be placed in advance for the whole term if you choose to do so.

Please see attached a Parent User Guide on how to order via Compass Canteen. Please note a 35 cents order fee will be charged at check out.

Thank you for your support.

​​ICY POLE FRIDAY Students are able to purchase icy poles over the counter at lunchtime every Friday. All icy poles cost $1.00 each.

Entertainment Book 20% of the membership goes directly to support our fundraising at Viewbank Primary School.

Lunches must be ordered online using the CLASSROOM CUISINE website.


WEEKLY SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE - Every Friday 8:45am to 9:15am, next to the music room. Jumpers with the school logo, long and short sleeve school polo tops and school dresses will be $2.00. We are currently asking for donations of any unwanted reusable school uniform items to sell at our stall.

Instrumental Music Enrolments Can all students who would like to join our school instrumental music programs please inform the relevant teacher below of your expression of interest.


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0413 676 733


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0403 490 078


  • Email:


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0405 667 908

Our school has partnered with an independent provider called TheirCare to provide exceptional Outside School Hours Care services for our school community.

The program is available for all children at Viewbank Primary School from 6:30am until 9:00am in the morning and from 3:30pm until 6:15pm each school day.

During School Holidays & Pupil Free Days the service will operate from 6:30am until 6:15pm.

Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website:

Families are eligible for a Government Rebate called the Child Care Subsidy which can reduce the cost per session by up to 85%.

More information can be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare Support Team on 1300 072 410.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. During sessions, children develop life-skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play-based programs.


Shop Details:

  • Unit 3/30 Heaths Court, Mill Park
  • T: 9436 4005
  • E:

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
  • Friday 9am to 3pm
  • Saturday 9am to 12pm

Online Ordering Please Visit: