

Principal's Message

This week out focus has been on Anti-Bullying.

We have worked with children to understand the importance of sharing their worries with us when they happen. All classes have used the Anti-Bullying Alliance videos and definition to support their understanding. We recently completed a United Against Baseline survey and the results identified that the vast majority enjoyed school, felt safe at school of pupils.

What is bullying?


Understanding the roles people play in any incident


“The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-face or online.”

Please take a moment to read Baseline Survey letter from Mrs Rock.

Article about Daventry Academy School Falconer's Hill Awarded Prestigious National Accreditation for Geography

Star of The Week

Maple: Theodore

Silver Birch: Frankie

Elder: Lewis

Pine: Elijah

Sequoia: Keeley

Willow: Lucy

Acer: Ana-Maria

Oak: Louisa

Learning Round-up

Maple: What another great week! This week in maths we have been looking at dividing by 4 and 8, in writing we have been exploring our model text, looking at verbs and using our comprehension skills to answer questions. In PSHE we have been looking at families and celebrating differences.

Silver Birch: Another fabulous week this week! We have improved out multiplication and division skills, using lots of practical resources to help us! In Writing we have continued to look at report writing, with children coming up with some brilliant adjectives and verbs to support their writing. This week will be our final week working with the book ‘Stuck’, next week we are going to begin with ‘The Big Book of Trees’ focusing on our retrieval skills. Science was also interesting this week as we began learning about the digestive system and had a go at some experiments. Have a lovely, relaxing weekend and see everyone on Monday.

Elder: Another great week for Elder class. We have been busy yet again with our topics. In Maths we are now looking at multiplication and division, in PSHE we have been focusing on anti-bullying week with some amazing poems and songs being written. In Science we have been learning about sound and in Talk for Reading we have been doing some hot-seating to find out different perspectives in the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. I look forward to what next week brings!

Pine: Another great week, Pine! We have made a start on our new Maths topic – Multiplication and Division. In writing we have been applying our new writing skills in a variety of ways including turning our model text into a playscript and creating some Elf Road inspired poetry. We had a fun putting ourselves in a character’s shoes as we did some hot-seating in Talk for Reading, discovering how our hero might have felt after he had slain the Jabberwock. In science we also had fun as we participated in an experiment all about sound. Enjoy your weekend and I can’t wait to see everyone back on Monday.

Willow: Another fantastic week Willow! We have enjoyed identifying where foods grow around the world, in our fairtrade topic. In History we have compared Mayan cities to our modern cities. In writing we have enjoyed writing letters to ZSL, regarding animals in captivity. In science we have compared and sorted rocks into categories: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.

Sequoia: We’ve had another great week, Sequoia! We have continued with our multiplication and division unit in Maths and have investigated prime numbers and looked at the compact column method for multiplication. In Science, we explored different rock types and discovered what makes a rock igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary. In RE we explored The Christmas Story and thought about how different people may have experienced the event differently. I am looking forward to another fabulous week. Keep it up Sequoia!

Year 6: This week, we’ve ‘Made a Noise about Bullying’ in PSHE. In maths, we’ve continued to practise efficient mental methods for multiplication and division and applied these to problem solving. In writing, we can now say the whole of ‘Little Vixen Street’ aloud (with a story map) and have begun to explore the wonderful figurative language. In the afternoons, we’ve learnt about megacities, the American dream and the force of gravity! Another great week, Well done!

Speller Of The Week

Maple: Reyaansh

Silver Birch: Frankie

Elder: David

Pine: Jasmine

Sequoia: Erin

Willow: Kacper

Acer: Patrick

Oak: Clara

Family Learning

Family Learning courses offer free, fun opportunities for parents, carers and children to learn together. All courses are taught by experienced, qualified teachings who will help to identify learning aims for you and your children in a safe, friendly environment.

Parents and carers can attend courses in local libraries throughout Northamptonshire.

Find more info about courses starting in September and book at Family Learning courses

Dates for your diary

Children in Need Mufti - Wear something spotty: Friday 17th November

Mufti Day - Wear what you like (within reason) for a chocolate donation. Friday 24th November 2023

Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 6th December - 9AM & 11AM

Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 7th December

Daventry Carol Service (Choir and Year 4): Tuesday 12th December

Santa Run: Wednesday 13th December

Christmas Disco: Y3 & Y4 13th and Y5 & Y6 14th - Times and year groups TBC

Christmas concerts: Mon 18th and Tues 19th December - Times TBC

Christmas Party: Weds 20th December

Reports: Monday 18th December


Your child should have come in with their Accelerated Reader book and reading journal. Please remember to record when your child is reading at home. A target of 3 times a week or more is great.


Overall Attendance: 94.6%

Maple: 93.8%

Silver Birch: 89.0%

Elder: 92.1%

Pine: 95.1%

Sequoia: 96.6% - 2nd Place

Willow: 95.6% - 3rd Place

Acer: 95.3%

Oak: 98.3% - 1st Place

House Points

King: 610

Gandhi: 554

Pankhurst: 448

Parks: 472

After School Clubs - Term 2

  • Tuesdays: Football Club, Choir
  • Wednesdays: Multi Sports
  • Thursdays: Tag Rugby
  • Fridays: Shakespeare Club (Y5 and Y6 Only), Elite Football (Invitation Only)

Healthy Eating and Well Being

We are working hard to promote healthy eating in school. Caterlink provide a wide range of salads to accompany our school meal offer. Their meals are nutritional and well balanced. Below is a link to the Better Health website where you can find guides to healthy meals and lunchboxes.

Healthy Eating Award

We are working towards out Healthy Schools Award. Please take a look at our draft Healthy Food and Physical Activity policies. Please remember to send your child in with water in their water bottle and a healthy packed lunch. Don't forget to consider the fresh cooked balanced meals from Caterlink.

Reminder - snacks at playtime must be healthy e.g. fruit, low sugar/salt bars. This should not be crisps. Water bottles need to contain water and not squash OR fizzy drinks.

Allergy awareness - we are a nut-free school. Please ensure Nutella sandwiches and Celebrations and other sweets containing nuts are not brought into school.

Notice Board

Daventry Junior Park Run

When is it? It is held every Sunday at 9:00am.

Where is it? The event takes place at Daventry Country Park, Northern Way, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 2JB

What does it cost to join in? It's free! but please register before you first come along by visiting Junior Park run Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode. If you forget it, you won't get a time.

For more information please visit home | Daventry Country Park junior parkrun | Daventry Country Park junior parkrun

We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, free online classes and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.

My Family Journal App - Find patterns and triggers to make sense of your child’s behaviour and find helpful ideas to try with our free journal app. Your journal is completely confidential to you. We don’t offer prescriptions, just more ideas to consider to help you understand the reasons behind the behaviours you’re seeing. Enjoy the benefits of journaling with all the advantages of our free app. Using the power of the My Family Journal, we can help you find and tackle the reasons behind the behaviour. https://www.myfamilycoach.com/journal/



Our Vision

To ensure all our children are engaged in the present and prepared for the future. Our children will leave us motivated to take on new challenges and with the confidence to persevere in all they do. Through a world class education, all our children will develop the ability to become lifelong learners. Our exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum will ignite a passion for learning in all of us.

Our children are members of a diverse community that is kind, responsible and respectful to all. Everyone is valued and celebrated. Everyone is encouraged to be ambitious and aspirational. Through our active collaboration between home and school, we develop resilient, confident and independent learners.

Keep in touch


01327 703132


Twitter: @FalconersHill

Facebook: Falconer's Hill Academy

Term Dates 2023-2024

Term 1

Training Day 1st September & 4th September 2023

Term starts 5th September 2023

Term Ends 20th October 2023

Term 2

Term starts 6th November 2023

Term ends 20th December 2023

Term 3

Training Day 3rd January 2024

Term starts 4th January 2024

Term ends 16th February 2024

Term 4

Term starts 26th February 2024

Term ends 28th March 2024

Term 5

Term starts 15th April 2024

Term ends 24th May 2024

Term 6

Term starts 3rd June 2024

Term ends 22nd July 2024

Training Day 23rd July 2024 & 24th July 2024