KEVI Newsletter 5th January 2024

Senior Leadership Team Update

Rewards Assembly

To finish the year we held our Celebration Assembly which is to promote effort and attainment in all of the subjects and also recognise those students who live our KEVI Values. It was wonderful to see students being rewarded for their effort this term in subjects that they may find challenging. It really is a testament to the resilience of our students. Well done to all students who received an award.

Star of the Week

Each week our house leaders nominate their Star of the Week to recognise those students who are living our values.

Our Stars of the Week are:

Y7: Andrew P - for his Courage/Aspiration in leading the 7 Arete singing competition.

Y8: Ava B - for showing incredible Courage at the Christmas Showcase with her piano performance.

Y10: Isla H - for showing Courage by singing solo in the Christmas Showcase. Really brave!

Y10: Olivia O - for showing Courage and perseverance in her work and extra activities this term.

We talk a lot about our KEVI Courage and how it is a value we promote so on the last day of term the staff gathered around the gates to sing Christmas Carols as students entered the site. There was a lovely atmosphere and it was an excellent way to end a fantastic year at KEVI.

Mr M Wilkinson - Head of School

Values: Courage

Leading up to the Christmas break we are proud that so many of our pupils were showing KEVI Courage by performing music and drama. Our Year 7 Christmas Sing Off Spectacular was attended by many parents who came along to watch the fantastic year 7s perform their songs. The Christmas Showcase that involved many pupils across school in different year groups and was another wonderful event. We know that it is normal to feel nervous before a public performance. l Well done to everyone who showed KEVI Courage and performed!

House News

Throughout the final few days of last term we had our final house competitions. During the last weeks we have had the Santa Fun Run, Christmas party and the Year 7 Singing Competition.

The Santa Fun Run was a success with over 100 students taking part. The students were in the festive spirit while racing round the field with their Santa hats and reindeer antlers on. This competition is judged on the highest participation. In 4th place was Apollo, in 3rd place was Minerva, in 2nd place was Mercury with Arete in 1st place.

The House Singing competition went ahead with parents coming in to watch along with a panel of 4 judges. In 4th place was Minerva, in 3rd place was Mercury, in 2nd place was Arete and in 1st place was Apollo!

The Christmas party for students who had taken part in the highest amount of events so far. Students were served food while listening to some Christmas music. Once the party began the games did too. Dress your House Champion as a snow person using toilet roll. Next up was the cereal box challenge which involved students picking up cereal boxes with their mouth, without touching the floor. Followed by a game of bingo! Students thoroughly enjoyed the party and earned their houses some extra house points with Minerva doing particularly well.


This term we have lots of exciting events to look forward to. Starting the term off strong is table tennis which starts with staff on Friday. This involves 2 people from each form battling against the other houses.

We also have our KEVI Talent show at the end of the term. Students need to practice their skills ready for auditions which start on the 29th of January.

Miss C Eyre - Games Master

Gino's Update

Menu - Spring Term

Price List – January 2024


  • Bacon roll £1.05
  • Sausage bap (Wed only) £1.05
  • Large bacon roll £1.45
  • Fruit – piece or small pot 45p
  • Toasted teacake 55p
  • Yogurt 50p


  • Bacon roll £1.05
  • Sausage bap £1.05
  • Large bacon roll £1.45
  • Pizza slice £1.05
  • Toasted sandwich £1.45
  • Cheese & ham bagel £1.45
  • Toasted crumpet 55p
  • Toasted teacake 55p

Break & Lunch

  • Salad box £1.95
  • Baguettes (small) £1.30
  • Baguettes (large) £1.85
  • Sandwiches £1.45
  • Large roll £1.45
  • Small roll £1.05
  • Tortilla wrap £1.75
  • Crusty bread roll 35p
  • Fruit – piece or small pot 45p
  • Yogurt 50p
  • Condiment sachet 10p


  • Main meal with 2 sides £2.20
  • Vegetarian main meal with 2 sides £2.20
  • Meal deal (meal, cake/dessert or small drink) £2.53
  • Pasta pot £1.80
  • Stir fry pots £1.80
  • Curry, rice & naan bread pot £2.20
  • Panini £1.50
  • Pizza £1.05
  • Jacket potato with filling £1.90
  • Cake/Cookie 65p
  • Hot pudding 70p

Drinks (Breakfast, Break & Lunch)

  • Fruit juice carton 70p
  • Flavoured milk carton 70p
  • Semi skimmed milk carton 70p
  • Radnors fizz bottles 75p
  • Large bottles water 90p
  • Large bottles flavoured water 95p

Daily Spend limits in Gino’s are set at £5.00 per day. Please contact us if you would like this to be changed for your child.

Angela Clark - Catering Manageress

Teen Support

At this time of year lots of people become conscious of body image as we make new years resolutions to exercise more diet better or join a gym. It is no different for teenagers, however body image can have a significant negative impact on teenagers mental health. If children and young people feel that they do not match up to certain standards, or that they are not ‘good enough’ in some ways, it can affect them negatively. Research has shown that for young children, attitudes about body shape and size may start as early as three or four years old.

This trend continues into adolescence, with one Mental Health Foundation survey finding that among young people aged 13–19, 35% said their body image causes them to ‘often’ or ‘always’ worry.

Body image issues affect both boys and girls. The same Mental Health Foundation survey found that 46% of girls said their body image caused them to worry, compared to 25% of boys.

There are many factors which may influence body image in children and young people, including the media and social media, their parents, and their peers. A negative body image or body dissatisfaction can influence a child or young person in many ways. This can include:

• lower self-esteem

• lower levels of confidence

• increased levels of anxiety

• depression or low mood

• poor self-perception

• critical self thoughts

• social isolation or withdrawal

• self-harming behaviour

It's important to remember that there isn’t a single type of beauty - everyone sees it differently. And there simply isn’t a right or a wrong way to look. But if you're struggling, here are some things you can do:

Be kind to yourself

Try not to compare yourself to the many images you see online and in magazines, which are often digitally changed to make them look ‘perfect’ – they don’t reflect how people look in real life.

Notice how social media is affecting the way you feel about your body

There can be lots of pressure online to have the ‘perfect’ body when we compare ourselves to different people. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad, and try following accounts that make you feel good instead. Here are more tips about using social media.

Focus on the good things

Focus on the things you like about yourself, and the parts of your body that you like.

Spend time with people who make you feel positive about yourself

It might help you to write down the nice things people say to you, and not just about how you look. Remember, people value you for many reasons.

What would you say to a friend?

Think about what advice you would give a friend if they told you they were struggling with the way they look, and remember that advice whenever you start having negative thoughts.

Talk to someone you trust

It could be your parents or wider family members, like older cousins, aunts or uncles. Outside home, it could be a teacher, a neighbour, a close family friend or someone from a club you attend.

More support can be found on the following link

If you have any concerns, please contact us on

If you have an immediate concern about a child then please call 101 for the police or 01522 782111 for childrens social care.

Word of the Week: Rejuvenate

Rejuvenate: verb - to make young again; to renew or give renewed life to.

Origin: -re (Latin: again) and –juvenis (Latin: young)

He felt rejuvenated after he’d eaten a good lunch and taken a walk in the fresh air.

After organising her study materials at home, her interest in revision was rejuvenated.

The city was awarded several millions of pounds to rejuvenate the shopping centre which had become tatty and out-dated.

Ms K Davis - Head of English Department

Accelerated Reader

All students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 have been issued with a new Reading Log if they have lost theirs. Please review your child’s log and ask them about their reading progress. They should be able to tell you what their reading target is, enabling you to support them to reach it at home as well as in KEVI 20 reading time each day. Please clearly sign the reading log each time you look at it in the space provided.

An independent fiction reading book is part of the KEVI equipment each day and as they are finished, they should be quickly swapped for a new book. Miss Villiers sends out overdue book reminders regularly and books can easily be renewed if they are required for longer.

The Library remains open every day before school, at break and at lunchtime, apart from Tuesday lunchtime.

Ms K Davis - Head of English Department

Table Talk

I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Many of us will have started the new year with some new years resolutions. Historically, the first recorded people to set new year pledges (later to become known as resolutions) are the Ancient Babylonians some 4,000 years ago.

The Babylonians are also the first civilisation to hold recorded celebrations in honour of the new year. Though for the Babylonians the year began not in January, but in mid-March, when the crops were being planted. New year resolutions for the Babylonians were intertwined with religion, mythology, power, and socioeconomic values.

Today they tend focus around improvements to our mental and physical health and we hope to begin the year with a renewed focus on improving ourselves, whether that be to exercise more, go to the gym more often, take time out for a walk or reduce our alcohol intake. For our children it is an excellent time for them to also set new goals and targets. During assembly, this week we spoke about the year they had had and how they maybe able to improve themselves. For those who continue to work hard in all lessons and on their homework, it might be to strive for a certain amount of reward points leading to a new badge or to gain a gold or even diamond badge. For those who know there is room for improvement it is often more difficult but setting short term goals can often help in the motivation and enthusiasm to continue a difficult journey. Please take the time to talk to your children and to support in setting and achieving their goals for the coming days weeks months and year.

Mr A Carrington - Assistant Principal

Sports Enrichment

What a brilliant 2023 DRET Santa Fun Run! Lots of students took part, creating lots of fun and laughter, along with a couple of great costumes. Well done Jack for being the fastest runner and AJ for being a close second. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you for all your generous donations.

A massive well done and congratulations to the highest fund raisers for the KEVI Santa Fun Run, Finley and Sophia. An amazing effort obtaining great sponsorship to contribute to the DRET Inspiration Fund, which overall across the Trust has raised over £50,000, which is a fantastic achievement.

Ms L Burton - Sports Enrichment Officer

Dates for the Diary

11th January - Year 10 Parents' Evening

17th January - Year 11 Information Evening

6th February - Year 7 and Year 12 Parents' Evening

27th February - Year 9 Options Evening