Welcome to Birkwood An #IncredibleCommunity

The Birkwood Values

IMPORTANT DATE Reminder - Parents' Evening NEXT WEEK Tuesday 12th March 2024

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Birkwood Primary School Newsletter.

8th March 2024

A Message from the Headteacher

Don't forget - Comic Relief is on Friday 15th March. Children may wear non-uniform and Comic Relief related items. We are not accepting donations in school, but if you wish to donate to this brilliant cause, please use the link below.

Another superb week at Birkwood.

We have been extremely busy and one of the week’s highlights was undoubtedly World Book Day 2024. The children looked absolutely terrific and we had a great time listening to some wonderful stories, shared by some different teachers! We thoroughly enjoy everything that reading offers in school and Birkwood puts reading at the heart of its curriculum and indeed at the heart of everything we do in a range of subjects! I am delighted with the way the children have embraced all things reading in school. I pay a huge thank you to Mrs Wilkie for organising the events; it was certainly an excellent way to celebrate a special day in the calendar. I wish it had been ‘a thing’ when I was at school! See the wonderful photos below.

Last Friday our Yr 5-6 basketball team took part in a local schools tournament. They were outstanding and beat Churchfield in the final. Well done to the team, and their coach Mr Walton.

The extension continues to fly up and we have had some exciting developments in there especially in terms of technology. Enjoy the photographs - we are excited to take advantage of the wonderful state-of-the-art facilities. Mrs. Lavendar and Year 2 Parks will enjoy the last term of the year in there I am certain!

One of the things I love the most about Birkwood is the collection of big hearts, the show of generosity and compassion that our families have. This is once again reflected by a request I have recently received. Katie, a parent of one of our pupils is taking part in the 'swim 8K in March 2024 to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. Please see the link below to donate to this wonderful cause.

Year 3 have commenced swimming this week. As well as all of the obvious benefits in terms of safety, I know that the children had a lot of fun!

Congratulations to the footballers who played at Brierley Primary School this week and again thanks to Mr Walton for his leadership of a fine squad. A hard-fought defeat but always wonderful to see children representing the school.

We have a fantastic spring display of daffodils in the playground and at the front of school. These were all planted by Year 1-6 last Autumn as part of our outdoor learning and gardening lessons. Thank you to Miss Greenwood for bringing Spring to Birkwood!

Next terms after school clubs are released today. If you wish your child to attend any of the clubs, please sign up on Parentpay. The closing date for signing up is Sunday 17th March.

Next week is going to be another busy week. Road Safety is back on the agenda on Monday. Our School Council shall help BMBC with a campaign that shall encompass the whole borough. Some key messages as we all strive to keep everybody safe.

On Tuesday, Ms Marples, one of our music teachers will be holding a keyboard & piano drop in/taster session with any child who wishes to learn one of these instruments. If your child is interested in attending the session please let the school office know, before 12pm Tuesday.

Parents’ Evening is also booked for next week. If Tuesday doesn’t suit any families, then phone calls at a better time may be arranged. Sharing the progress of the children is vital and keeping families informed of what children are doing is key.

Thursday is Bingo evening, is a lovely evening. Everyone is welcome, so come along and join in the fun.

Don't forget to vote for us in Tesco's 'Stronger Starts' campaign. Don’t forget to pick up your token and cast your vote @ Tesco Stairfoot. You can vote until 31st March

Easter egg raffle tickets are still on sale, at a cost of £1 per strip. Please see Mrs Rowbotham, who can be found outside the year 6 classroom after school each day, or you can send money in a sealed envelope (child's name on the front) with your child to their class.

Easter disco tickets are also on sale, at a cost of £2.50 per child. Please send money in a sealed envelope, with your child's name on the front, and hand it to your child's teacher. Tickets are on sale until 3.30pm on Monday 18th March.

Applications are still available to apply to be a parent governor. If you wish to apply, please see the school reception staff for a form. The closing date is 12pm 20th March.

Of course, this weekend, we salute all things that the many special women we know accomplish. My mum was my greatest inspiration and still is – the MOST important role anyone can play is the main carer and I thank Mums, Grandmothers, Nanans for everything you do. The fact that International Women’s Day arrives today makes for a special weekend that must be celebrated. Have a wonderful weekend and as ever, thank you for your much valued and much needed support.

This weeks news
Term 2 Events - January 2024 to March 2024
Celebration Assembly Winners
  • Headteachers Superstar EYFS/KS1 - BF Y2 Seacoles
  • Headteachers Superstar KS2 - TH Y3/4 Holmes
  • Class Times Table Rockstars - Y3/4 Holmes
  • Music Maestro - RH Y4 Pankhurst

House Winners

  • This weeks winners - Fire
  • Current Half Term Leaders - Fire
  • Overall Leaders - Earth + Fire
  • School Attendance Target for the Year - 96.50%
  • School attendance this year so far - 94.6%
  • School attendance this week - 96.0%
  • EYFS2 Anning - 93.9%
  • EYFS2 Sharman - 96.7%
  • Year 1 Einstein -95.2%
  • Year 1 Nightingale -97.8%
  • Year 2 Parks - 96.3%
  • Year 2 Seacole - 95.4%
  • Year 3 Earhart - 94.4%
  • Year 3/4 Holmes - 98.9%
  • Year 4 Pankhurst - 93.5%
  • Year 5 Attenborough - 95.2%
  • Year 5/6 Wollstonecraft - 96.9%
  • Year 6 Kings - 98.4%

Well done to Class Holmes who are this week's winners with 98.9%. Congratulations.

Our suite of X (formerly Twitter) Handles is here for you. Below is a link for 'all things Birkwood.'


PE & Sport

Please ensure children in KS2, Years 3-6 come to school IN PE KIT on their allocated PE Days. Appropriate trainers must be worn. No crop tops – Sports t-shirts please and shorts. A tracksuit may be worn – please make a judgment on temperature. This will be until building work is complete as we have no access to discrete changing areas.

This Year's Term Dates

Next Year's Term Dates Below

Dates set out below for clarity

Wednesday 4th September 2024 – Children return to school

Friday 25th October 2024 – School closes for Half Term

Monday 4th November 2024 – Children return to school

Friday 20th December 2024 – School Closes for Christmas Break

Monday 6th January 2025 - Children return to school

Friday 14th February 2025 - School Closes for Half Term

Monday 24th February 2025 - Children return to school

Friday 4th April 2025 – School Closes for Easter Break

Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Children return to school

Monday 5th May 2025 – School Closed May Day Bank Holiday

Friday 23 May 2025 – School Closes for Half Term

Monday 2 June 2025 – INSET Day

Tuesday 3 June 2025 – Children return to school

Friday 18 July 2025 - School Closes for Summer

For current Year 6 children, their tests shall be Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.

For current Year 5 children, their tests will be Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May 2025.

For current Year 4 children, their tests will be Monday 11th to Thursday 14th May 2026.

School Dinner Menu
Future Events
Our School Vision
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