Forden School 7th june 2024

Seren yr Wythnos

Mae seren yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Toia ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Ella. Da iawn pawb.


Congratulations to Rhian, Joe, Ella and Isobel for completing a level on Lexia.

Parent Forum

Thank you to the parents who came to the Parent Forum on Monday.

  • School banner - Thank you to all parents who responded and are happy for their child's picture to be on the banner. The school will share the proposed banner with children and their parents before it is produced.
  • School trips - There is a trip organised for all pupils this term: Y6 will be going to Penycoed for their leavers trip, Years 3-5 have an adventurous activity day at Redridge, Bedwen will be visiting Severn Farm, Welshpool (Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust). Please see information on ParentPay.
  • Open School - These sessions will now take place twice each half term for up to 30 minutes to allow parents with children in more than one class to see all their children's work.
  • Summer Party - We will be holding a summer party for all pupils on Thursday 18th July 5:30-7:00pm - further details to follow
Welshpool High School Concert

We have been invited to sing at the high school concert on Tuesday 9th July in the evening. We will be performing one of the songs from our Whispering Woods performance. This is open to all pupils. If your child would like to take part, please see Mrs Haine.

Welshpool D-Day Service

A service was held in Welshpool to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings in the Second World War. Three Year 6 pupils attended alongside Town councillors, other schools and Royal British Legion representatives.

Commemorative posters designed by Year 6 pupils will be on display in Welshpool Town hall on Saturday morning.

Hats and Sunscreen

Please ensure your child has a hat in school, clearly marked with their name. If possible, please apply any sunscreen before school. If your child brings sunscreen to school, they will need to apply it themselves (younger children will be supervised).

Residential Trip May 2025

Planning ahead - we have booked our residential trip for pupils in years 5&6 next year! The school must make a deposit to secure our booking by 10th June. If your child wishes to go to Condover next May, please make a non-returnable deposit of £35 (via Parent Pay) to secure their place. If you need any further information, please speak to Mrs Fowler.

School Website

Remember to visit the school website - The Year in Pictures - to find out what we have been learning about in school.

More pictures from this year will be added soon.


Dates for your diary

Mon 10th - Fri 14th June

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every day. PE days may change depending on the weather.

  • Monday Pupils in Ysgawen, please bring old T-shirt/apron for art lesson
  • Tuesday Area cricket tournament (pupils from Ysgawen - packed lunch, water bottle, snacks, etc.)
  • Thursday Year 6 Mini Medics training (1st Aid course)
  • Friday Archery

Future dates:

Wed 19th June Sports Day - Parents welcome to watch from 1:15pm

Sun 23rd June Pupil-led church service in St Michael's church (please see Mrs Haine if your child would like to take part)

Mon 24th June Non-pupil day (Welshpool cluster schools)

Mon 24th June Engineer awards ceremony in Cardiff

Wed 26th June Visit to Redridge Outdoor Activity Centre (Years 3-5)

Thu 27th June Music workshop - whole school

Tue 2nd July Area Sports (pupils from years 3-6)

Thu 4th July Bedwen visit to Severn Farm (MWT site)

Mon 8th & Tue 9th July Year 6 transition days @ WHS

Tue 9th July Singing in WHS concert

Fri 12th July Year 5&6 multi-sports day @ WHS

Mon 15th July Year 6 leavers day @ Llandyssil

Tue 16th July Year 6 trip to Penycoed

Thu 18th July Leavers' Assembly 2pm

Thu 18th July Summer Party 5:30-7:00pm

Fri 19th July Last day of term

Mon 22nd July - Mon 2nd September Summer Holiday

Tue 3rd Sep Return to school

Community Notices

Mums Matter Course - Spring/Summer 2024

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.