Take the pledge. Vote for kids.
At No Kid Hungry, we believe all children and families deserve to live free from hunger and poverty. To achieve this, we need bold action from diverse leaders, including policymakers who have the power to pass meaningful legislation that removes the barriers to food access and economic mobility.
This November, your vote can help shape the future of critical nutrition programs like SNAP, WIC, and school and summer meals, as well as benefit programs like the expanded Child Tax Credit.
That’s why we’re urging voters to pledge to end childhood hunger!
As voters head to the polls this November, remember: kids can’t vote, but you can. Commit to vote for kids by casting ballots for candidates who prioritize the programs and policies that will ensure all children have access to the nutritious food they need to learn and grow.
Scroll down for shareable social posts and pictures you can use to #GetOutTheVote, #VoteToEndHunger, and #TakeThePledgeToEndHunger.
Primary link to share: https://bit.ly/3z6Gf4y
Hashtags to use: #GetOutTheVote | #VoteToEndHunger | #TakeThePledgeToEndHunger
Restrictions on Election Resources
No Kid Hungry works with lawmakers at all levels of government to create meaningful policy changes to end hunger. This type of bipartisan collaboration is essential and it’s critical our election resources be used in a nonpartisan way. Please be sure to separate No Kid Hungry election resources from any campaigning including candidate endorsements and oppositions.
Copy and paste the social media posts below to encourage your followers to vote too!
This November, we're taking the pledge to vote for kids! We're joining @NoKidHungry, promising to vote with kids in mind - because every child deserves to live free from hunger and poverty. #TakeThePledgeToEndHunger: bit.ly/3Y0E62A #GetOutTheVote
Join us this November in making a powerful promise - casting our vote for the children! Partnering with @NoKidHungry, we're committed to considering the needs of every child. No kid should ever go hungry or live in poverty. Take action today: bit.ly/3Y0E62A #VoteToEndHunger
Kids can't vote, but you can! It’s important to remember that if we want to end childhood hunger it takes strong leaders ready to take bold action! Join us in supporting @NoKidHungry and vote to end childhood hunger. Act now: bit.ly/3Y0E62A #GetOutTheVote
Children are the future, and they deserve a life free from hunger. This November, join us in supporting @NoKidHungry and voting for change. #TakeThePledgeToEndHunger #VoteForKids bit.ly/3Y0E62A
@NoKidHungry believes that your vote helps build a better tomorrow for all kids🌟 Check your voter registration and make it count! https://bit.ly/3z6Gf4y #VotetoEndHunger
Ready for Election Day? 🗳️ Take a minute to check your voter registration and make sure your voice is heard. @NoKidHungry did the hard work for you by pulling together voter resources: https://bit.ly/3z6Gf4y #GetOutTheVote
One vote, countless lives changed. Your choice impacts more than just policy. Help fight childhood hunger with @NoKidHungry by casting your vote. https://bit.ly/3z6Gf4y #VoteForChange #GetOutTheVote
Voting isn't just a right—it's a responsibility. Use your voice to combat childhood hunger. Partner with @NoKidHungry and make a difference this election. https://bit.ly/3z6Gf4y #VoteToEndHunger #GetOutTheVote