KC News Round Up Friday 23rd February 2024

History Trip to Berlin

Over half term, History students from Years 9 to Upper Sixth enjoyed a fascinating trip to Berlin to support their learning on the Cold War and the Holocaust. Students visited the Stasi Museum, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and the Brandenburg Gate, amongst other places of interest and got a real insight into life in Europe during these periods.

I had so much fun on the Berlin trip I honestly don't think I can choose one favourite moment. I loved our walking tours of the city, I learnt so much on our museum tours and I ate almost my own body weight in Currywurst and Pretzels. Our trip up the Bundestag dome gave us such a beautiful night time view of the city and I flexed my German-speaking muscles in a market in Museuminsel. As well as learning loads, I made some lovely new friends along the way. The trip was not only really useful for my History GCSE, it was exciting and just an all round amazing long weekend in Berlin. Sarah, Year 10


Lower Sixth Dissection

Lower Sixth Biologists observed the breathing movements of live locusts and dissected dead locusts in the Exchange topic this week. They were able to see the holes through which insects breathe down the abdomen, called spiracles. They used the microscope to view the gas filled trachea and air sacs that are within the tissue of the insect, allowing exchange of gases.

British Biology Olympiad

Two of our Sixth Form Biology students were entered into the British Biology Olympiad (BBO) last term. The BBO challenges and stimulates students with an interest in Biology to expand and extend their talents. It enables students to demonstrate their talent and to be suitably rewarded with publicly recognised certificates.

Chloe in the Lower Sixth and Emily in the Upper Sixth were presented with topics and ideas which they are not familiar with and competed against other UK students, using their problem solving skills and understanding of core principles. When the results came in during half term, Emily was awarded Silver and Chloe received a Highly Commended. Well done to you both on these fantastic achievements.

Year 10 Computer Science

Year 10 Computer Scientists Jasmine, Natasha, Eva, Chloe and Hermione have used the Mission Zero Sense HAT web emulator to take part in a program which encourages students to consider future careers in space.

They have written short programs in Python, to create a personalised image which will remind the astronauts of home when they are travelling in the International Space Station.

Using the luminosity sensor on the Astro Pi computer, the students program their image to adapt to the colour of the astronauts' clothing so each astronaut sees a personalised image. These images are displayed to the astronauts as they orbit the Earth.

We are looking forward to our images being used in space in June and plotting the location of the ISS when they are displayed.

GCSE Astronomy Practical

Through the West Kent ISSP, Kent College have been running GCSE Astronomy since September in partnership with Judd and Skinners' Schools. Until now the weekly sessions have been run online with all students working in their own schools, but this week saw the first practical session at KC with students from all three schools in attendance. Students used their knowledge of celestial coordinates to find and view Jupiter and its moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) and had hands-on experience of using both reflecting and refracting telescopes.

HALO Lecture

To tie in with World Yoga Day, Mrs Stein gave a fascinating HALO lecture on Wednesday to AIMS students and Scholars all about yoga and its benefits to wellbeing.

As well as the history of yoga, Mrs Stein led the students in some breathing exercises designed to create calmness in moments of stress and practicing the tree pose to improve balance and strengthen the core.

Year 7 French

Year 7 French have been looking at two of the main French cartoons : Asterix and Tintin. They followed a tutorial to draw the characters and used their French vocabulary to describe them in French. A terrific effort from everyone.

Year 9 Art

Year 9 have been looking at the work of contemporary British artist, Patrick Brill (also known as Bob and Roberta Smith). They have chosen mantras, inspirational statements and sometimes song lyrics to create their own pieces in felt tip pen.

Year 7 Music

Year 7 have been studying the great composers from 1600 to present day. Have a listen to Eve and Annalise perform Fur Elise and Swan Lake!

Textiles Project Day

Year 10 and Sixth Form Textiles students took part in a very exciting project day this week, by transforming rolls of fabric into the costumes for the upcoming whole school production, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, in just one day!

Our students are always an integral part of the behind-the-stage crew for our productions, managing the lighting, sound and other technical elements, as well as creating props, costumes and set design. We can't wait to see these costumes come alive during the performances in March.

Carnival of the Animals

Bookings are now open for Carnival of the Animals, our music production involving Prep and Senior pupils and featuring many styles of performance. Please click below for tickets.

Flexi Boarding

The evenings in H&H, our junior boarding house, are full of fun activities that day pupils can get involved in with as part of our flexi-boarding offer. Join your friends in boarding for a movie night, sport and fitness evening or even a spot of pampering! If you are interested in giving flexi-boarding a try, please email handh@kentcollege.kent.sch.uk.

For our senior boarders in J&O, weekdays are often spent studying (their fun happens at the weekends) so if a night in boarding might help to get work done or focus on exams, then please get in touch with jando@kentcollege.kent.sch.uk.

Pupils can flexi-board from one to three nights a week on a regular or ad hoc basis, subject to availability. The cost for a full night of flexi-boarding is £60 (including supper and breakfast). Our new 'late arrival' flexi-boarding, after 9.00pm, is £40 (breakfast only).

Upcoming Workshops for Parents

Following on from the success of our Digital Resilience workshop before half term, please see the details below of the next free workshops in our series.

Booking for the next workshop on March 4th, How to Help your Child Build Resilience, is now open. Please click the button below to sign up.

The Wellbeing Hub

Additionally, these blog posts may be of interest:

Have a lovely weekend!