Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

Summer Term 1 Newsletter

It has been an exciting time at our school, and I'm thrilled to share with you all the wonderful happenings and achievements we've had over the past few weeks.

First and foremost, a big 'Da Iawn' to our students for their excellent start to our topic learning. Their enthusiasm and dedication have been truly inspiring, setting the tone for an engaging and fruitful learning experience.

We recently celebrated Christian Aid Week, which allowed our students to explore the importance of compassion and giving back to those in need. It was heartwarming to see their involvement and eagerness to make a positive impact.

One of the highlights of this term was the visit of Tori James, the first Welsh woman to climb Everest. Her incredible story of determination and perseverance left us all in awe, and I'm sure her words of wisdom will continue to resonate with our students for years to come.

Collaboration has been a key theme throughout this term, and it's been a delight to witness the various year groups working together. Seeing our students learn from one another and forge lasting connections is truly a sight to behold.

While we celebrate our achievements, let's not forget the hard work and dedication that went into developing our school field. The tireless efforts of our students, staff, and community members, in weeding, planting, and tidying have transformed our outdoor space into a beautiful and welcoming environment.

We were also honoured to have Bishop Mary visit our school, further strengthening our connection with the community and reinforcing the values we hold dear.

As we approach the half-term break, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and commitment to our school. Your contributions have played a vital role in making this term a resounding success.

Have a wonderful half-term, everyone! Enjoy the well-deserved break, and come back refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges and opportunities.

Honourary Guests

It is with great pleasure that I share the recent visit of Bishop Mary and Beccie Matteo, the Head of Education, along with Rev Angela. Our school was honoured to be chosen as one of the handful of schools they visited.

During their time with us, our dedicated Worship Leaders proudly showcased the heart of our institution by guiding them through a comprehensive tour. We were thrilled to unveil the captivating "Windows of Wonder" and the thought-provoking "Prayer Trail," both of which left a lasting impression on our esteemed guests.

These visits serve as a testament to the unwavering commitment of our school community towards fostering an environment that nurtures spiritual growth and academic excellence. We take immense pride in the accomplishments of our students and the tireless efforts of our staff in creating a space where learning and faith converge harmoniously.

Flourish Project

Well done to all those who recently completed the flourish sessions.

During the Flourish sessions the children have developed many skills to support their learning journey in comprehensive school.

Thank you to Rev Angela for spending time with our pupils in these sessions.


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Rev. Angela for her unwavering commitment to attending our weekly worship sessions. Her presence and guidance have been invaluable in fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth among our students.

This term we have been delving into the significance of Pentecost, a pivotal event in the Christian calendar. Rev. Angela's teachings have provided our students with a deeper understanding of this important occasion, allowing them to appreciate the rich tapestry of our faith.

Playground Pals

Our playground pals recently led an assembly, explaining the new zones implemented in our playground. Their initiative in taking charge and guiding their peers is commendable. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these responsible students for their efforts in ensuring a well-organised and enjoyable playtime experience for all.

Year 6 Residential,


Our Year 6 pupils recently returned from their residential trip to Llangrannog, and it was an experience filled with adventure, camaraderie, and lasting memories.

During their time away, our students had the opportunity to engage in a variety of thrilling activities. They experienced the adrenaline rush of go-karting, pushing themselves to the limits while navigating the twists and turns of the track. The climbing sessions challenged their physical strength and determination, as they scaled new heights and conquered their fears.

I am incredibly proud to share that our pupils were exemplary ambassadors for our school throughout the residential trip. Their impeccable behaviour and positive attitudes were a true reflexion of the values we instil in them. They demonstrated respect, responsibility, and a genuine appreciation for the opportunities presented to them.

As we look back on this remarkable experience, we cannot help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude. Moments like these not only foster personal growth but also strengthen the bonds within our school community.

We Love Lacrose!

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Laura Warren for her contribution to our sports club. Her expertise in teaching lacrosse was an absolute delight for our students. It's wonderful to see them embracing new sports and developing their skills in a fun and engaging environment.

Diolch i ti!

I am truly proud of the enthusiasm and dedication our students have shown in embracing this new challenge. Their willingness to learn and grow is truly inspiring, and it is a testament to the supportive and nurturing environment we have cultivated here at our school.

Camau Cerdd

First, we had the pleasure of hosting a delightful flute and saxophone concert for our parents. This musical performance allowed our talented students to showcase their hard work and dedication to their craft. The melodic tunes filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that left everyone in attendance thoroughly entertained and impressed.

A fantastic opportunity, well done all!


Year 3 have been exploring the wonderful world of the pBuzz. This delightful instrument has captured the hearts and minds of our young learners, allowing them to express their creativity and develop their musical talents.

The pBuzz, with its simple yet engaging design, has proven to be an excellent tool for introducing our students to the fundamentals of music. As they learn to read and play notes, they are also developing essential skills such as coordination, concentration, and teamwork.

Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!

Dydd Seren a Sparc

We have had a great time celebrating Star and Spark Day recently. A variety of exciting activities were available to encourage the use of the Welsh Language.

One of the highlights of the day was the outdoor disco on the field, where the children danced enthusiastically to lively Welsh music. It was indeed a pleasant sight to see the children enjoying the Welsh language in such a natural and exciting way.

We are very proud of our efforts to promote the Welsh language in the school, and we look forward to more exciting events in the near future.

Crucial Crew

The year 6 pupils recently had the opportunity to participate in the Crucial Crew visit, an educational programme designed to equip them with essential life skills. This interactive experience allowed our students to engage with various scenarios and learn valuable lessons about safety, responsibility, and decision-making.

During the visit, the children rotated through different stations, each addressing a specific topic. From fire safety and road awareness to internet safety and personal well-being, the Crucial Crew covered a wide range of crucial subjects. The hands-on activities and engaging presentations kept our young learners captivated while imparting knowledge that will undoubtedly prove invaluable in their future endeavours.

Tidying the Garden

It's been an exciting time at our school as we've come together to spruce up our grounds and add some vibrant new plant life. Pupils, staff, and even staff family members have all rolled up their sleeves and gotten involved to help us!

We've been busy tidying up our outdoor spaces, ensuring they're clean and welcoming for everyone to enjoy. But that's not all – we've also been hard at work planting a variety of beautiful plants and flowers.

As we continue to make progress, we look forward to enjoying the fruits of our labour and creating an even more inviting and inspiring learning environment for all.

Hensol Golf

'Try something new'

Our pupils were treated to a special visit from the Hensol Golf Academy. They had the opportunity to try something new and engage in an activity that many of them had never experienced before. We are incredibly grateful to Mr. Griffiths for his generous donation of time and for providing a free session at the academy.

Experiences like these are invaluable for our students, as they broaden their horizons and expose them to new possibilities.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Hensol Golf Academy and Mr. Griffiths for their kindness and support. Partnerships like these enrich our school community and provide our students with unique opportunities to learn, grow, and discover their passions.

People who inspire us...

We have been joined by a variety of Inspiring People this term. Thank you to Ollie Cooper, Swansea City and Wales football player, who enjoyed spending time with your wonderful pupils. Thank you for taking the time to come back to Llansannor!

Thank you to Andy who spoke to our pupils about his kayaking journey full of adventure!

We are very grateful to all who gave up their time to spend with us.

Role Up Play Village Visit!

Nursery and Reception had a great time at Role Up Lane Village. A great start to our topi learnign more about people who help us!

PS 1

I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the beautiful spring weather. I wanted to take a moment to share some exciting updates from our school.

First and foremost, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the professionals who visited our classrooms recently. We were delighted to have the dentist, police officers, firefighters, doctors, and eye surgeons come and share their invaluable knowledge and experiences with our students. Their visits not only educated our children about the importance of their roles but also inspired them to dream big and explore different career paths. A huge round of applause to these incredible individuals for taking the time to engage with our young learners.

Our outdoor learning sessions continue to be a hit! The students had a blast exploring positional language through hands-on activities in the great outdoors. It's amazing how much more engaging and memorable lessons can be when they're taken outside the traditional classroom setting. Who knew learning could be so much fun?

And let's not forget about our "scratch and sniff" outdoor learning session! Pupils were absolutely thrilled to put their senses to the test and explore the world around them through scents. They experienced nature in a whole new way.

I'm constantly in awe of our students' curiosity, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn. We continue to inspire young minds and foster a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

Thank you, parents and guardians, for your unwavering support and for entrusting us with the education of your children. Together, we're creating a nurturing environment where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

The PS1 Team

Our students have been immersed in the fascinating process of constructing skeletal structures, fostering their understanding of the intricate framework that supports our bodies. This hands-on experience not only ignites their curiosity but also cultivates their problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

We've witnessed the creation of truly remarkable superhero potions! Our young scientists have been concocting magical brews that ignite their imaginations. Through this engaging activity, they've explored the wonders of chemistry, harnessing their creativity while learning valuable scientific principles in a fun and interactive manner.

In our humanties lessons, our students have embarked on a remarkable journey, researching the life and accomplishments of the remarkable Mary Seacole. This pioneering figure's contributions to nursing and her unwavering determination have served as an inspiration to us all. By delving into her legacy, our students have gained a deeper appreciation for perseverance, compassion, and the power of making a positive impact on the world.

Last but not least, our religious leaders project has been a resounding success. Our students have embarked on a fascinating exploration of various religious traditions, gaining invaluable insights into the diverse beliefs and practises that shape our global community. Through this project, they have cultivated a deeper understanding and respect for different cultures, fostering an environment of inclusivity and open-mindedness.

As we continue to navigate through this academic year, we remain committed to providing our students with enriching experiences that nurture their intellectual growth, foster their creativity, and instil in them a lifelong love for learning.

PS 3

It is my pleasure to share with you the latest updates and happenings from our PS 3. We have been engaged in a variety of exciting activities and learning experiences that have enriched our students' knowledge and skills.

One of the highlights was our visit to the Royal Mint, where our students had the opportunity to witness firsthand the fascinating process of minting coins. This hands-on experience allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate steps involved in creating the currency we use every day.

In our English classes, our students have been honing their descriptive writing skills. Through engaging prompts and creative exercises, they have learned to paint vivid pictures with their words, capturing the essence of people, places, and objects in a way that captivates the reader's imagination.

Our science lessons have taken on a practical and interactive approach as well. Our students have been exploring the respiratory system in a unique way – by recreating it! Through this hands-on activity, they have gained a better comprehension of the intricate workings of the human body and the vital role the respiratory system plays in our overall health.

Additionally, we have embarked on a project that celebrates the remarkable individuals who have made significant contributions to our world. Our students have been creating inspirational posters, highlighting the achievements and legacies of these remarkable people. This project not only fosters an appreciation for history and diverse cultures but also encourages our students to dream big and strive for greatness.

We are truly proud of the enthusiasm and dedication our students have shown in these endeavours, and we look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success.

The PS 3 Team

Using our God given talents!

Please let us know of any out of school achievements. We would love to celebrate with you and let the whole school community know!

Dates for your diary

Don't forget you can use your new school app where all the dates for the next term are displayed. The termly planner is available on our website.

Planned INSET Days 24/25

Monday 2nd September

Tuesday 3rd September

Monday 4th November

Monday 3rd March

Monday 2nd June

Monday 21st July