From the Principal
Happy New Year! It's the beginning of a new calendar year - and nearly the halfway point in the school year. It's a great time to take stock of your child's habits and make needed adjustments. Talk with your child about how he/she thinks the school year is going. Is he/she making progress? How can he/she make the rest of the school year even better? You might consider these resolutions: Recommit to routines, spend more time reading, limit recreational screen media time and have a positive mindset. Weather can change quickly in the winter months. Please make sure all your phone numbers are updated in Skyward, so that you can receive notices about changes to the school day or school closings or delays. Also, please let your child's teacher know if there are changes to dismissal routines if we were to dismiss school early. Thank you for your continued support!
Rachel Storment
Mindset Monday
Monday is not something you should dread! Monday should be used as a new beginning, to try new things and strive for improvement. Join us as we celebrate Mindset Monday. Students may choose to wear a t-shirt with a positive or motivational message with dress code bottoms. We will designate one Monday each month as Mindset Monday.
January 8th
February 5th
Notes and Reminders
- READ for at least 20 minutes every night.
- Practice number identification or addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts for fluency.
- The TDS school day begins at 7:55 a.m.
- TDS dismisses at 2:55 p.m.
- Fridays are dress down days for students and staff.
- Join our private Facebook group or follow us on X (formerly twitter) @TDSExplores