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Newsletter Ysgol Deiniol 13th September 2024

Gresford Disaster 90th Anniversary - We were lucky enough to be one of five schools who were selected to work with two artists from Wrexham to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Gresford mining disaster which is takes place on 22nd September. In order to mark the anniversary, children from Dosbarth Berwyn produced a range of art work using charcoal, pencil and paint to reproduce newspaper stories from that time and also portraits. The work will be displayed in Ty Pawb over the weekend of the 21st and 22nd of September.
Reading - Last year one of our priorities was to improve pupil's reading skills and increase their enjoyment of reading. This week we sent home on SeeSaw this poster highlighting the importance that reading has in our children's lives. By reading to your child at home you vastly improve their ability to achieve later on in life. Just 20 minutes a day shared reading is all that is needed.
Asda Cashpot For Schools - If you do shop at Asda, or are going to shop at Asda then please scan the information above to see how you can donate much needed money to our school.
Our Friends of Deiniol group are an integral part of our school family and they hold regular meetings/fundraising events throughout the year. Last year's fundraising was exceptional with thousands of pounds being raised for our school. There are lots of ways that you can help. Lottery - please see the FoD Facebook page for details on how to enter the weekly draw and help raise funds. Uniform Swap - he garage to the rear of the school is open daily for you to come and drop off or pick up school uniform. This is completely free and costs nothing! Finally, Recycling Clothes - if you have any clothes, handbags, shoes etc. that you don't need any more then please bag them up, drop them off at the school reception and we'll recycle them for you! Please see the Friends of Deiniol Facebook page for more details.
Easyfundraising - When making purchases online please can you go through the 'easyfundraising' app as a small percentage of the transaction will be sent to the Friends of Deiniol. It doesn't cost you anything at all and most online retailers take part: Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Tui etc. Just download the app, choose Friends of Deiniol School Yard and then use the app to choose an online store to buy from. It's really simple to use and easy money for the school!
Recycled Clothes - Please keep bagging up and sending in any unwanted clothes to the school. It's really easy money for the Friends of Deiniol which is then sent back into school to help our children.

Dog Blog - Please see our latest blog from Albert.
