WE GROW CABARRUS NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County Center

Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.

Cabarrus County 4-H

Food, Culture, and Reading 4-H Kits – A Hit at 4-H Afterschool Sites

Afterschool children are enjoying the 4-H curriculum of Food, Culture, and Reading. AT Allen Kids:Plus, students enjoyed a week-long study on Russia from the 4-H curriculum. Children learned the many customs of Russia by reading the book “Latkes, Latkes, Good to Eat.” Dying eggs and fabric with various vegetable parts is also prevalent in Russia. Children at Allen Kids:Plus enjoyed dying fabric by using red cabbage. They boiled the cabbage in water and watched the water turn dark red. They also enjoyed creating their Latkes using hashbrowns.

Children loved creating Latkes by using eggs, onions, flour, and potatoes.
AT Allen Kids:Plus students learned how to use various parts of vegetables to dye eggs and cloth. They enjoyed using red cabbage to turn their water dark red.
4-H Afterschool Kickoffs a Success!

All twenty Kids:Plus sites have elected their officers and learned all about 4-H with a visit from Beverly Bollenbecker, 4-H Program Associate, or Denise Cooper, 4-H Program Assistant—Afterschool. Over 1,500 children played 4-H Bingo, learned about 4-H, and said the 4-H pledge during their 4-H Afterschool Club Meeting.

Children at WM Irvin Kids:Plus are learning to say the 4-H pledge as two of their 4-H members hold the banner.

Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions about Cabarrus County 4-H.

Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences

12 Days of Holiday Food Safety

"12 Days of Holiday Food Safety" was the topic of the recent ECA Leader training and ,as always, was open to the Public. The program was led by FCS Extension Agent Pam Outen who is available to present this educational program at local civic club meetings this Fall.

Educational Travelers ECA Club

The Educational Travelers ECA Club , under the leadership of Judy McClendon, Barbara Bost, and Susan Fearington hosted their quarterly educational trip and "mobile" ECA meeting as the bus group traveled and visited the Billy Graham Library for a tour and lunch. They traveled north to the Woodmill Winery where they enjoyed a speaker and tour. A "surprise" stop at a homemade ice shop was a sweet treat for the travelers. Trips are planned for October 17 and December 19, 2024. Meetings and program updates are shared during the travel times.

Cabarrus County Fair

The recent Cabarrus County Fair offered a wonderful educational outreach effort as eight educational ECA booths shared topics on "Support Your Local Farmer's", (Country Neighbors ECA Club), "The Track to Good Health," (Rimer ECA Club), "Our State Symbols," (Culinary Adventurers ECA Club), and "Prepare ...Be Ready for Emergencies" , (Cold Water ECA Club).These clubs also captured Fair Awards. Artistic Adventurers, Flowe Store/Allen, Quilting Mothers, and the ECA County Council also prepared attractive and educational booths. The large attendance at the 2024 Cabarrus County Fair ( 62,615 paid attendance guests), provided a large audience to view and learn about Family and Consumer Science programs and Extension and Community Association ( ECA ) community efforts ! Cabarrus County ECA also hosted an educational booth at the recent Agricultural Celebration at Frank Liske Park.

FCS also recruited 20 judges to judge the individual entries in Gold Hall. Entries were "up" this year so the judges had a full morning of judging! Many of the judges travel from out of town to judge, and look forward to judging experience each year.

Bradford Prep

We also hosted Bradford Prep. students in our Extension Kitchen as they learned the skills of preparing a healthy breakfast and setting the table recently .

Up Coming Events

Looking ahead to the Fall months, we look forward to hosting a Pad and Pen Basket Class on Thursday, October 10,2024, Beginning Yeast Bread Workshops with both morning and evening workshops on October 23&24. A workshop entitled "Quick Meals for Busy People" will be offered on Tuesday ,October 29 and Wednesday, October 30,2024. All these classes are open to any adult, and require advance registration.

A very special program "Holiday Creations" will be offered at 9:30am in the Cabarrus Rooms at Cabarrus Arena. This program is open to the public and requires advance registration. Included will be ideas for Charcuterie Boards, Beverage Bar examples and recipes, Chef inspired appetizers, Floral Inspirations, and completing a fabric covered ornament and Trinket Dish. Door Prizes will be included. The cost is $15 made payable to Cabarrus ECA and mailed to Joyce Kluttz, 3201 old Salisbury Concord Road, Concord, NC 28025. You may also register for this Holiday Program at : go.ncsu.edu/registercabarrus.

Please contact FCS Agent, Pam Outen with any questions about Food, Health and Nutrition: pamela_outen@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310

Cabarrus County Horticulture

Cabarrus County Master Gardeners: Making an Impact!

The Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardeners have been hard at work this season! Through their collaboration with the Lunch Plus program, they have engaged with over 125 Cabarrus County seniors, educating them on the importance of growing native perennials and supporting pollinators. It’s inspiring to hear them speak about creating sustainable gardens, demonstrating that gardening is an enriching activity for all ages.

Their commitment to educational outreach doesn’t stop there! The Master Gardeners have also volunteered at the Cabarrus County Fair, further sharing their knowledge and passion with the community.

2025 Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardener Training Course

As we continue to grow our horticulture program, we are excited to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardener Training Course. The course will take place next year from 5:30-7pm, and we encourage anyone with a love for gardening and a passion for education to apply.

Thank you to our amazing Master Gardeners for all their hard work and dedication to our community!

Please contact Horticulture Agent, Payton Berry with any questions about horticulture questions: ppberry@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310

Cabarrus County

Livestock and Field Crop

Piedmont Soybean Field Day - September 10th

Local field crop producers gathered at the Piedmont Research Station to learn from state extension associate Rachel Vann. We discussed differences in growth habits and how to best manage our soybean crop at different stages.

MPMS Visit - August 30th

Sarah visited Mount Pleasant Middle School with everyone's favorite, Scarlett! Students discussed the life cycle of a beef cow and where different meat cuts come from.

SOAR - September 5th

Sarah visited RCCCs SOAR program to teach about the Dairy Industry! Students got to make and taste their very own butter!

October 12th Cabarrus County Livestock Show.

Rules: https://go.ncsu.edu/cabcolivestockshow2024

Registration: https://forms.gle/rYGtMQGPcWKQ5rRV9

Please contact Livestock and Field Crop Agent, Sarah Newman with any questions: sarah_newman@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310
