Term 1 | Week 3 | Monday 10 February 2025
Message from our Principal
A very warm welcome back to Mullumbimby High School after summer break. I acknowledge that the land that we live and learn on is Bundjalung country and I pay my respects to the custodians of this land whose knowledge, wisdom and care has ensured our healthy land and water ways for thousands of years. Welcome also to our new format “What’s On”, our weekly school newsletter.
To all our new families, a warm welcome to Mullumbimby High. I hope that you have found your first week as rewarding as I have.
It was wonderful to welcome our students back on Thursday after our staff had four days of professional learning and time to plan for the academic year. I am honoured to be relieving as principal in a school where staff are so passionate and dedicated to ensuring that we have the best learning environment for each individual and where people genuinely care for each other’s wellbeing. At our first assembly, I shared the following with our school:
“There is an old proverb that goes, ‘We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.’
Before we return home, all of us, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could make things just a little better than they were before? If each of us could make sure that the land was a little better than we found it? That we are smarter and strong enough to care for the people around us? That we are willing to listen, to learn and to get it right, not be right? Our core values here at Mullumbimby High School are respect, responsibility and learning. Three key ways that can make not just our school but our world a little bit better, a little at a time.
Our three core values have been very evident as I have met and got to know our staff and students over this last week. It has been a very positive start to our school year.
This week we are looking forward to our senior students engaging with Elevate Education study skills sessions and morning tea with our senior student families on Monday, The first SRC meeting for the year on Tuesday, our U16 Futsal team training and playing, the year 12 Valentine’s Day fundraiser, Thursday and our whole school swimming carnival on Friday.
Students are encouraged to dress up in house colours for the carnival and to remember to slip, slop, slap and wrap. Swimsuits with adequate coverage that allow students to swim their personal best are expected.
As well as it being my own first week at Mullumbimby High, Mr Josh Edwards will be relieving in Mr. Cameron Johnson’s Deputy Principal position while Mr. Johnson takes some leave to travel. Mr. Edwards will be working with students in Year 8, 10 and 12. Ms Gemma Veriga-White will be the Deputy Principal working with students in Year 7, 9 and 10.
To assist families to know who to reach out to for student learning or wellbeing support, please refer to our school website in the About our School Section. Our staff - Mullumbimby High School Should your young person require support or if you need to know more about something about a particular subject, please contact the teacher or head teacher for that subject. For wellbeing, please contact the appropriate Year Adviser first.
Thank you Mullumbimby High for a fantastic first week back at school. Let’s keep our expectations and our energy high as we embody our core values.
Respect, Responsibility, Learning. - Bree Harvey-Bice, Relieving Principal
Swimming Carnival
When: Friday 14th February Where: Petria Thomas Swimming Pool in Mullumbimby
Acacia (A-C) C YELLOW | Jacaranda (D-J): PURPLE | Kurrajong (K-P): GREEN | Yarrabin (Q-Z): RED
Get your outfits ready in your house colours! Our School Swimming carnival is on FRIDAY! Students should wear their house colours and support their house! Sun safe swimwear, hat and sunscreen. Please submit permission and payment ASAP via school bytes.
Here is a snippet of last year's Swimming Carnival - link here
NSW Mobile Phone Policy at School
Mobile phones are to be turned off and out of sight for the duration of the school day. This includes during recess and lunch times. In the event of a mobile phone being seen or used, the student will be asked to surrender their phone. It will be then taken to the front office and placed in the safe.
The school canteen does not accept payment by phones. Students are required to pay for purchases using a card or cash.
Our school policy is available here from our school website.
News from our Students
Girls Surf Camp on the last days of term 4 in 2024 was a lot of fun!
Girls Surf Camp was another cracker with great waves and most girls getting to their feet pretty quickly on the first day. The girls were quick to set up their tents and suit up ready for our surfing lesson at Sharpes Beach. We had an early dinner then explored the beach and rocks at Flat Rock, followed by relaxing around the campfire. The next day was an early surf at Flat Rock before pack up then a second surf at Sharpes beach with the dolphins. We had lunch at Lake Ainsworth to wash off the salt before heading back to school in time for the school holidays! Sarah Pierce, Sports Organiser
School Photographer
Our school photos day will be on Monday 24 February and catch ups on Tuesday 25 February. This will also be the opportunity to have your School ID made with your current school year. No photos, means no ID. Please make sure you can attend one of those days.
Message from our School's P&C
School Uniform and Online Uniform Shop
Have a look at the uniform shop website where you can order uniforms online or search Mullumbimby High School uniforms. Online ordering has the benefit of allowing you to order 24/7 at your convenience and you do not have to send cash to school with your student. Payment for online orders is by bank transfer and you nominate at checkout if you will be picking up your order or if it can be given to the student.
Orders will be processed on the same days as the uniform shop is open – Mondays 8.30am to 9.00am. Payment can be made in store by cash, cheque, debit or credit card. Any uniform shop enquiries can be sent to mullumuniforms@gmail.com
Late, Early, Messages or Going on Holidays
ABSENT, LATE OR EARLY? If your child is not at school, let us know they are safe. If we don’t know, we will let you know they are not at school with a SMS message or a phone call.
COMING IN LATE? School starts everyday at 8.50am for all students. If students arrive after that time and miss CARE (roll call), please call the school to explain why they are late or provide them with a note. Students need to come to Students Services Office as soon as they arrive at school.
LEAVING EARLY? Only valid reasons approved by the Principal will be authorised. A note or a phone call should be made to Student Services before 9:30am and a leave pass will be processed.
MESSAGES TO STUDENTS Please call before 2pm. Only URGENT messages will be passed on during class time. We ask that all arrangements regarding after school activities be discussed with your student before school to avoid stress and distraction.
MONDAY PERIOD 6 On Monday, school ends at 2:30pm. However, buses do not begin arriving until 3pm. Staff members during this time engage in professional learning and meetings. To ensure that your child is adequately supervised during this time, we require them to remain in the school grounds from 2.30m to 3pm until the busses arrive. Students are only eligible for a pass if they live within walking/bike riding distance of the school. If you wish to give permission for your child to leave school in Period 6 on a Monday, please complete the following attachment and have your child return it to student services as soon as possible. On receipt of this permission, your child will then be issued with a pass that be used on Monday. For any special early leave, the normal leave process applies as mentioned above.
LONG LEAVE A reminder to our school community that the NSW DET requires that parents arrange holidays DURING school vacations. If your family holiday is during school time, you will need to inform the School Principal in advance and submit a permission to leave from the school. An application for leave should be provided at least two weeks prior to departure. Ask our office for an “Application for Leave” BEFORE the holiday or download one from our school website.
Music in School with the Northern Rivers Conservatorium
Northern Rivers Conservatorium, in partnership with our school, is delighted to be engaging youth in our Music in Schools (MIS) program 2025. This year we celebrate both our ongoing relationships with a number of Northern Rivers Schools as well as beginning Music in Schools for the first time in some new partner schools.
Little do we need to say that music is a wonderful thing. Being involved with music education is great for development of fine motor skills, the brain, skills in communication and collaboration and so much more…
Whether your young music prodigy is continuing in the MIS program from last year or are going to enter the MIS program for the first time, then you absolutely need to enrol your child/children. At any school we can only offer a limited number of spaces, so please enrol as soon as possible.
Mark your Diaries
Monday 10 February
- 9am to 1pm: Year 12 – Elevate Workshop
- 10:45am – 12:15pm: Year 11/Year 12 Parents/Carers Morning Tea and Workshop
- 12:10pm to 1pm: Year 11 – Elevate Workshop
Wednesday 12 February
- 16s Futsal in Coomera
Thursday 13 February
- Year 12 Valentine’s Day Fundraiser
Friday 14 February
- MHS Swimming Carnival - Wear your House Colours!
Monday 17 February
- FNC AFL @ Byron
Tuesday 18 February
- FNC/NR Hockey@ Lismore
- CHS Girls Softball Tamworth
Wednesday 19 February
- CHS Girls Softball Tamworth
- CHS Triathlon Penrith
Thursday 20 February
- FNC Basketball @ BISC
- CHS Girls Softball Tamworth
- CHS Triathlon Penrith
Friday 21 February
- 14s and Opens Futsal Coomera
- FNC Rugby League @ Mullum
Monday 24 February
- School Photographer
Tuesday 25 February
- Catch up day for the school photograph
- FNC Swimming Carnival @ Murwillumbah
Wednesday 26 February
- CHS Tennis
- CHS Boys&Girls Volleyball
Thursday 27 February
- CHS Tennis
- CHS Boys&Girls Volleyball
Friday 28 February
- CHS Tennis
- CHS Boys&Girls Volleyball
- NR Uni Showcase
Community Announcements
Sports Club Sign on in 2025