Ingoldsby Update September 2024 Part 2

It has been lovely to see so many keen and smiling faces at the start of term. I'd like to warmly welcome our new families and reach out to say that we are here to help along your journey with us.

My Family coach

We are off to a flying start with phonics. While we recognise that test scores are not everything, 100% of pupils passed their Year 1 phonics screen last year, scoring at least 37/40. Our staff are committed to ensuring pupils have the very best start to reading- the gateway skill- giving access to all other subjects in the future.

We have purchased Read Write Inc home packs for all new reception pupils to support you as parents to support your child.

As a parent, the most valuable homework you can do with your child is to hear them read/ read to you children.

Menu and Theme days from caterlink

You may have seen on the news that attendance procedures have been tightened, with fines for holiday absence and persistent increasing.

I have updated the website and will share further information. As always, we aim to support our families when they struggle and this will be our first approach.

As a school, we are held to account through attendance meetings with Lincolnshire County Council, and we work with an allocated Safeguarding Education Welfare Officer.

We aim to keep you informed and aware as soon as attendance issues arise through open communication. We know how genuinely important it is to be present as often as possible.

Dyslexia Outreach- workshops for parents


Thank you for signing pupils up to clubs. The lists will close on Thursday so registers can be created. Please check to see if you are on a waiting list.


  • Swimming Starts for Y5/6- 11/09/24
  • Kestrel Class field trip in the village 12/09/24
  • Speak Out Stay Safe workshops 16/09/24
  • KS2 virtual school visit with Katherine Rundell Author
  • End of term 1- 18/10/24
  • Return from holiday 31/10/24
  • Parents evening Y1-Y6 04/11/24

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