Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

Autumn 1 - Newsletter

Tymor y Hydref 1 -Cylchllythyr

September was absolutely perfect for outdoor learning, and it's was wonderful to see our pupils making the most of it. There's something special about seeing children collaborating with their friends in the fresh air. It's not just about the learning (though that's important too!), but also about building those friendships and social skills that are so crucial.

I've been really impressed with how our pupils have been working together. The level of engagement, independence, and teamwork I've seen has been top-notch. It's always a joy to see our children taking ownership of their learning and supporting each other along the way.

We've had quite a few visits and visitors to enhance our topic learning. These experiences really bring the curriculum to life. It's one thing to read about something in a book, but it's another entirely to see it, touch it, or hear from someone who's an expert in the field. I hope your children have been coming home full of excitement about these enriching experiences.

One of the highlights of our term so far has been our Harvest Eucharist. It's always a special time when we come together as a school community to give thanks and to think about those who might need a little extra help. These moments of reflection and gratitude are so important in nurturing our pupils' spiritual and moral development.

I'd like to say a massive thank you to all of you who have been supporting our eat healthy programme. Your efforts in providing fresh fruit or vegetables for our pupils haven't gone unnoticed. It's making a real difference in ensuring our children have a healthy start to their day. Good nutrition is so important for learning and overall wellbeing, so your support in this area is invaluable.

As we move forward in the term, let's keep this positive momentum going. The engagement and enthusiasm I've seen from our pupils is truly inspiring. Whether they're collaborating with friends, participating in outdoor learning, or tucking into their healthy snacks, our children are showing us every day just how capable and wonderful they are.

Remember, we're all in this together. Your support, whether it's helping with reading at home, encouraging healthy eating, or simply showing an interest in what your child is learning, makes a world of difference. So keep it up!

I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the term brings. If the start is anything to go by, we're in for a treat. Here's to continued learning, growth, and plenty more sunny days for outdoor adventures!

Take care, and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.

Love and prayers

Stephanie Davies

Dwr Cymru Visit and Visitor!

We were delighted to welcome representatives from Dŵr Cymru (Welsh Water) to our school. They came to talk to our pupils about the important role they play in saving water, and the steps we can all take to be more water-efficient.

During their visit, the Dŵr Cymru team shared a wealth of valuable information with our pupils. They discussed the importance of conserving water, the impact of water usage on the environment, and practical tips that we can implement at home and in school to reduce our water consumption.

Our pupils were engaged and enthusiastic throughout the session, and they learnt a great deal about Dŵr Cymru's work and how they can contribute to water conservation efforts. The team's presentation was both informative and interactive, ensuring that our pupils had a memorable and enjoyable learning experience.

As a school, we are committed to instilling in our pupils a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment.

We look forward to working closely with our pupils to put the knowledge and skills they gained during the Dŵr Cymru visit into practice. We will be exploring ways to implement water-saving measures in our school and encouraging our families to do the same at home.


Meet the Teacher

I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Meet The teacher event. We were thrilled to see so many of you there, and we hope you found the session valuable and informative. This type of open communication and collaboration between the school and our parent community is essential in supporting the learning and development of our pupils.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to those parents who took the time to fill out the feedback form. Your input is invaluable, and it helps us to make informed decisions about future events and initiatives. We are committed to continuously improving our engagement with you, and your feedback plays a crucial role in this process.

As a church school, we are guided by our vision and values of "Together with God we will explore, discover, and flourish." We believe that fostering a strong partnership between the school and our families is essential in realising this vision. Your support and involvement are crucial in creating a nurturing and enriching environment for our pupils.

We are excited to work with you, our valued parent community, to achieve these goals and ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

Wellbeing Club

As you know, our school vision and values are centred around exploring, discovering, and flourishing, with a strong emphasis on respect, thankfulness, perseverance, trust, compassion, responsibility, and friendship. The Wellbeing Club is a wonderful reflection of these core values, providing our pupils with a safe and nurturing space during lunchtime.

At the Wellbeing Club, our pupils can come together to chat, create, and regulate their emotions. This club is a real asset to our school, as it helps to make lunchtime a more enjoyable and enriching experience for all. Our pupils have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, from arts and crafts to mindfulness exercises, all while building meaningful connections with their peers and the staff who facilitate the club.

We are so proud of this initiative and the positive impact it is having on our school community. The Wellbeing Club aligns perfectly with our commitment to promoting the holistic development and wellbeing of our pupils.

Together with God, we will continue to explore, discover, and flourish, and the Wellbeing Club is a wonderful example of how we are putting our values into practice.

A visitor from the Senedd

We welcomed Richard from the Senedd to talk about the role of the Senedd in Wales. The children loved guessing the hats to learn about the different topics that are discussed in the Senedd: education, transport, health, farming, food, equality, sport / arts to name a few.

We were reminded that Wales is a country of sanctuary, just as Llansannor is a school of sanctuary. We welcome everyone and we value the opinions of everyone.

The children at Llansannor learn about the UNCRC, Rights of the Child within lessons, talking circles and worship. Richard shared an important message with us - we also have a responsibility to ensure we receive the rights e.g. Article 28 states 'I have the right to an education'. We are extremely lucky in Wales as all children are able to access free education. The children understand that in order to receive an education they also have a responsibility to be punctual; to listen and respect our friends and teachers; to express our thoughts; to be kind to each other. We are very proud of the children at Llansannor for being responsible for their learning.

Richard worked with our newly elected school council. The children took a closer look at the local leaders and their roles. We learnt about the Welsh Youth Parliament, how to share our views and the Senedd chambers where the politicians Debate, Discuss and Decide.

We are excited to Discuss, Debate and Decide in our school council meetings.

Election Day at Llansannor

This year we welcomed Linda and Caitlin from the Vale of Glamorgan Council to support the running of our school election. The children learnt about the election process. All children from year 1-6 took part in the election where they had to vote for their class representative.

In the run up to the election, the children prepared manifestos and understood the qualities required to be part of the school council. We are delighted with our newly formed school council who posses wonderful skills and we hope that this new and exciting role will further developed their leadership skills. The school council is one of Llansannor's many ways of hearing the voice of all pupils and we hope that together, the staff and pupils can discuss, debate and decide on topics in order to continue to provide the best education and care for all pupils.

Children voting for Senedd By Megan Ward & Caitlin Richardson

Children at Llansannor CiW primary school elect Senedd leaders. The candidates’ fate relies upon those around them. Only twelve children will become a part of the school Senedd. Who will receive the majority of votes?

Earlier this week, children aged 5-ll voted for their school Senedd council. Hoping to make a stand, four determined children from each class put themselves forward for the role.

All the pupils from years 1-6 voted by placing an X on the piece of paper next to who they thought worthy of representing their class in the school council. This morning, Jessica Carling (9) commented “We all felt the pressure on our shoulders, but it's good to have a little competition. The candidates are very skilled and very responsible so I think they all have a good chance.” Finely Lewis (9), on the other hand said ”I really want to enquire about being in the school council and making the school a better place. It would be good to feel a bit of competition in the school. I feel hopeful for the other candidates and I think they will give a fair fight.” Emmet Purvin (9) stated: “ I am very much looking forward to the election, as I think that it is exciting to be part of such a big vote. I do not feel much pressure, and I am very confident of what results I could get. I feel happy for the other contestants and think they stand a good chance.“ and Alaska Evens, also aged 9, said “Even though I didn't get the role, I'm happy that I at least tried because even if you don't succeed at least you gave it your all and didn't give up”

Everyone in the school seemed nervous about the election, with all candidates having an amazing chance to win. Having friendly competition in the school was great for learning minds. All the staff at Llansannor have strong opinions on this election. Mrs Davies, Headteacher, commented on behalf of the staff, “I think it's a really exciting time and it's really important that the children get a chance to apply for the school council. I feel really proud of everybody who has

put themselves forward and of those who didn't. I hope that everybody gets lots of votes and may the best person win!”

As you can see, lots of people were encouraged to vote, by staff and by adults around the school. Vale of Glamorgan council volunteers, Linda Savory and Caitlin Leach, spoke to us after the election on their thoughts of the process. They stated: “The election is a very busy day, but it is a great and exciting opportunity for young children to get involved, and have some friendly competition.” Linda and Caitlin came into school to help with the voting process and to explain the rules of the election, helping the children further understand about democracy. They also helped with setting up the polling station, and were very generous by giving students free pencils and pens to keep. The ladies were very helpful and the school gave thanks to them for going out of their way to make the election more fun and realistic for students.

The election took place in the small and cosy upstairs room of the school, called the Treehouse. Set up beautifully and neatly, the treehouse had become a miniature polling station, where the students went to vote. Voting ended at exactly 11:45, nearing the students' lunchtime.

It was a busy afternoon for Cal, Sully, Amelia and Pasha, who counted the votes. They stated “I feel that it’s very good to teach children about democracy. The school council shows that all the children have a voice and the right to speak out.” The majority of the group agreed that many of the votes were extremely close.

Mrs Davies (Headteacher) and Mrs Bevan (Deputy Headteacher) announced the results at the end of the school day and the children were delighted with the newly formed Llansannor school council. Mrs Davies and Mrs Bevan will regularly meet with the school council to discuss our school and the children’s ideas to further develop Llansannor. Father of one of the winning candidates (Macsen), and school teacher, Mr Morris, stated, “I believe competition builds resilience and tolerance in children learning that it's ok to celebrate others. It's a good opportunity to take part in democracy. I feel very proud of Macsen and I think it's a wonderful opportunity for him to express himself and take a lead role in representing his class.”

As you can see, every student, and member of school staff enjoyed the election process.

Urdd Sports Tournament

Well done to our Year 5 & 6 boys football team who competed with pride and determination at the Urdd tournament.

Thank you to all parents who came along to support and help us to supervise. We are very grateful.

We are so proud of you all!


Welsh language and culture are part of our school and we celebrate cynhefin (belonging) to Wales everyday through our learning.

Blwyddyn 3 a 4 spent an exciting morning with many other schools across the Vale. Penarth leisure centre was full of hwyl a sbri as the children enjoyed a wonderful morning of singing and dancing with their friends and local Welsh celebrities, Mr Urdd and Martin Geraint.

The culture of Welsh language and music fills our school and we are proud of the children's enthusiasm to learn Welsh. Why not use the App DuoLingo or Say something in Welsh to learn Welsh with your child at home.

Martin Geraint and Mr Urdd make an appearance at the Jambori!

Harvest Eucharist

Thank you, as always, to Rev Angela for celebrating a wonderful Harvest Eucahrsit with us.

Our school community love celebrating our faith together.

Senedd groups

We are so proud of our newly established Senedd groups. These groups are already making a significant impact on school life, and we are thrilled to see the positive changes they are bringing about.

Each Senedd group has created an action plan, which will lead to marked improvements in various aspects of our school community. We are particularly proud to witness the growing confidence and collaboration skills displayed by our pupils during these meetings. Their enthusiasm and dedication to making a difference are truly inspiring.

Food bank donations

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your generous contributions to our recent food bank drive for the Vale Food Bank. I am incredibly proud of our school community for coming together to make a difference.

Our worship leaders played a pivotal role in organising the donations and ensuring that the boot of the volunteer's car was filled to the brim. This act of service exemplifies our school's values of friendship and compassion, as we have extended our generosity to those in need within our local community.

As a church school, we believe in the importance of nurturing these core values in our pupils. By participating in initiatives like this food bank drive, our pupils have the opportunity to put their faith into action and make a tangible difference in the lives of others. It is heartening to see our children embracing the spirit of giving and demonstrating the true meaning of friendship.

I am confident that our partnership with the Vale Food Bank will continue to grow stronger. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those who are facing difficult circumstances.

Friends of Llansannor

We are so grateful for our Friends of Llnasannor for organising wonderful events to raise money for our pupils but also to provide fantastic experiences they will remember forever.

So far this term they have organised:

'Welcome to the start of term' coffee morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Cauliflower Cards

Autumn Term disco

As well as many other things behind the scenes.

Please support the remaining events if you can:

Christmas Fete will take place on the 16th November, please see details below.

New members, and volunteers, always welcome! Please email friendsofllansannor@gmail.com

to express your interest.

The governing body at Llansannor

We are very well supported by our governing body here at Llansannor.

This year our elected Chair of Governors is Chris Barber and our Vice Chair of Governors is Nick Young.

We are very grateful for Peter Whiting who has spend many years as Chair of Governors but has decided to take a step back this year. Peter remains part of the Governing Body and we are thankful for his input.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Rhiannon Cory.

There will be a vacancy for a parent governor in the coming months. Please look out for more information.

Chris Barber - Chair of Governors
Nick Young - Vice Chair of Governors
Rhiannon Cory - Designated Safeguarding Governor

Value of Friendship

Over the past few weeks, our pupils have been exploring the theme of "being a good friend" using the Bible and various other stories as a guide. This has been a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and reflect on the importance of compassion, respect, and responsibility in our relationships.

Through engaging discussions, thought-provoking activities, and the power of storytelling, our pupils have gained a deeper understanding of what it means to be a true friend. They have learned the value of trust, the art of forgiveness, and the joy of celebrating one another's successes.

As we move forward, we are thrilled to embark on a new learning adventure – becoming "persevering learners." This focus aligns perfectly with our school's vision and values.

Our pupils will be encouraged to approach their learning with a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. They will be supported in developing the skills and strategies necessary to overcome obstacles and persist in the face of adversity.

We believe that by fostering a culture of perseverance, we can empower our pupils to become resilient, confident, and successful individuals, both in their academic pursuits and in their personal lives.

Together with God, we will continue to explore, discover, and flourish.

Dewch i Weld

Don't forget to book your slot for the upcoming Dewch i Weld sessions. You would have received an app message with details of how to book.

We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you to those who came to the Meet the Teacher sessions. We recieved great feedback and some ways that we can make it better.

Thank you also to those who filled in the feedback form and described Llansannor in three words. This tree represents the ones that appeared the most. We are thrilled with the results!

Thank you for our God given talents!

Please let us know of any out of school achievements. We would love to celebrate with you and let the whole school community know!

County Cricket for our Year 5 pupil. Da iawn ti!
Da iawn to this Year 2 pupil who is wearing this beautiful costume to compete this half term! Good luck!

Dates for your diary

Don't forget you can use your school app where all the dates for the next term are displayed. The termly planner is available on our website.

Reamining planned INSET Days 24/25

Monday 4th November

Monday 3rd March

Monday 2nd June

Monday 21st July