Ooh Arrgh Me Hearties!

Dear OFS Community,

This is always a wonderful week as the buzz and energy of ‘theatre’ reaches into the school – signs go up calling for silence...’performance in progress’! Senior pupils walk past, reminiscing over their recollections of their Middle School play and the highlights and improvisations that had to be made on the night!

Earlier in the week, we invited pupils from Grange Primary School to join the Pre-Prep audience – watching their faces was magical as they immersed themselves in a story of adventure. We then moved into the matinee performance in which it was so special to have many grandparents joining us. I want to take the liberty of sharing a wonderful email:

And then came the final night – a special supper in the Hub before parents arrived. Last minute notes from the Director, inviting the cast to give their all and then the hush of expectation before that curtain opens signaling the start of an unstoppable roller coaster! We were treated to a fantastic finale, there was something for everyone, including tears of laughter and I dare say emotion too! A huge thank you to Mr Ford for inspiring the Y3 chorus to give their all as well as preparing the singers and to Mrs Gascoigne for gearing the rehearsals perfectly, allowing 120 children to raise the roof at the back of a long term!

Pupil Voice Assembly

It’s days like these that remind me why we do what we do – ‘Pupil Voice’ assembly that happens every term is a summary of the numerous pupil led committees who share their projects, visions and plans for the future – some simple, some complex and bold but all of them impactful. The structure of the assembly, the audio-visual elements, the scripts and presentations are all put together by pupils - I love it!

I suspect that Orley Farm has the potential to launch several ‘start-ups’ based on the creative and collaborative skills that run through the school. The best thing is that our youngest pupils are part of the process and as I watch them absorbing everything, I wonder what they will do with Orley Farm as they dream their dreams.

Courage & Risk Taking

Imagine Yr5 pupils competing against Yr10 pupils from senior schools – last Saturday, four Orley Farm robotics teams competed at North London Collegiate School. Orley was the only Prep School in a field dominated by very competitive senior students!

A huge thank you to Dhruv and Sahir for also using their skills from Photography Edge to capture the attached moments!

Well done to the brave Yr5s who competed in nine matches each over the day. Our Yr7&8 teams, who have refined their robots with creative and thoughtful changes since the last meeting, were ranked 5th and 6th in the finals in a field of 24 schools. A great day being inspired by and learning from some talented engineers. A huge thank you to Mr Dholakia for giving up his Saturday to lead the teams.

Santa’s Helpers

It was wonderful having 30 Reception parents join us for a well-earned lunch as they set about building Santa’s Grotto in our Well Being Hub...that now has heating (thankfully!). I understand that Santa sent plans through in advance and the team did a great job!

It's been lovely meeting so many people from our wider community this week – hosting plays and Christmas Fairs allows us to welcome more people into our lives. Most importantly, it allows everyone to realise that a school is not a collection of buildings, it’s a family with shared hopes, dreams and a vision for now and tomorrow for everyone – from children to great grandparents! I hope to see many of you at the Fair tomorrow, wrap up warm as it’s going to be chilly...

Tim Calvey