A Global Celebration: Stories from UAF’s 102nd Commencement by Adeline Berry

On May 4th, UAF celebrated its 102nd commencement, a milestone marked with joy, pride, and a sense of accomplishment. The ceremony honored the hard work and dedication of our graduates, who have shown remarkable resilience and determination throughout their academic journeys.

CBSM students seated front and center for the UAF Commencement ceremony. Photo by Eric Engman.

Among the many inspiring stories from this year's graduating class, one of our own stands out: Louinese Brave, a trailblazing student from the Bahamas on the beautiful islands of Nassau, who completed her degree entirely online. Louinese’s journey to UAF began with an unexpected challenge. Working over 50 hours a week at a demanding job, she found it impossible to attend classes in person. As a first-generation student, Louinese was determined to achieve her dream of earning a degree, which led her to consider online education.

"I never imagined I would be an online student. It took me 14 years to earn my degree and this time I wanted to do things differently. My experience at UAF has been amazing. - Louinese Brave

After applying to a few schools in the U.S., she realized she needed a school in a different time zone to accommodate her late work hours. That’s when she found UAF. Initially, it seemed unreal that she would complete her degree entirely online, but by her junior year, it became a concrete reality. Balancing her intense work schedule with her studies, Louinese’s daily life was nothing short of extraordinary. Her days started at 5 am, fitting in workouts, work, student organization meetings, assignments, and classes, all while 4,000 miles from the Troth Yeddha campus.

Louinese's involvement with the Great Alaskan Accounting People (GAAP) added another layer to her already busy life.

Louinese became an active GAAP member, attending all meetings and finding inspiration in the numerous speakers. Her dedication paid off when she was elected as UAF’s first virtual GAAP secretary. Additionally, UAF's First Generation Club, one of the resources UAF supports students with, showed her guidance to work through her degree.

Loiunese, third from left, finds her fellow accounting graduates and Dr, Amy Cooper (center) backstage at the commencement ceremony. Photo by Adeline Berry.

Louinese graduated with a bachelor's degree in accounting and a minor in finance. She traveled from the Bahamas to attend the ceremony in person and meet some of her classmates and faculty. Looking ahead, Louinese plans to continue her education by pursuing an MBA with UAF, driven by her love for the school and its supportive environment.

Louinese credited professors Amy Cooper and Satya Moehlin and advisors Shelbie Umphenor and Emily Stone for their unwavering support. She also acknowledged the friendships she made, including those with Kelsey Kuberski, Martika Hubbard, Roxy Lane, and the entire team of GAAP officers. Special thanks went to her boyfriend and her local close friends for their continuous encouragement.

As she looks back on her 14-year journey, Louinese offers advice to fellow students:

"Life is unpredictable and hard, and not everyone’s journey looks the same. Sometimes, we have to create our own paths. Hold on to your dreams, even when things seem tough; you’re closer to the finish line than you think. Take advantage of the university's free resources, ask questions, and remember: 'God is faithful and my faith is bigger than my fears!'" - Louinese Brave

Louinese, center, meets instructors Tammy Tragis-McCook (L) and Amy Cooper (R) at a pre-commencement event. Photo by Morrow Duszynski

The commencement ceremony featured inspiring speeches from faculty, alumni, and student representatives. The ceremony concluded with the conferring of degrees, a momentous occasion that symbolized the culmination of years of hard work. Family and friends celebrated the achievements of their loved ones, making the day unforgettable.

L to R: Louinese connects with fellow CBSM graduates Ashley Plys and Katie White as they prepare to participate in the UAF Commencement ceremony. Photo by Adeline Berry.

Reflecting upon this year's commencement, we are reminded of the diverse and dynamic community at UAF CBSM. Our graduates, like Louinese, are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to make a significant impact in their communities. We are incredibly proud of all our graduates and look forward to their future successes.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!