Dear Parents/Carers,
Croeso. Welcome.
A very warm welcome is extended to you and your child from everyone at Barry Island Primary School!
Throughout this prospectus we hope to paint a picture of life here at Barry Island Primary School. It is impossible to capture the spirit and atmosphere of our school in words and a visit is the best way to experience our very special school. We value every child; delivering an excellent education in a safe and happy environment. With the help of parents, families and the wider community we aim to nurture a love of learning and equip children with the skills they need to succeed in education and life; helping every child to achieve their very best.
Barry Island Primary is an excellent, happy and vibrant school where all children will be given the opportunity of learning in a caring and stimulating environment.
I look forward to, and encourage, your involvement in all the stages during your child’s education at Barry Island Primary School.
'Excite, Motivate & Innovate - Striving for Excellence Together.'
Yours faithfully,
Mr Matt Gilbert
Head Teacher
Barry Island Primary School has served the children of Barry Island, the Knap and West of Barry since 1897. The school currently has eight classes, including a nursery and a total of 235 children on roll. The school caters for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years. Children may enter the nursery at the beginning of the term after their third birthday, space allowing. Children start in the reception class in the September prior to their 5th birthday. In the September after their 11th birthday, they transfer to Secondary School. Enquiries about admissions can be made directly to the school and also through the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
The school has high expectations of all children and we aim to provide them with every opportunity to succeed by providing the highest standards of teaching and learning. The teaching team works closely with pupils to hear their opinions, as we acknowledge and support Article 12 of the United Nations Convention of the Right of the Child; that children should be encouraged to form and express their views.
We acknowledge that pupils learn through a range of different lessons, tasks, challenges and contexts. Learning should be fun, relevant and help to develop ambitious and capable learners. The school aims to provide pupils with a vast range of opportunities to enhance their learning. Please visit our Twitter feed (@BarryPSIsland) which demonstrates a wealth of daily learning opportunities that we provide our pupils.
- Aims of the School
- Staff and Governing Body
- Partnerships with Parents
- The School Day
- Learning and the curriculum
- Assessment
- Communication
- Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities Disability and Diversity
- School Uniform
- Health Matters
- Friends of the School Council
- Sports and Extra Curricular Activities
- Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs
- School Holidays
1. Aims of Barry Island Primary School
- To make every child feel valued, respected and special
- To provide a learning environment which is happy, secure and welcoming
- To enable our children to be literate, numerate and at ease with technology
- To have high expectations of all children’s learning
- To have high expectations of all children’s behaviour
- To develop, maintain and value strong partnerships between staff, children, parents, the local community and industry
- To cultivate a climate of success by celebrating achievements both inside and outside school
- To promote spiritual and moral development of children, preparing them for adult life
- To instil a sense of pride in our nation, language and heritage whilst being aware of, and respectful towards, other communities
These aims are at the heart of our daily life at Barry Island Primary School and are best summarised through the phrase:
3. Partnerships with Parents
At Barry Island Primary School we encourage parents to become involved in the life of the school, both during and after the school day.
Every September we hold annual parent talks and these are an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher for the forthcoming academic year and to find out more about our school.
We hold a Parent’s Evening early in the Autumn and Spring term (October and February). The class teacher will outline how well your child is making progress, how you can help at home and answer any questions you may have. There is another opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss the Annual End of Year Report in the summer term.
Class teachers will inform you at the beginning of each term to outline the work that your child will be involved with during the term. You will also be given details of home learning, routines with reading books and also details of PE lesson days.
Parents are strongly encouraged to share any concerns regarding their child with us as soon as they begin. Parents are welcome to approach class teachers at the beginning and end of every school day.
'Show and See' days are held throughout the year to enable parents to work alongside their child in their own classroom. These days are an excellent way for parents to understand how our classrooms operate. Of course, parents are welcome to join and help in classrooms at any time by prior arrangement with the class teacher.
Parents are also regularly invited into school for special events such as concerts, assemblies and sporting events.
We also host regular ‘Family Engagement Sessions’ throughout the year for parents/ guardians to help demonstrate strategies and support for children.
Barry Island Primary School always seeks experts to help support the curriculum and learning experiences. We encourage parents to share their expertise, developed through their own interests, hobbies and profession, with the school so that we can invite our wider school community in to engage, motivate and enthuse our learners when the topic is relevant and purposeful.
Parents are asked to sign a Home – School agreement, admission forms and consent forms on entry.
All children in year 4 and younger must always be collected by a responsible adult known to school staff. If this is not the adult who usually collects them, the class staff must be informed in advance.
Children in your 5 and 6 require parental written permission to walk home after school. Please liaise with the school office for further information.
If you are unable to collect your child (Foundation Phase or Key Stage 2) for any reason, or you are likely to be late, please telephone the school. The school operates a paid after school club facility in the event that you require this service.
Absence and Lateness
When a child is absent, parents/ guardians are required to telephone (01446 733807) or email ( the school explaining the absence. If there is no explanation provided, the absence could be recorded as unauthorised. It is essential that your child arrives at school on time every day and that pupils are in their classrooms learning by 8:50am. Please remember that excellent attendance and punctuality is vital to give your child every opportunity to succeed and make progress.
Outlined below are a few specific points to consider, when supporting your child’s attendance:
- Absence - Please notify the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence. Unfortunately, not doing so will involve the absence being marked as unauthorised.
- Returning to school after sickness/Injury - Please contact with the office if you require any advice of any sickness/illness. If your child is returning to school after a serious injury or illness, please inform the school office, in case a risk assessment needs to be completed, especially if your child needs certain arrangements in preparation for their return.
- Medical or other appointments - When possible, we do encourage appointments are made out of school hours. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.
- Holidays - Please find below a section of the County and school’s new attendance policy outlining holidays. It is advisable that holidays are not taken during term time and will not be authorised unless unique/exceptional circumstances apply.
Attendance Policy - Holidays
“Schools within the Vale of Glamorgan should only authorise family holidays where parents are able to demonstrate that unique or exceptional circumstances prevent the holiday from being taken outside of term time. In general, holidays during term time should not be authorised. The considerations that the school will ascertain whether the request is because of an exceptional circumstance are outlined below:
- Where a parent or child is experiencing a life limiting illness.
- Absences to visit family members are also not usually granted during term time if they could be scheduled for holiday periods outside school hours. Children may however need time to visit seriously ill relatives.
- Families may need time to recover from trauma, crisis or bereavement involving an immediate relative, i.e.: parent, guardian, carer, sibling, or grandparent.
- Absence for a bereavement of a close family member, is usually considered an exceptional circumstance but for the funeral service only, not extended leave.
- Absences for important religious observances, civil or ceremonial activity are often considered but only for the ceremony and travelling time, not extended leave. This is intended for a one-off situation rather than regular recurring events.
- The needs of families of service personnel will be considered if they are returning from long operational tours that prevent contact during scheduled holiday times.
The examples provided are illustrative rather than exhaustive. The fundamental principles for defining ‘exceptional’ are rare, significant, unavoidable, and short. By ‘unavoidable’ we mean an essential event that could not so reasonably be scheduled at another time.”
The below table outlines the potential of lessons missed when a child is away from school during term time.
5. Learning and the Curriculum
Great emphasis is placed on providing a wide and balanced curriculum at Barry Island Primary School. Through our concern for the personal and social development of our children, we endeavour to provide a thoroughly rounded education, which will be of lasting value to our children for the rest of their lives.
Our purpose is to provide our children with the best opportunities and experiences; preparing and guiding them on their journey as happy, confident life long learners. We strive to achieve this by designing our lesson content through the Welsh Curriculum's Four Purposes of Learning, hence developing: ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives; enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world and healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
The Curriculum For Wales (2022) is taught and delivered within six areas of learning (AOLEs):
- Literacy, Languages and Communication
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- Science and Technology
- Humanities
- Health and Wellbeing
- Expressive Arts
Through the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) and the Digital Competence Framework (DCF), we ensure the promotion and development of both literacy, numeracy and digital skills across all areas of the curriculum. Please visit our AOLE policies to explore how we teach each area of learning in more detail.
Religious Education
We aim to develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world religions. It is our aim to help children make informed judgements about religious and moral views. Respect for those holding different beliefs is encouraged. We enable children to explore and reflect on their own and other people's life experiences. This helps them search for meaning and purpose by appreciating other beliefs, practice and behaviour. Often there are visits by representatives of the Church or other denominations. Class teachers follow the agreed scheme of work.
Assemblies take place as a whole school in the hall every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, with Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 classes holding separate assemblies on a Thursday and in-class assemblies on a Monday. Children are helped to consider spiritual and moral issues. We aim to promote a common ethos and shared values whilst reinforcing positive attitudes.
Sex and Relationship Education
It is a Statutory Requirement that such education should encourage children to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. This is reflected in our policy which is available to parents for review.
6. Assessment
We strongly believe that children need to be taught as individuals. To be able to do this, children’s learning is assessed and tracked throughout their time in school to identify specific strengths and areas for development. The school utilises Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies to enable learners be part of the assessment process, for example, through talking partners, via peer and self assessment, as well as setting their own academic and social targets when developmentally ready to do so.
Teachers mark children’s work in a positive way through comments, targets and questioning. Children are actively encouraged and supported to continually evaluate their work and progress and act on teacher feedback in a timely manner.
Class teachers utilise the Progression Steps of the Curriculum for Wales to plan and assess pupil progress. In addition to this, the school accesses the GL Assessment online programme to identify areas of pupil development within mathematics and literacy. The school also assesses children's wellbeing through SELFIE and other mechanisms to ensure that we can support all pupils.
We are proud of the progress our children make at Barry Island Primary School.
7. Additional Learning Needs
At Barry Island Primary School, we believe that every child has specific needs and because of this every child is treated as an individual.
If a child has a learning difficulty, which calls for differentiation or additional provision to be made for him or her, it is our aim to:
- Recognise that Additional Learning Needs (ALN) must be addressed.
- Recognise that there will be a continuance of needs and that provision will have to be made accordingly.
- Recognise the rights of the child in the ALN process.
- Give children with ALN needs the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced curriculum within mainstream classes.
- Ensure a close liaison between parents of children with special educational needs and the agencies involved in the process i.e. the ALN co-ordinator, teachers and other agencies.
If your child is identified as having an Additional Educational Need, you will be informed and will be invited into school to discuss how your child will be helped at school and how you can help at home. Provisions will be made suitable to your child’s needs.
Detailed information on the school’s Additional Learning Needs Policy is available on request. Parents are welcome to visit the school at anytime to discuss issues relating to the provision of education.
8. Communication
Barry Island Primary School understands that it is essential to have accurate, up to date information. Therefore, parents and carers can gain regular school information by accessing the following:
- The Group Ed on your phone:
2. The school website.
3. Parent information boards around the school building.
4. Class teacher's handouts and homework activities on Seesaw.
5. Contact the school office. Tel: 01446 733807. Email:
6. Weekly Newsletters (accessed via Group Ed). Please see an example below:
7. TV at BIPS on Youtube:
8. X (Twitter): @BarryPSIsland
9. Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities, Disability & Diversity
The safety of all children is paramount. If you ever have a concern, please contact the school immediately:
- Safeguarding Officer: Mr Matt Gilbert.
- Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Miss Polly Davies
- Safe Guarding Governor: Miss Ceri Witchard.
- Vale of Glamorgan Safe Guarding lead: Jason Redrup (01446 709867)
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Barry Island School.
Safeguarding is:
- Preventing children from maltreatment
- Preventing impairment to children’s health and development
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm but it also includes:-
- Child Health and Safety
- Anti-Bullying & Cyber Bullying
- Meeting the Needs of Children with Medical Conditions
- Providing First Aid
- Educational Visits
- Intimate Care
- Internet Safety
- School Security
Please see the school's Safeguarding Policy for further information:
At Barry Island Primary School, we recognise and nurture the identity of children of all races and cultures. Our school strives to ensure an inclusive ethos that celebrates all cultures, identities, and nationalities, promoting racial equality in all that we do. We are committed to developing an environment which ensures that everyone is equally valued and treated with respect.
Everyone at school is valued as an individual; this includes children, parents, carers, staff and visitors. Personal, physical, ethnic and cultural characteristics and differences are respected and valued for the contributions they make to the life of the school and community. Every child is entitled to full access to the curriculum and our Equal Opportunities Policy reflects this. Governors are aware of their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act. We will endeavour to accommodate every child and the school has an Equality Plan that is updated annually.
We aim for our school to be proactive in celebrating individuals and groups of all ethnic backgrounds. All children experience and share a range of cultures which are positively valued. There are a wide range of strategies in classroom practise, and whole school practises, which assists our school in eradicating racial injustice, supporting our aim to strive for race equality.
Throughout the academic year, the teaching team plan lessons and events to further educate learners about the importance of diversity, diversity of people, culture, and religious beliefs. Some of these include:
- Developing topics and using stories/materials which raise issues of racial similarities and differences (opportunities especially in RVE, but not restricted to this area).
- Providing positive images and role models in resources.
- Participation in multicultural weeks.
- Providing opportunities for pupils to learn about cultural diversity e.g. bodies of work and ‘Conceptual Enquiry’ for Areas of Learning Experiences.
- Using ‘Values’ AOLE linked to circle time, assemblies, class discussions to discuss and develop strategies to encourage co-operation and collaborative learning, whilst listening to points of view and opinion.
- Using our JIGSAW teaching resource as part of Personal Social and Cultural Diversity teaching
- Focused Assemblies – Raising awareness of cultures through stories and positive examples.
- Focused lessons supported by ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ initiatives.
- Planned ‘eSafety’ lessons and greater awareness of the impact of language through online platforms – TikTok/ gaming/ Youtube.
- Further intervention 1:1 support for individuals.
10. School Uniform
It is preferred that pupils wear the following uniform:
- School sweatshirt/ cardigan*
- White or blue polo shirt
- Grey/ black trousers/ shorts or skirts
- Gingham dresses
- Grey hooded sweatshirt in year 6
School Uniform can be ordered at Ruckelys, 45 Holton Rd, Barry CF63 4HB or telephone 01446 700006.
Ruckley's Facebook details:
The wearing of jewellery is not encouraged and should be kept to an absolute minimum. Hoop earrings should not be worn to school.
Please ensure that all items of clothing, including PE kit, are clearly marked with your child’s name.
We also offer a recycling uniform facility. Please see Sarah Goodman in the office who will seek good quality uniform if available.
PE Kit
Children should have the necessary PE kit to participate in lessons. The class teacher notifies parents of PE times.
The kit for PE and games activities is:
- A white
- T-shirt Black or blue shorts/ jogging bottoms
- Trainers/ daps
11. Health Matters
- The school nurse carries out routine checks on children’s vision, hearing and physical growth. Examinations are carried out in reception with prior consent from Parents.
- Parents should be aware that it is no longer the responsibility of the school nurse to check children’s hair. However, head lice can become a problem. In order to eradicate this problem, school should be informed if a child has head lice. Letters can then be sent home, advising parents to check their children’s hair. Parents are advised to carry out a weekly check of their own children’s hair.
- If your child is unwell, parents are advised to keep them at home until a full recovery has been made.
- If a child becomes unwell during the school day, the school will contact parents as soon as possible. It is therefore most important that the school has up to date telephone contacts for all children.
- Accident books are kept in the school.
- If your child needs to take prescribed medicine during the school day, please request a form from the school office and give, in writing, clear instructions stating the dosage. Children have access to their inhalers in the classroom.
12. Friends of the School Council
The school has a very supportive and hard working Parent Teacher Association (PTA). In order to make money for the school, The Association organises many social events throughout the year which are enjoyed by children, parents and teachers together. The money is used to buy extra resources and all the children benefit from the support Friends of the School Council and the school appreciates the importance of the Association in the success of the school. Your support can be of great benefit to your child’s education.
If you would like to help out at events or offer your expertise, please contact Sarah Goodman in the office. Please note that you are not require to commit to every event.
Details of events and meetings will be advertised in the school’s weekly newsletter/ Group Ed.
13. Sports and Extra-Curricular Activities
There are many opportunities for children to join in with extra curricular activities which are age appropriate. Clubs run from 3:15pm-4:10pm. They are rotated throughout the academic year. Some include:
- Choir
- Art and craft
- Netball
- Football
- Tag rugby
- Fitness
- Recorder
- Ukulele
- Gardening
- Photography
- Maths
- SAM Labs and coding
- Microscope
In both lessons and extra curricular activities, fun and involvement are encouraged for all children. The school also provides "wrap around" care from 8:00am until 5:15pm (please see section 17 for further details).
14. Breakfast and After School Clubs
The clubs are run by school staff. We are therefore able to ensure the ethos of the clubs is inline with that of our school and that provision is of the highest standard. If you wish for your child to come to a club, a form should be obtained from Club leaders.
The following clubs run each school day:
Breakfast Club
- 8:00am – 8.55am.
- Free breakfast in the school hall (Foundation Phase children)
- Free breakfast in the school café (Key Stage 2 children)
- Doors close at 8:15am
- Funded by the Welsh Assembly Government
Afterschool Club
Operated by Mrs Sue Martyn, Miss Natalie Williams and Mrs Leanne Manning.
- Option 1
- 3:15pm-4:30pm
- Includes a snack
- Option 2
- 3:15pm-5:15pm
- Includes tea
Please contact the school office to complete the registration form for your child to attend. Payment is taken through Parent Pay. Please email the school, at your earliest opportunity, for dates and times required.