
Outdoor learning September 2023

Collen started the term with a jolly good tidy up in the outdoor area. We harvested tomatoes, cucumbers and beetroot. They were delicious! We also found a newt living in the front entrance! We compared the size of our sunflowers at home to the ones that we grew in school. We decided the school sunflowers needed more water and more room to grow than the pots they were in.
Ysgawen harvested apples and made apple strudel. They made observational drawings and experimented with gravitational force. They collected blackberries and crushed them to make a dye. Then they collected natural objects and wrapped them in cloth. they used string and elastic bands to tie the cloth and made tie dye materials.
Bedwen and Collen picked apples and made apple crisps. They used magnifying glasses to draw and label minibeasts who live in the outdoor area. We also weeded the flower beds and tidied up.
Bedwen and Collen went for a walk around the outdoor area. We named trees, plants and animals we could recognise. We collected fallen leaves, feathers, acorn shells, sticks and flowers and tied them to our journey stick. We learned how to tie knots and worked as a team.