Class 4 learning journey Spring 1


It’s a hard knock life!

The Victorian Era

As a hook into our topic, we went back in time to the Victorian era. Class 4 looked very different ! Children had to follow Mrs Abbott’s strict rules or face a punishment!

Girls and boys sat separately and children sat in rows.

We had the opportunity to visit Cannon Hall museum where we were able to experience what it was like to live and work in Victorian times.

We enjoyed eating the lunch we prepared and exploring the different rooms in the house.

We placed significant events from the Victorian era on a timeline.

We sorted statements into past and present to compare the lives of children today with those of children in the Victorian era. We then discussed why these changes had occurred.

We looked at what Victorian’s did for holidays, leisure and entertainment.

We compared the view of a parent and a child about going to school in Victorian times. Not everyone was happy about this new law.

We explored sources and answered questions about the Victorian era.


A non-chronological report on Queen Victoria

We pieced together a picture to provide clues for our next piece of writing and we made predictions.

We then used iPads to gather information on Queen Victoria and identified any unfamiliar words.

We identified the features of a non-chronological report.

We looked at the suffixes less and full and used these in our writing to describe Queen Victoria.

We used simple subordinating conjunctions to add detail.


Place Value

We partitioned numbers into 10s and 1s.

We compared numbers.

We identified missing numbers in a sequence or on a number line.

We were able to reason.

Addition and subtraction


Position and direction


In science this term we have explored the 4 seasons.

We explored the changes that happen between seasons including the length of the day.

Religious Education

Key Question: Why are sometimes special?

First we looked at Hinduism and why Diwali is important to Hindu’s.

We learnt about the Hindu festival ‘Raksha Bandhan’ also known as Rakhi. Children made their own Rakhi bracelets for someone special as a sign of love and protection.

We learnt about Buddha’s birthday also known as Wesak and how it is celebrated. Children enjoyed making Wesak lanterns.


Children learnt how to use a digital device to take photographs.

We explored what makes a good photo before exploring how to capture a frame in either portrait or landscape. Children experimented with the quality of their photos by zooming in and out.

We looked at how to improve photos.


We listened to the Paddington Bear song and story and discussed how it made us feel.

We introduced the chant to the story.

Children enjoyed working in small groups to perform the story using instruments.

Children used graphic symbols and stick notation to represent a sound and rhythm.

We listened to a story told by music.

Children compose a motif and performed these using a glockenspiel.



Children created basic shapes.

We explored different ways to travel. We did forward rolls, jumps and bear crawl.

Children worked on their strength and suppleness by practicing stretches and shapes.

Children demonstrated these skills by performing on the apparatus.


relationships and bullying

During circle time we discussed what is kind and unkind behaviour and how it make us feel.

We were lucky to have a visit from Compass Be were we discussed our emotions.

We realised that it is normal to feel a rollercoaster of emotions throughout one day.

We discussed that some things should be kept private while other things can be a nice surprise.

We discussed what privacy is and what parts of our body are private.

We were lucky to attend a virtual author event from Read Holmfirth.

We have loved practicing our gramma skills using the new app Rollama.

Class 4 loved the valentines disco.

Please book onto to the Year 1 phonics workshop to find out how to support your child to pass the phonics screening check.

Have a wonderful half term and remember to stay safe.

Coming up in Spring term 2