
27th September 2024

Save the date

Every Thursday in term time – Tiny Tiddlers - 8.50am – 10.30am

Thursday 10th October – Tea & Talk: Nursery & Reception – meet the parents 8.50am

Thursday 10th October – Hello Yellow

Thursday 10th October – Open Evening for prospective parents

Friday 11th October – School Nursing team: Flu Immunisation (Reception – Year 6)

Thursday17th October – Tea & Talk: Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2

Thursday 17th October - Year 3 parents 3.30pm

Thursday 17th October - Year 4 parents 4.15pm

Thursday 24th October – Preloved uniform sale – 3.10pm in the main hall

Friday 25th October – Half term – Collection at 3.10pm

Monday 11th November – Return to academy


Dear parents and carers,

It has been a great week at the Academy. There seems to be a theme around food this week with a visit from Mr Cauchi from St Vincent’s de Paul sharing news of the charities work in the local community and the support at Harvest time. We also had a special Tiny Tiddler coffee morning and bake off, in support of Macmillan. This week we are advertising census week with our special jungle theme lunch with Leopard Pizza and Zebra Cake. Please book a meal for next Thursday 3rd.

Mr Cauchi, a previous teacher at the school, shared the important message of how we can help others in the local community and the work that takes place to support local people in Southend. He thanked the academy for our ongoing support to the charity including our donations at Harvest time and our winning entry for the Hungry cupboard competition. Eden-Rose won the local design competition, and the design has been added to the cupboard by 3D printing and coming to Darlinghurst Soon! We will be able to keep our very own hungry cupboard at school. The concept of the Hungry cupboard is so that any donations, throughout the year, can be added. We will then be able to support the community, all year round.

The Tiddler Coffee Morning was hosted during this week’s Toddler Session. The sessions each week are for Toddlers and their grown-ups. They come together for Toddler Fun with our Early Years Lead Teacher, Miss Wise and babies and toddlers engage in play, exploration, special activities and songs. We love to see our youngest members of our families here each week and watch them grow. It is wonderful to see the grown-ups form strong relationships too. Some of our Tiny Tiddlers are now in our Tiddler nursery class and will continue their journey through the school.

The sessions have been embraced by families and Miss Wise and they have made it something really special!

We have ended this week celebrating our wonderful LSA’s on National LSA day. Today we take this opportunity to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and impact of the LSA’s that we are lucky to have here at Darlinghurst.

I wish you all a lovely weekend and as always, enjoy your family time together. The theme of cake and birthday celebrations will continue at the Nicholls household.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight


This week, Mr Cauchi delivered an assembly to the children about the importance of harvest and explained about how St Vincent's support the local community. This year we will be collecting donations and would be grateful for tins, cans, cereals, long life milk, toiletries and other items you can spare. Your child can bring these items to class where they will be added to their individual displays.

Tea & Talk

Tea and Talks provide an informal approach for parents and staff to come together to talk about the curriculum and how to support children in their learning. The sessions attended provide information on curriculum content and approach, they also provide the opportunity for parents to form friendships and parent networks.

Our upcoming events will be advertised on Keeping in Touch and relevant sessions will be sent via SchoolPing.

Nursery and Reception parents are invited to join Miss Wise on Thursday 10th October for an informal discussion about how your child has settled into Early Years. This is also the ideal opportunity to meet with new parents.

On Thursday 17th October, parents from year 3 and 4 are invited to join a Tea & Talk for an introduction to lower key stage 2. Year 3 parents at 3.30pm and Year 4 parents at 4.15pm in the main hall.

BBC ‘500 words’ competition

The BBC have once again launched their 500 words competition. We would like to encourage as many of our children to take part as possible. The competition is in two categories, 5-7 years old and 8-11 years. Some great prizes up for grabs for any budding authors including a trip to Buckingham Palace for anyone who makes the finals.

Parents can submit their child’s entries online.

500 Words 2024 - BBC Teach

Polite reminders

Water bottles - Please be reminded, that for health and safety reasons, metal water bottles should not be used and that children should bring a named, plastic bottle to school.

Considerate and safe parking - We encourage families to walk to school wherever possible and politely request that parents and visitors to the academy, park in surrounding roads with thought and consideration for the children, other adults and the local community. Please follow the restrictions in place.

Please think before you park!

  • Walk to school if you can.
  • If you travel by car, try to share trips with neighbours or friends, observe the traffic regulations and park safely a short distance from the school to avoid congestion near to the school so that children can cross safely.
  • Do not park, or wait, on the yellow ‘KEEP CLEAR’ markings. These markings are self-explanatory and are there to keep children safe.
  • Do not block driveways with your vehicle. This is classed as an unnecessary obstruction and could result in your vehicle being ticketed and even removed.
  • Once you have dropped off or collected your child, please be aware of other families around you when pulling away in your car.

The school car park is for staff and those with a disabled badge only. Parents are reminded not to drive in the academy gates if they are open. This should also be observed after school hours during collection from Little Mariners or an after-school club.

The safety of the children is our priority, and this includes their journey to and from the academy.

We appreciate your support in this matter.



Jellyfish 96.7%


Shrimp 97.5%


Mayflower 99.1%

Proud To Be Me

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
