Venerable Edward Morgan Catholic Primary • Cylchlythyr Ysgolion 2024-25, Rhifyn 1, 13 Medi '24 ~ School Newsletter 2024-25, Issue 1, 13 September '24 •

Learn, believe, achieve together
Dysgwch, credwch, cyflawnwch gyda’ch gilydd
Welcome Back Message from the Head

Croeso Pawb

A big welcome back.

I hope you enjoyed the summer break. All the children have returned happy and relaxed, excited to see all their friends and new teachers.

As always the pupils look so smart in their new uniforms, thank you.

This Newsletter contains information on important dates and events coming up this term, as well as a few reminders regarding uniform, attendance, parking etc

Mrs R Langley - Headteacher
Up Next Uniform


Our Uniform Supplier is:

  • Address: Monkhouse (Forresters), 14/16 New Street, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1NZ
  • Tel no: 01352 756636
  • email address:

Thank you to our parents for ensuring our pupils are in the correct and proper uniform as we start the new academic year, they all look so smart. As the children grow and new uniform is required, please see points below which should help you when ordering.

  • You can view our uniform in store
  • Do not leave it too late to order as some items may take a while to arrive
  • Click here for a direct link to the Monkhouse website and our uniform page
  • The website can also be accessed by going to:, and clicking on Find my School in the top search bar, the school can be found by choosing the letter V or by keying in Venerable Edward Morgan
  • Click and collect to the school is set up for Wednesday. This service is totally FREE and included with every order are FREE return labels, you will be notified by text /email so you will know when your parcel is ready for collection, parcels will be handed to the children to bring home with them
  • The website will also give all the opening times, address, phone number, email address etc, in the summer they open on Sundays as well, there is loads more information on there to help you

We ask that all children wear the uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform is designed to be practical, maintainable and good value for money. Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name. All children are expected to wear black school shoes and not trainers. Children can come to school in PE kit on PE days (Sky-Blue PE T-Shirt & Black Shorts - on colder days leggings and jogging bottoms & sweatshirt / tracksuits are advisable) for pupils in KS2 this is a Tuesday, for pupils in KS1 this is a Monday. Trainers can be worn on these days. For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear jewellery in school and it is important that children are properly dressed for physical activity.

Up Next Attendance


We want every child who comes to Venerable Edward Morgan to be happy and feel like they belong to our school family. In order to achieve this pupils need to attend school as often as they can.

Poor attendance can have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem and friendship groups. Poor attendance will also have a negative impact on your child’s progress through the curriculum. They can’t make achievements against this curriculum if they are not here.

So …Why does every day attendance matter? Well… here is some data to highlight the impact poor attendance can have.

  • Half a day off in a week = 90% attendance
  • 1 day off in a week = 80% attendance
  • One and a half days off in a week = 70% attendance
  • 2 days off in a week = 60% attendance

However, we do understand that there are times when attendance is not possible. We put these into 2 categories. Authorised and unauthorised.

Authorised absence

If your child is unwell we would expect you to make the judgement as to whether they would be well enough to attend school. Please let school know on the first morning of any absence so school can record the correct attendance mark promptly. If they are unable to attend school then they will have an “I” recorded to signify they are off ill. We can also give a recording of “M” for a medical appointment. However, we kindly ask, where possible, that all medical and dental appointment are made after school hours or during school holidays. We would expect, again where possible, pupils to be able to come to school before and after their appointments.

We do like to help where ever possible and so if your child has more than 10 days (20 sessions) absence the school may contact you to see if there is anything we can do as a school to help you.

Unauthorised Absence

If a child does not attend school and we do not receive notification as to why from either a phone call or letter, then it shall be recorded as unauthorised. Late after registration is also counted as an unauthorised absence, if no reason is provided. Any incident of 10 sessions missed through unauthorised absence will be investigated by the school and may result in a referral to the education inclusion team.

Request for Leave of Absence

It is possible to request leave for your child for a special occasion or holiday.

The decision as to whether the absence can be authorised lies solely with the head teacher. Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils from school during the school term for a holiday. The head teacher will make the decision and may include the following contributory factors:

  • Time of year
  • Length of time
  • Overall percentage of attendance
  • Impact on the child's learning

You are able to request up to 10 days absence which must be done where possible at least 28 days before the period of leave. The head teacher will then assess each case on its own merits and report back to you detailing as to the reasons why the request has been approved, or indeed, unapproved.

There are other circumstances where absence may be approved, some of which will not affect attendance, such as Educational and/or residential visits, educated off site etc…

Click the button below to download the Leave of Absence Form


Being on time for school is another way you can support your child being ‘School Ready’. For some children arriving late when the class routine has started can be very unsettling and can have an impact on the rest of the day. Children really hate being late for school. It can make them anxious and upset about attending school. If you have problems in getting your child to school on time you must let the head teacher know as soon as possible.

Our school gates open at 8:45am and the bell rings to signal the start of the school day at 8:55am. It is advisable to have your child in school for 8:45am. If you need to drop your child off earlier we have a breakfast club which starts at 8:15am and pupils in Reception to Year 6 are able to attend. Please ask in the office how to book. Lateness can add up to a lot of lost learning.

I hope this helps you understand why attendance and punctuality is so important to us at Venerable Edward Morgan – but more importantly why it is important for your children.

Up next Parking

Please can we remind all parents and carers to be mindful when parking to drop off or collect children.

School are constantly in receipt of complaints regarding cars parked inconsiderately across driveways and too close to corners where vehicles need to enter and exit avenues.

A lot of our neighbours are elderly and require carers to visit regularly meaning they need immediate access to properties to aide their clients. Most of our neighbours understand that parking can be awkward twice a day during term time, however it is just courteous that we consider them at these times and keep all gateways and corners clear.

Thanks in advance for your co-operation in this matter.

Up Next Healthy Snacks & Nut Free School

Healthy Snacks

A reminder to all parents / carers that as a healthy school, pupils should only be bringing a healthy snack to school e.g. piece of fruit or vegetable sticks for their morning break.

Nut Free School

Can I also remind you that we are a Nut Free School due to having a pupil in school with a severe nut allergy and we therefore ask that the following items are NOT sent to school in lunches or snacks:-

  • Chocolate Spread
  • Peanut Butter or other Nut Butter
  • Cereal Bars
  • Satay Sauce
  • Cakes that contain Nuts
  • Some Granola Bars that contain Nuts
  • Nuts of any form - Peanuts / Walnuts / Almonds etc.

It's important to check the labelling of food products before sending your child to school with them. By ensuring only fruit or vegetable snacks are given to your child, you will be supporting our Nut Free Policy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

Up Next Dates for your Diary

Holiday Dates

Autumn Term 2024

  • 2nd September 2024 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils
  • 3rd September 2024 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils
  • 4th September 2024 - NEW Academic Year 2024/2025 starts for pupils in Reception to Year 6
  • 9th September 2024 - NEW Academic Year 2024/2025 starts for pupils in Nursery
  • 25th October 2024 - School closes for October Half Term Holiday
  • 4th November 2024 - School opens after October Half Term Holiday
  • 20th December 2024 - School closes for Christmas Holiday

Spring Term 2025

  • 6th January 2025 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils
  • 7th January 2025 - School opens after Christmas Holiday
  • 21st February 2025 - School closes for February Half Term Holiday
  • 3rd March 2025 - School opens after February Half Term Holiday
  • 11th April 2025 - School closes for Easter Holiday

Summer Term 2025

  • 28th April 2025 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils
  • 29th April 2025 - School opens after Easter Holiday
  • 5th May 2025 - May Day Bank Holiday - School closed
  • 23rd May 2025 - School closes for May Half Term Holiday
  • 2nd June 2025 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils
  • 3rd June 2025 - School opens after May Half Term Holiday
  • 18th July 2025 - School closes for Summer Holiday
  • 21st July 2025 - Staff Training - School closed to pupils

Inset Days

  • 2nd September 2024
  • 3rd September 2024
  • 6th January 2025
  • 28th April 2025
  • 2nd June 2025
  • 21st July 2025

Important Dates / Events coming up

  • 2nd - Staff Training Day - School closed to pupils
  • 3rd - Staff Training Day - School closed to pupils
  • 4th - New Academic Year starts for Reception to Year 6
  • 6th - Elections for School Council / Eco Council / RRS / YR6 Ambassadors
Our Year 6 Ambassadors Arianna and Grace
  • 9th - New Academic Year starts for Nursery
  • 13th - Flu Vaccinations for Pupils in Reception to Year 6
  • 18th - Year 3/4 trip to the World Museum, Liverpool - returning for approx. 3:45pm
  • 23rd - Assessment Week
  • 23rd - Bookings open for Pupil Progress Evenings - Please book here from 23rd September 2024
  • 25th - Dosbarth Maple visit Shotton Works Nature Reserve
  • 26th - Dosbarth Ash visit Shotton Works Nature Reserve
  • 27th - The Leader Newspaper visits to take a photo of our New Reception Class which will be displayed in the The Leader Newspaper later on this term - Please make sure you have consented to them having their photo published on Social Media / National / Local Newspapers
  • 30th - KS2 Cooking Experience with FUN Food Chef Pat
  • 4th - Celebration Mass - New School Year
  • 11th - Dosbarth Beech Assembly 10am
  • 18th - October Harvest Mass
  • 18th - Interim Reports go home to Parents
  • 23rd & 24th - Pupil Progress Evenings - Bookings open 23rd September 2024 - Please book here from 23rd September 2024
  • 25th - 'Show & Share' Morning (8:55-9:15am)
  • 25th - School closes for October Half Term Holiday
  • 4th - School opens after October Half Term Holiday
  • 8th - Dosbarth Oak Assembly 10am
  • 11th - Anti-bullying Week
  • 12th - 'Odd Socks Day'
Wear your odd socks for the day 12th November 2024
  • 15th - Mad Science Assembly
  • 22nd - 'Feast of Christ the King' - Class Mass YRs 5 & 6
  • 29th - 'Friends of the School' Christmas Tree Festival
  • 4th - Year 3/4 Christingle Service at Blessed Sacrament Church, Connahs Quay (Provisional Date)
  • 9th - Infant Christmas Concert 1 - 2pm - (excluding Nursery)
  • 10th - Infant Christmas Concert 2 - 10am - (including Nursery)
  • 11th - Upper Juniors Christmas Concert 1 - 2pm
  • 12th - Upper Juniors Christmas Concert 2 - 2pm
  • 13th - 'Show & Share' Morning (8:55-9:15am)
  • 18th - Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day
  • 20th - Christmas Pyjamas and Hot Chocolate Day
  • 20th - School closes for Christmas Holiday
  • 6th - Staff Training Day - School closed to pupils
  • 7th - School opens after Christmas Holiday
Up Next Class Assemblies

Class Assembly Dates

Class assemblies for the Academic Year 2024/2025 will take place on Friday Mornings at 10am

Parents, Carers and Grandparents are welcome!

  • 11th October 2024 - Dosbarth Beech
  • 8th November 2024 - Dosbarth Oak
  • 14th February 2025 - Dosbarth Maple
  • 4th April 2025 - Dosbarth Ash
  • 20th June 2025 - Dosbarth Willow
  • 4th July 2025 - Dosbarth Cherry

Extra Curricular Activities

JUNIORS - Tuesday Mornings from 7:55am, 10-Sept-24 for 5 weeks
Have Fun and Learn the latest Technology!

Control Robots - Digital Animators - Explore VR - Make & Play Games - Build & Code Lego

This morning club has already started and the pupils who have signed up had an amazing time at their first session on Tuesday 10th September 2024. If you think your child may like to attend this later in the year, click on the link below to find out more. Also look out for messages via Ourschoolsapp / Parentmail / Website / Newsletters etc

From Year 1 to Year 6 - During School Hours Thursday Mornings
Does your child want to become a Rock Star?

No previous musical experience necessary - you choose the instrument you want your child to learn - 30 minute lessons - Rock Students work towards a termly Rock Concert for school and parents - £32 - Places available - Sign up and find out more by clicking the button below.

After School Club for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 - Further details to follow
Does your child enjoy science?

Our Mad Science Assembly will take place on Friday 15th November 2024, please find out more by clicking on the button below.

JUNIORS - Tuesdays 3:15-4:15pm from 17-Sept-24 for 12 weeks

Starting on Tuesday 17th September 2024 from 3:15-4:15pm for 12 weeks - Mr Kelly continues with his Dodgeball after school club, please complete the form below and return to school with £48 as soon as possible - Limited Spaces - first come first served.

Payments can be made via cash, cheque (payable to PG Kelly) or online please e-mail

For further details please click the button below.

JUNIORS - Thursdays 3:15-4:.30pm starting from 19-Sept-24
After School Homework Club for Juniors

Starting on Thursday 19th September 2024 from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, in Dosbarth Maple. This will give your child the opportunity to access devices and time to complete their homework.



A Reminder to pupils in the Juniors to complete your weekly homework to support your learning


For further details on Infants Homework please click the button below.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your childs class teacher - however please try these frequently asked questions out first.

Up next response to our Parent Questionnaire

Parent Questionnaire Response

A big thank you to those parents who took the time to complete our Parents Questionnaire. Your thoughts and feedback are important to us.

It was very encouraging to see that 96% of parents believed their child was safe in school and 92% would recommend the school to another parent.

There were also many positive comments for the school, which have been shared with the staff - Thank you.

The main issues that were highlighted are as follows:

Poor Communication

In response, as a school we try extremely hard to ensure information is shared in a timely manner and plenty of notice is given to parents regarding upcoming events. Very often late messages can be due to third parties not giving school prior warning of changes. We very much share your frustration when this happens.

We try very hard to ensure we offer a variety of methods of communication and support all our families.

These include:

  • Text Message
  • E-Mail
  • Seesaw
  • Ourschoolsapp
  • Website
  • Newsletter
  • Letters
  • Social Media
  • Phonecalls...

...and even a chat at the gate.

We will keep trying to improve on this and any suggestions on how we can make this even better, will be gratefully received.

Parents wanting additional tickets for School Concerts

We certainly understand the reasons behind this request. However, we're sure you will appreciate that when allocating tickets, school must ensure that Health and Safety and Fire Regulation numbers are not exceeded.

The number we allocate has nothing to do with COVID.

However, we have taken on board this request and will address the problem by adding some extra performances to allow for more tickets per family .

Earlier start for Breakfast Club

Once again, we completely understand this request. However, this is not possible at present due to budget restraints.

The Welsh Government only provide funding for 30 minutes free breakfast and any extension would mean additional staffing costs to school, that school cannot afford presently.

We will however consider this in the future, if the budget position improves.

Please address all communications to the Headteacher | Venerable Edward Morgan Catholic Primary School, Caernarvon Close, Shotton, CH5 1AS | 01244 830408 |
Learn, believe, achieve together
Dysgwch, credwch, cyflawnwch gyda’ch gilydd