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JSchoolTech News October 2024 Edition

Your monthly source for learning opportunities, tech updates and lesson ideas.

Staffing updates

If students need help with Creative Cloud skills, stop by the JBar. JBar associates are available to help out as is Heather. Our hours are posted on the menu board. Even if you don't need help, stop by and be creative with us!

On Our Calendar

Adobe Max is here

Adobe Max is Oct 14-16. Virtual sessions are available and are a great way to be inspired and learn.

Stay tuned for announcements about replays hosted by our JBar Associates.

Cool stuff, Apps & Lessons

What do you want more of? Let us know ... Heather and the JBar crew have big plans to share more tutorials, workshops and resources.

Creative Challenge

Looking for projects to put in your portfolio? Then join the Creative Challenge! Twice a month, JSchool Tech presents creative brief challenges where you can test your skills and design mockups for fictional companies! Interested? Look for the pinned post on the JSchool Tech Instagram page. To submit, tag or DM us your work.

Student Showcase

Want to show off your skills? Submit your work to the Student Showcase! Your opportunity to have your work featured on the JSchool Tech Instagram page! Interested? DM us your work or tag us.

Future Creatives

Want to create stuff in the future? Then your future starts today! Join Future Creatives, a collective of creatives that get together to develop unique projects, network and strengthen their skills. Interested? Join us Wednesdays at 2 and Friday at 1 (Also available on Zoom)

What certifications do students need?

The technology committee is exploring certifications that our students would benefit from. If you know of any, email

Who does what?

Heather is responsible for teaching and training needs. Her main role is supporting all students (and you!) in using industry standard technology. She is an Adobe expert and focuses on that in her work. She will be hiring digital media assistants to staff the JBar and support JSchoolTech.

Natalie is responsible for the desktop and classroom support. Part of her team supports the video podcasting and editing bays in Dole. Natalie is also in charge of the Stauffer-Flint Lab assistants (aka labbies). Labbies are available for Stauffer-Flint classroom support and technology questions. They are available in the Resource Center.

Cade handles technology purchasing, broadcast engineer work and supports faculty and classroom support as needed.

Kerry is in charge of the Resource Center and the students handling checkout during the day.

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