Team task

Pitch a sales offer to the client to get an advantage from the competitors

There are different types of pitches one can present, each varying according to the intended goal. We need to keep this in mind to allocate the appropriate importance and time management. In this case, the primary goal is to take the brief we received from the agency and creatively explore the possibilities for adapting it to our product line. Specifically, we are focusing on our outdoor offerings, mainly on Västtrafik vehicles in Göteborg.

The client ´s Brief

Hallon vill berätta små korta historier fyllda med energi, hjärta och värme och med människor i fokus. Med glimten i ögat och utan ett grandiost och pampigt filter. Berättelser som utgår från onlinelivet och visar hur det kan få positiva effekter på offlinelivet. Ett sätt för oss att dramatisera hur vår produkt – billig surf – möjliggör dessa berättelser och dessutom gör dem tillgängliga för fler.

Hallon wants to tell short stories filled with energy, heart, and warmth, focusing on people. With a twinkle in the eye and without a grand and pompous filter. Stories that stem from online life and show how it can have positive effects on offline life. A way for us to dramatize how our product – cheap data – enables these stories and makes them accessible to more people.


For this pitch our goal is not really the one of coming up with a real campaign for the client but more of an exercise to make it more appealing and stick out from our competitors. For this reason the time we will spend on the ideation process is very limited.


First we need to check the material the client have online and they way they have been communicating, In this case one of the most important point, in very short, seemed to be the advantageous prices within their offer


In this 10 min session we will try to expand on that concept. We reached the interesting conclusion to combine the cheap prices and the quality of the service to sell the idea of providing a service aim to save time and money to be spent into activities in your offline life.

Copy and Visuals

Once the team is on board with the idea, salesman and creative need to combine their angels to deliver a good pitch appealing to the client. The salesman will focus on the actual offer and the most suitable products, the designer will create the mockups and the presentation, thenn together they will go through it to understand if it works smooth, fine and according to the client mood.

Billigare surf, Rikare liv. "Livet är för värdefullt för dyra abonnemang"