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Cylchlythyr Newsletter 20.10.2023 01745 720242

Nosweithiau Rhieni Parents Evenings


Rhieni Blodyn Haul parents 3 o'r gloch / 3pm Presentation for all parents in the canteen.

3:30- Time to walk around the school and visit the class. Staff will be available for a chat in class.

Rhieni Barrog Parents 3:30 Time to walk around the school and visit the class. Staff will be available for a chat in class.

Rhieni Barrog Parents 4pm Presentation in the canteen.

Criw Cymraeg

Cawsom ddiwrnod bendigedig. Cymerodd y plant ran mewn nifer o weithgareddau, i gyd yn cydweithio yn Gymraeg. Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau gweld eu holl waith ar Seesaw ac ar waliau coridor yr ysgol.

We had a wonderful day. The children participated in numerous activities, all working together in Welsh. We hope you will enjoy to see all their work on Seesaw and on the school corridor walls.

Clwb Talhaiarn

Gweler diweddariad Clwb ar App Ein Ysgol. Diolch enfawr i’r holl ymddiriedolwyr am wneud y Clwb yn bosib.

Please see update from Clwb on Our School App. A huge thank you to all the trustees for making the Clwb possible.

Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch a rhoddion bwyd.

Harvest Service and Harvest gifts

Diolch Thank you

Diolch am y rhoddion o fwyd tun a phecynnau. Mi fydd rhain yn mynd i'r Banc Bwyd Abergele wythnos nesaf. Diolch hefyd am euch arian casgliad- mi fydd dros £70 yn mynd fel rhodd i Capel Soar Llanfair Talhaiarn. Diolch yn fawr iawn i ffrindiau y capel am y croeso cynnes.

Thank you for the donations of canned food and packages. These will go to the Abergele Food Bank next week. Thank you also for your collection money - over £70 will go as a donation to Capel Soar Llanfair Talhaiarn. Many thanks to the friends of the chapel for the warm welcome.

Gwasnaeth Sul y Dinesig Cadeirydd Conwy Conwy Chairman's Civic Sunday Service

Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r plant am ganu a buhafio mor fendigedig yn yr Eglwys. A huge thank you to all the pupils who participated in the service in the church on Sunday.

Canu Anthem Cymru
Singing the Welsh National Anthem



Mae wedi dod i'n sylw bod rhai plant wedi cael rhai anawsterau gydag ap maent yn ei ddefnyddio gartref. Rydym wedi penderfynu cynnal sesiynau wythnos nesaf ar bwysigrwydd diogelwch rhyngrwyd a bwlio ar-lein. Cofiwch ein cefnogi i sicrhau bod eich plant bob amser yn ddiogel ar-lein.

It has come to our attention that some children have had some difficulties in an app they use at home. We have decided to hold sessions next week on the importance of internet safety and on-line bullying. Please support us in ensuring your children are always safe on-line.

CogUrdd- Urdd cookery competition

Bl 4 5 a 6

Yrs 4 5 and 6

Rhaid fod yn aelod o’r Urdd.

Rownd 1af yn yr Ysgol. Mae gennym ni gyllyll a byrddau torri yn yr ysgol i'r plant eu defnyddio.

Dydd Mawrth Hydref y 24ain.

Rheolau a’r ryseit ar yr App

CogUrdd | Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Please ensure your child is a member of the Urdd.

The first round is in school

Tuesday October the 24th

Rules and recipes are on the school App.

We have knives and chopping boards in school for the children to use.

Gwerthusiad Ysgol Talhaiarn 2022 2023. Copiwch y ddolen i ddarllen ein gwerthusiad ysgol o 2022 2023.

Ysgol Talhaiarn School Evaluation 2022 2023. Please copy the link to read our school evaluation from 2022 2023.

Newyddion Ysgol School News

Sicrhewch eich bod yn dilyn Ap yr ysgol. Bydd holl weithdrefnau brys ysgol gyfan yn cael eu postio ar yr Ap. Mae'r holl wybodaeth yn cael ei bostio ar yr ap. Os ydych chi'n gwybod am riant nad yw ar yr ap, gofynnwch iddyn nhw wirio eu e-byst am yr e-bost ysgogi newydd.

Please ensure you follow the school App. All whole school emergency procedures will be posted on the App. All information is posted on the app. If you know of a parent who is not on the app please ask them to check their emails for the new activation email.

Dyddiadau Pwysig Important Dates

CogUrdd 24.10.2023

Nosweithiau Rhieni Parents Evening 25.10.2023

Diwrnod Mr Urdd Day

Hydref / October 27

Dewch i’r Ysgol mewn coch gwyn neu gwyrdd am ddiwrnod llawn hwyl gyda Mr Urdd. Come to school dressed in red, white and green £1 a person. Fun with Mr Urdd. £1 per person.

Hanner Tymor/ Half term

Ysgol yn gorffen ar y 27.10.2023

School closes on the 27.10.2023

Ail agor / re opends 7.11.2023

Newyddion ychwanegol/ Additional News

Yn anffodus mae Mrs Sarah Turner wedi ymddiswyddo oherwydd afiechyd. Dymunwn y gorau iddi ar gyfer ei dyfodol. Yn anffodus, mae hyn bellach yn ein gadael heb gymorth gweinyddol yn yr ysgol. Gwiriwch App Fy Ysgol am unrhyw negeseuon a newyddion.

Mrs Sarah Turner has sadly resigned due to ill health. We wish her all the best for her future. Unfortunately, this now leaves us without administrative support in the school. Please check My School App for any messages and news.

Diolch Thank you

Diolch enfawr i Mrs Nash a Mrs Tait am weithio mor galed i ddidoli holl archebion Nadolig yr wythnos hon.

Huge thank you to Mrs Nash and Mrs Tait for working so hard to sort all the Christmas orders this week.

Diolch i Anti Lindsey am sicrhau cinio poeth i bawb heddiw. A huge Thank you to Aunty Lindsey for ensuring everybody had a hot lunch today.

Ymarfer Corff/ PE

Meithrin- Bl 2- Dydd Mawrth Yoga

Bl 3- Bl 6- Dydd Mawrth Tuesday Rygbi ( dewch ag hen esgidiau/ bring old shoes/ trainers)

Dydd Gwener Dawns

Presenoldeb / Attendance

Blodyn Haul 88.49 %

Barrog 91.59%

Diogelwch plant Safeguarding

Uwch Berson Dynodedig Safeguarding Lead Mrs Llinos Mevel

Person Dynodedig Safeguarding Deputy Mrs Caren McCann

Llywodraethwr Governor Ms Ffion Hughes

Diolch, arhoswch yn ddiogel a mwynhewch y penwythnos. Thank you, stay safe and enjoy the weekend.
