Tir Coed Impact Report November 2022 - October 2023

Tir Coed connects people with land (Tir) and woods (Coed) by delivering outdoor training, learning and wellbeing programmes across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.

Our Vision

Thriving sustainable rural communities integrated with the natural environment.

Our Mission

To unlock the potential of land and woodlands to provide a community facility, educational and health activities, and to create job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals in rural Wales. With the aim to make positive lasting change.

A Year of Growth

2023 has been a transformative year for Tir Coed, marked by themes of growth, innovation, impact and resilience. As we reflect on the year, the narrative unfolds as one of expansion, success and a dedicated commitment to further embedding learning in the heart of our operations. The seeds of our efforts have blossomed into a thriving landscape of accomplishments as we rolled out our AnTir project across the four counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys. In this impact report, we invite you to explore our journey as we continue to connect people with land and woods in a meaningful and purposeful way; the theme of growth not only defines our trajectory but also shapes our vision to meet the evolving social and environmental needs of the present and future.

Across all of our projects this year, we have delivered a staggering 634 sessions for learning and wellbeing and have engaged with 2,051 individuals in 20,511 hours of activity
We have connected more people to a wider range of green spaces and learning opportunities than ever before


This was the first full year of our AnTir project across all 4 counties, with just over 50% of activity funded by Natural Resources Wales, matched with a patchwork of smaller grants. The AnTir project represents an expansion beyond our woodland-focused activity to include wider land-based activity that includes setting up sites for food growing, using regenerative practices and techniques, delivering horticultural courses and engaging with a more diverse audience to enhance green spaces for the benefit of wildlife and the community.

Concurrently, alongside our primary project, we successfully concluded a final year of woodland learning and wellbeing activities in Powys in partnership with the Elan Links project, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund plus, two further wellbeing projects, one in Pembrokeshire under an Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant and another in Ceredigion, Pryd funded by the Community Lottery Fund.

77% of trainees gained accreditation
63% of trainees mentored progressed into training or employment
80% of trainees mentored progressed onto employment, self-employment, training or volunteering

Learning Outcomes

This year a total of 384 individuals have attended courses and gained a Tir Coed certificate. Of those, 105 achieved Accreditation via Agored Cymru.

The majority of trainees used electronic tablets to document evidence of their learning within our digital workbooks. Trainees expressed a sense of pride in their completed workbooks, actively taking ownership of their learning and reflecting on their accomplishments.

Trainees have developed skills and gained knowledge whilst participating in over 14,373 hours of learning

Wellbeing Outcomes

Over the last year we have delivered 198 wellbeing sessions to 1,667 people, who have enjoyed 6,138 hours engaging with nature and trying their hand at something new.

We have delivered a whole range of interesting and innovative activities such as forest bathing, whittling workshops, willow weaving, tree planting, making homes for wildlife, outdoor cooking, foraging, forest adventure, outdoor carpentry, ecological surveys, orchard skills and more.

Over the last year we have delivered 198 wellbeing sessions, to 1,667 people

Green Space Improvement

Throughout our outdoor locations, a total of 55 structures were built, encompassing a mix of substantial and supplementary installations aimed at improving facilities and accessibility. These included rebuilding a roundhouse and constructing seating benches, picnic tables, shave horses, pole lathes and raised beds. Additionally, we managed 14 acres of land and woodland for the benefit of wildlife and people, maintained or established 170 meters of pathways and planted a whopping 3,315 trees.

Mentor Programme

The Mentor role is a vital part of the unique support that trainees receive, with Mentors building a relationship that lasts every step of the individual’s journey and beyond. Mentors continue connections with trainees for between 3 months and 3 years following courses if they need ongoing support.

"It’s just so interesting, and so nice to work with everyone. I’m learning so much. I’m really grateful to have this opportunity"

Trainee Testimonial

"A year ago my children and I were made homeless, escaping their abusive father with just a bag each and our animals. My youngest son has been left scarred, he has not been back to school and always wears a face covering. As a single mother I have been suffering from anxiety and doubting my ability to manage on my own, I thought that I would learn new skills to help me be more self-sufficient.

Even more beneficial has been the people we have met, making friends and progressing through the course together, the warm, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere was exactly what I needed when my confidence was at its lowest, and the change in my son has been beyond my expectations. He has come out of his shell, has signed up for a college course and even has the confidence to take off his face covering quite often.

I am starting a new part time job next week, the Tir Coed mentor is helping me to look for training and job opportunities, and my son and I both have a determination and confidence that I wouldn’t have believed possible a couple of months ago."

Carmarthenshire Trainee

According to trainees, the best things about our courses were 'being outdoors', 'learning new skills' and 'working with other people'.

Overcoming Obstacles

One Pembrokeshire Trainee first joined the course a year ago, after suffering years of addiction which he declared was destroying his life. In trying to overcome these challenges, he signed up to Tir Coed to get away from his situation.

Initially, he suffered with low confidence, despite being very capable, but during his time with Tir Coed he has grown more confident in his ability. He recently successfully completed a Social Forestry Course that involved planning and delivering a short session to his peers and helped to plan a portion of the Horticultural Progression Course.

Convinced that this journey is in part due to being able to attend Tir Coed regularly, and the support and welcome he has had to help him on a path to a second chance, our Pembrokeshire trainee is genuinely humbled at the confidence the tutors have in him, and appreciates the opportunities that have arisen.

Since finishing the Tir Coed course, he has been offered part time work, is now regularly volunteering at a community garden and continues to work with addiction charities.

"I enjoyed exploring the different ways to immerse yourself in nature and learnt some great techniques to share with my children"

Participant Progression

One Powys trainee joined the Sustainable Horticulture Course at Cultivate after a long period out of regular work. As a keen gardener he brought a lot of skills to the course and was always helpful and supportive towards other trainees.

Interested in outdoor work, either in gardening or tree planting, he was interviewed for a council groundsman job but unfortunately didn’t get it due to lacking a driving licence.

Towards the end of the 20-week course our trainee took his next step, regularly volunteering with Pont Hafren’s community garden at Powis Castle. The Volunteer Co-ordinator has described him as “indispensable” and with time he hopes to find paid work with either the National Trust or other employers.

“I just want to be outside. I can’t learn inside. I want to find a job where I can work outside, with trees."

Confident in the Community

One Ceredigion trainee was long-term unemployed and low on confidence and motivation so was referred to Tir Coed by Cyfle Cymru. During his initial engagement with us he was unable to identify any personal goals that he wanted to achieve, nor did he see himself progressing towards further training, volunteering or employment.

He attended the 12-week Sustainable Woodland Management course which he went on to describe as “Outstanding”, “Excellent” and “Inspiring” and successfully completed his workbook, achieving Agored Cymru accreditation at level 2.

Following this, he progressed on to our 20-week Sustainable Horticulture course, which he also completed and gained the accreditation. During the courses the trainee’s confidence in being around other people increased, he became more involved in group discussions and began to share his knowledge of Welsh culture. He now spends 2-3 sessions a week in the outdoors and feels optimistic, useful and more engaged and focused on what he is doing. He does not feel so depressed or lonely as he has developed good friendships with other trainees and volunteers.

This trainee has become a committed volunteer for Tir Coed at both Penparcau Hub and Ty Llwyd Gardens and is a very popular member of the group. He now has more structure to his week and needs less support from other people and services; he also feels part of the community.

“If you’d told me a few months ago that I could build a chair like this, I wouldn’t have believed you. I am so proud of myself”

The AnTir Project

With substantial support from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) funding, we successfully delivered the first full year of our AnTir Project in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire (NRW South West Wales) as well as Ceredigion and Powys (NRW Mid Wales) this year.

Our project put a strong focus on the wellbeing benefits of spending time in and connecting with nature. We collaborated with communities to enhance their resilience, offering training courses aimed at honing the skills and employability of local people. This strategic approach aims to bring local people closer to employment opportunities that contribute meaningfully to the rural economy.

Growing Together

We have listened and responded to our community about offering a wider range of land-based courses. With a clear need and demand in food growing and regenerative land management practices, we rolled out our own Sustainable Horticulture course accredited by Agored Cymru at level 2, following successful pilots over the past 2 years. Delivering this 20-week course across all four counties for the first time enabled us to successfully engage with a broader range of participants than ever before.

Working on partner community growing sites, we helped to develop both the conservation and social value of their gardens by improving areas for biodiversity, installing ponds, creating wildflower areas, constructing accessible seating, pathways and additional raised beds.

Elan Links Partnership

Elan Links was a Heritage Lottery supported partnership project which aimed to secure the heritage of, and boost the opportunities available in the Elan Valley for the future.

2023 marked the final year of the project, which saw Tir Coed bring real improvements to the lives of people most in need, by supporting engagement and integration of those furthest from the job market back into education and training. Through the delivery of short skills-based and longer accredited courses, we provided opportunities to support learning in woodlands whilst making improvements to the natural environment of Elan Valley and the community’s access to it.

Throughout the duration of the project, we delivered 100 bespoke activity sessions, enabling people to spend time outdoors, engage with the area and its natural heritage and gain a new appreciation of this special landscape.

Additionally, we provided retreat packages to enable harder to reach groups from the Birmingham area to connect with the Elan Valley, breaking down barriers to getting into the outdoors. Specifically supporting groups of people who may not normally visit the countryside, but who have links to the Elan Valley through the supply of their water, we provided life-changing and life-enhancing opportunities for people to spend time in nature.

In the Elan Valley, over the past 6 years we have...

Delivered 11 x 24-day training courses which had a positive impact on 86 people's lives
Delivered 100 x bespoke activity sessions to 1,378 harder to reach individuals from the local community
Provided 172 people with experience and training

Elan Retreats

335 people from harder to reach groups from Birmingham/Midlands area have enjoyed and benefitted from an 'Experience Elan' weekend retreat
40 nights and 52 days have been spent in the Elan Valley by 23 different groups

Enhancing Pembs

In Pembrokeshire, we delivered a range of short courses, volunteering days and bespoke activity sessions to engage local people and improve the well-being of our community, offsetting the negative impacts of second home ownership in the county. Engaging with local and young people, we provided them with relevant skills and training for local jobs, responding to need in Pembrokeshire for creating self-sustained and vibrant communities.

We delivered 7 x 1-week courses, 9 days of volunteering and 7 x bespoke activity sessions, engaging with 422 local people.

Read about the wider social impact of our Introduction to Woodland Working course in our blog post 'Chair Making Success Story for Furtureworks Trainees':

The Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant forms part of Pembrokeshire County Council’s regeneration programme.

Pryd Ceredigion

Tir Coed has been working in partnership with Penparcau Community Hub to deliver a food, growing, learning and volunteering project. Our Volunteer Co-ordinator led efforts to enhance the Hub’s community garden, bringing the community together and encouraging people to volunteer outdoors and create green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

The local community has been key to the success of this project, with volunteers lending their hands to varied tasks throughout the local area, including grounds’ maintenance at a local care home for residents with Dementia, which contributed to them being awarded a Green Flag.

Penparcau Community Hub recently received the CLAS award from Social Farms and Gardens, and we're proud to have contributed to this achievement.

This project was funded through the National Lottery Community Fund's Awards for All.

Dysgu am Natur

Our outdoor provision has made a profound impact on children and young people through our schools and community outreach this year. By providing enriching outdoor experiences, we witnessed first-hand the positive transformations in their confidence, resilience, and overall wellbeing. Through our hands-on activities, we've not only cultivated a deeper appreciation for the natural world but have also empowered children and young people to embrace challenges, work collaboratively, and develop a stronger sense of self.

“The kids loved it. The leaders were brilliant, helpful, so resourceful and patient with us all. The group were able to try new things and given responsibility and trust. Great day and great fun, thank you!”

We were delighted to play our part in Climate Challenge Cymru, led by Julie James MS, the Minister for Climate Change. Participating in this initiative, specifically tailored for primary school pupils at Key Stage 2, perfectly aligns with our dedication to unlock the potential of land and woodlands to provide a community facility, educational and health activities, whilst fostering a sense of climate responsibility among young minds.

“It was lovely to see the children so happy”

Primary Purpose Trading

This year we have continued to reach beyond our funded work by delivering activity through our primary purpose trading to organisations, community groups and schools. This expansion has allowed us to share our passion and expertise with a wider audience, create lasting and meaningful connections and secure greater financial sustainability for Tir Coed.

Meet the Team

The Board of Trustees

With Thanks to our Funders