
Nuacht Litir Deireadh Fómhair


Farewell & Best Wishes

Congratulations to Emer McDonald on her retirement after thirty one years teaching in St. Brigid's! Mrs. McDonald was a student in St. Brigid's herself, her children attended St. Brigid's and she is a member of the local community. She will be dearly missed and we wish her every happiness in retirement.


Congratulations to Ms. Reilly on the birth of her beautiful baby boy, Daire.

Parents' Association

A huge congratulations to our super Parents' Association who came second in the Fred O'Connell National Parents Council (NPC) Innovation Awards 2023!

Serious Business


Board of Management

A meeting to elect parent representatives to the Board of Management takes place in school on Wednesday 18th October at 8pm. At the meeting nominations will be sought from parents for persons to stand for election as parent nominees on the board. There will be a ballot conducted at the meeting to elect the nominees. All are welcome.

Student Council

We are absolutely thrilled to announce our Student Council this year who were democratically elected to represent their classes:

Flu Vaccine

Reminder that McCabes pharmacy will be administering a free flu vaccine to any student who wishes to receive it next Tuesday 10th October. Parents who wish their daughter to receive the vaccine must sign up by clicking the button below and giving consent.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Individual parent teacher meetings will take place Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd November. Time-slots will be shared for booking after the mid-term break on Aladdin Connect.

Maths Week

Maths week takes place from the 16th-20th October. Students will be engaging in different maths activities throughout the week- keep an eye on our website and Instagram page.

Parent Participation

We would like to invite any parents whose work involves maths e.g. architecture, finance, computers (and many others) to be part of our maths week. This would involve coming in to school to talk to children about your job, how you use maths in your job? what you like about it? etc. If interested in being part of our maths week, please email parents@stbrigidsgns.ie

Principal's Maths Challenge

As part of maths week, Ms Wickham is challenging all students to create a piece of art that contains lines and angles. Artwork can be any medium e.g. collage, paint, pencils, pastels, 3D construction etc. Entries should be handed into Ms Wickham not later than Wednesday 18th October 2.15pm. There will be 2 winners from each year group and an overall winner. Artwork will be displayed in an Art Exhibition on Friday 20th October and parents/grandparents will be invited to view the exhibition from 8.50am-9.30am in the school hall.

Maths Themed T-Shirt

Students are invited to wear a maths themed t-shirt and/or accessories with their school tracksuit on Friday 20th October. T-shirts can have shapes/colours/numbers/angles on them. This is completely optional.

Oíche Shamhna

Halloween Dress Up

Children are invited to come to school dressed up in costume to celebrate Halloween on Friday 27th October. There will be lots of fun activities planned and children can bring in a treat with them for lunch on this day if they wish.

Pumpkin Carving Contest & Exhibition

Details of entry to this year's Pumpkin Carving Contest will be shared in the coming week through Aladdin.

The Exhibition will take place on Thursday 26th October from 5pm-9pm. Tickets will be on sale through Aladdin next week (€3 per ticket for exhibition) and parents/families and friends will be able to book a time slot that suits them. This was hugely successful last year with incredibly creative entries. We are hoping many more students and families can partake this year. This is a fundraising initiative created by the Parents' Association with all proceeds going towards the school.


The guards will visit fifth class students in October to discuss the dangers of fireworks and bonfires over Halloween.

What's Going On?


The girls in fourth class have been learning all about biodiversity in a weekly workshop for the past 5 weeks. Visiting the community garden, they have investigated and learned about the oak tree, brambles, plants, insects and tree Ogham, under the expert guidance of Emer and Niamh from Global Action Plan. This truly amazing programme has opened their eyes to the beauty of our local natural environment and its inhabitants. Check out our school website to see what the girls have been up to and the pleasure and fun that they’ve enjoyed along the way.

Raheny Library

The girls from sixth class will be visiting Raheny Library this week in order to learn about a new GAA Activity Book. The book was produced by Dublin City Libraries in co-operation with Dublin GAA County Board. The book is aimed at 6th class children, and conatins literacy and numeracy puzzles on a GAA theme. The girls are very excited to learn all about it.

Public Speaking

Students from 1st, 3rd and 6th classes took part in Public Speaking Workshops with Nicky Browne from the Mighty Oak Public Speaking Programme. They were absolutely fantastic! We definitely have some debaters, barristers & politicians in our midst! Watch this space!

MS Readathon

Our school has registered for the Ms Readathon this year. If your child is interested in partaking, you need to click the button below to register and find the school using our roll number- 16792C.

This is a super way for students to increase their reading and set goals for themselves as well as helping people with Multiple Sclerosis. There are lots of competitions and prizes to be won! To all who take part- best of luck and happy reading!

All Things Active


The girls from fifth and sixth class have been taking part in the marathon kids programme for the past 8 weeks. The girls have been running a minimum of 5 laps a day in order to build up to their 42km target. The girls are showing incredible determination every day and their fitness is improving with every lap. We look forward to welcoming parents and students to cheer us on for our final few laps in May Park in the coming weeks.

Tag Rugby

The girls from 6th class are taking part in a tag rugby programme with Rob from Leinster Rugby. Rob is teaching the girls all the rules of tag rugby including passing and travelling. On Tuesday the girls got to practise lots of drills and even participate in some mini games and matches! The girls will play in a blitz with 150 students from other schools this coming Tuesday 10th October.

GAA Team

MASSIVE congratulations and well done to our fantastic GAA team who won their first match yesterday! The team are only together a few weeks under the incredible direction of Mr. Kierans and already they are playing some superb football! We are so proud of you girls! Keep it up! C'mon Brigid's!

School closes for mid-term break Friday 27th October (normal closing time- Infants 1.15pm & all others 2.15pm) School will re-open Monday 6th November. Bain taitneamh as an sós!