School Vision
Byron Bay High School delivers a collaborative learning environment where students achieve excellence through our connection with community and land, creating holistic leaders of the future.
A message from the Principal
To our Year 7 2025 Students,
I am looking forward to meeting you as you transition into high school. You are joining the best school in Australia! At Byron Bay High School you will enjoy coming to school every day to be challenged with new learning opportunities and create lifelong friendships.
With your parents, I encourage you to take some time to read and view the information we have provided, as it will help set your family up for a confident start at Byron Bay High School in 2025.
Please come and introduce yourself to me on Orientation Day on 3 December. See you then!
Ms Janine Marcus - Byron Bay High School Principal
A message from your Year Advisors
In 2025, we are very fortunate to have 2 experienced teachers overseeing the new Year 7 cohort. Year Advisers are an integral part of our school community. They follow each cohort through their schooling journey, moving through the years with them, from Year 7 to Year 12. The Year Advisor's primary role is to look after the wellbeing of all students in the year group. They are an ideal contact for parents who wish to raise issues or concerns about their child - usually concerns that are non-academic or not specific to one subject.
A message from Mr Walker
My name is Hugh Walker and I am a Year Adviser for Year 7 in 2025. When I am in the classroom I teach Science, with a particular interest in Physics. I am passionate about providing students with a safe environment where they can explore new experiences, learn from mistakes, and build meaningful connections independently.
As their Year Advisor, I will be working with the Wellbeing team to help support the emotional, social, and academic growth of each student, helping them build resilience while navigating the challenges of adolescence. I will follow this cohort of students each year as they progress through the school and we are sure to share many adventures together along the way.
I look forward to working with all the new Year 7 students as they begin their high school journey with us.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child please don't hesitate to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mr Hugh Walker - Year 7 2025 Year Advisor
A message from Ms Yeadon
I am Ebony Yeadon, a Science teacher at Byron Bay High School, and I am excited to take on the role of Year Adviser for Year 7 in 2025. Having been part of this wonderful school community for over a decade, I am passionate about supporting our newest students through their first year of high school.
My goal is to guide their growth into happy, well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate life's challenges. I am dedicated to nurturing resilience, encouraging responsibility, and creating a community where mutual respect thrives.
I believe that education is not just about academic achievement but also about building character and preparing students for their future.
I encourage parents and caregivers to reach out if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or if there is anything specific I can assist with.
Ms Ebony Yeadon - Year 7 2025 Year Advisor
The first week of high school in 2025
... Orientation Week ...
Thursday 6 February to Tuesday 11 February
The first day of school in 2025 for our new Year 7 students will be Thursday 6 February.
- Thursday 6 February 2025 - All students in all Year groups will begin the new school year
During their first few days of school in 2025 - Orientation Week - our new Year 7 students will spend time getting to know our school, understanding the requirements for each subject, learning whole school processes and values, plus meeting their teachers. Our Senior Mentoring students will also be on hand to help the students settle in.
The Year 7 students will finish their first week of high school with the whole school swimming carnival on Wednesday 12 February. They receive their timetables and begin official classes on Thursday 13 February.
Orientation Week activities
Year 7 2025 students will participate in the following activities during their first week at school:
- Numeracy and literacy check-in's
- Critical thinking check-in
- Writing task
- Sporting activities
- Indigenous walk
- Library lesson
- An introduction to the online student portal
- An overview of the Sports Selection process
- Amazing Race around the school
- An introduction to Positive Change for BBHS
- Whole school swimming carnival
During Orientation Week, the Year 7 students will complete literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and writing check in's. Learning support will be available for any student who needs additional assistance.
All Year 7 students will also participate in an individual interview - so we can find out about their interests, favourite subjects, how they like to learn, and help them set a goal for starting high school. Our teachers will have access to this information in 2025 to enable the students to achieve their best.
At the conclusion of the individual check in's and interviews we will begin constructing our Year 7 classes for 2025.
Year 7 class structures
Our Year 7 classes will be put together using information provided by our partner primary schools, as well as the data gained during Induction Week from the student's literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and writing check-in's.
There will be seven core Year 7 classes created for the subjects listed below. For each subject there will be a top class created. Students in these top classes will be selected based on the check-in data collated during Orientation Week:
- Maths classes - informed by the numeracy check in data.
- English, History and Geography classes - informed by the literacy and writing check in data.
- Science classes - informed by the numeracy and critical thinking check in data.
Subjects for Years 7 and 8
The Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8) subjects at BBHS are:
- Mathematics
- Science/Agriculture
- Human Society and its Environment (History and Geography)
- Language (Japanese)
- Technology Mandatory (Food Technology, Textiles, Industrial Arts, Computing)
- Creative and Performing Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama)
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Sport
Our school website - your best friend!
Everything you need to know about our school!
The Byron Bay High School website is a wonderful resource for new families and will answer many of the questions you might have in the first weeks of high school. To find the information you need, please check out our website first. You'll be surprised how much information is online!
On the Home Page you will find some quick links about how Byron Bay High School operates. Visit the website and click through each point to become acquainted with all the 'need to know' information:
Here's a few more links to important information that you will need to know:
On our website's Home page there is also information that is relevant to Year 7:
- Year Advisor contact details
- BBHS Year 7 Essential guide
- Workbooks and essential materials list
- Assessment handbooks and calendars
Please note: the details for the current 2024 school year are presently featured on our website. All relevant information for the new 2025 school year will appear towards the end of this year.
Our TOP 3 TIPS to make your BBHS journey simpler!
We've put together our top 3 tips for parents to help answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
1. What do I need to do if my child is absent from school?
When your child is absent or late to school, please wait for the ‘absence sms’ that we will send you around 11 am. Unless you have urgent information to pass on, there is no need to call or email the school office - simply reply to the sms with the reason why your child is away from school and your response will be automatically entered into our Attendance system for the teachers to see.
2. What happens if we are planning on going away?
Families are encouraged to travel during the school holidays. If travel during the school term is necessary and your child will be away for 5 or more school days, you will need to submit an Application for extended leave - travel form at least 1 week prior to departure.
Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and, therefore, contribute to your child's total absences for the year.
Students will also be required to complete an additional form to accompany the application. To complete this form, they will need to speak to each of their teachers to determine what work or assessments they will miss while they are away and organise extensions. This form must accompany the Application for extended leave - travel form when submitting your application to our school office.
Please return the 2 completed forms to the school office, along with relevant travel documentation such as an e-ticket or itinerary and they will be passed on to our school Principal.
3. What if my child needs to leave school early?
If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, we ask that parents/carers write us a short handwritten note stating your child's name, the leaving time, a reason why they are leaving and who will be picking them up. Your child will present your note to their Deputy Principal before 9 am and a Leave Slip will be generated. Then, at the approved pick-up time your child can leave their classroom and meet you at the car!
Please note: Students can only leave school with a parent/carer or a person who is listed as an Emergency Contact on their enrolment form.
4. How will the school communicate with me?
All communications from us will be emailed to you... please keep a regular eye on your inbox.
For all school fees, excursions and sporting events you will be emailed an easy online consent and payment link.
Accessing Byron Bay High School
Arakwal Court is a very busy place during school drop-off and pick-up times. We share this small road with St Finbarr's Primary School and during peak morning and afternoon times, a lot of cars, buses, bike riders and pedestrians access the area. To help with the volume of traffic in the school zone and to keep our students safe please keep in mind the following:
Byron Bay High School staff car park
This car park is for our staff and Senior student drivers only. We ask that parents DO NOT bring their cars into the car park during peak times. Having additional cars in this confined space is dangerous and creates a bottleneck for our staff and Senior students who are trying to enter and leave the car park.
Bus bays and the 'Kiss & Ride' area
Please DO NOT park or stop in the nominated bus zones and block bus access. This includes the bus bay in front of St Finbarr's and also the bus bay in front of Byron Bay High School. Be aware that there is also a designated bus zone on the corner of Bangalow Road and Arakwal Court. Rangers regularly inspect these areas and will issue fines.
If you are driving into this school zone during peak times, we ask that you drop-off or pick-up your child in the designated 'Kiss and Ride' area at the top of the cul-de-sac on Arawkal Court and then keep moving. There are minimal carpark spaces down the centre of Arakwal Court if you need to park your car.
2025 Bell times
Every school day at BBHS starts at 9 am. Students are to be in their Period 1 class at 9 am for roll call. If your child arrives at school after 9 am, they will need to stop at the Office to sign in before proceeding to class. If they do not sign in, they will be marked absent for the whole day and you will receive an Absence sms.
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the school day finishes at 3:30pm. On Wednesday's, Sport finishes at 3:10 pm to allow students time to return to school for afternoon school buses home.
Mobile Phone Policy
In line with the current state-wide NSW Department of Education policy, all student's mobile phones must be switched off and stored in their bags before they enter the school gates.
“Off and away for the whole day! Mobile phones must remain off and out of sight for the entire school day.”
Any student phone seen out during the day (including Recess and Lunch breaks) will have to be handed in to a Deputy Principal (DP) and collected at the end of the day. This also includes electronic devices and earpieces which students use to listen to music. Parents/carers will receive an email advising them if their child has breached the Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy.
Refusal to hand in a mobile/electronic device to the Deputy Principal when requested will result in the student being placed on a Deputy Principal Monitoring Card and the student will be required to hand in their phone each morning to their Deputy Principal until the Monitoring Card has been completed.
PLEASE NOTE: Students will need to bring a physical EFTPOS/credit card or cash to use at the canteen. The canteen will not accept cards on a mobile phone.
Students must not to use their phones to contact their parents during the day. If your child is feeling sick at school, our procedure is for them to report to the Office and our Sick Bay coordinator will contact you.
If you need to get a message to your child throughout the day please phone our school office on 6685 8188 or email and we will be happy pass the message on to your child.
For more information about the BBHS Mobile Phone Policy please refer to the document linked below:
Byron Bay High School uniforms are available from School Locker located at the Harvey Norman Home Maker Centre, 26 Boeing Avenue, Ballina. Items can also be purchased online via the School Locker website:
Our school colours are white, teal and navy blue.
All students will need an everyday uniform (white polo/shirt with navy or black bottoms - or girls checked dress or skirt) and also a sports uniform (teal polo with navy or black bottoms and joggers). For more information, refer to our uniform guidelines via the link below:
Students are also encouraged to bring their own hat to wear to and from school and during Sport/PE lessons.
Be sure to label all uniform items when you get them home! We can not return lost items to your child if they do not have a name on them.
CLOTHING ITEMS NOT PERMITTED - denim jeans/shorts/skirts, crop or singlet tops, shirts or jumpers with large logos (bigger than a credit card) and coloured jumpers.
Books and essential materials list
We have put together a list of the books and stationery items that your child will need for each of their Year 7 subjects. Lists for other Year groups can also be found via their relevant Year group tab on our school website home page in the coming weeks.
The items on the list can be purchased from any stationery or department store. For your convenience, the items can also be purchased online through local company Dolphin Office Choice:
Calculators and Art diaries are also sold at our school office
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
At BBHS we have a number of laptop banks, devices and dedicated computer rooms for student's to use whilst at school. However, we do also support students who wish to bring their own laptop. If you plan to go shopping, please take the following details to your place of purchase.
Students may also find it beneficial to have access to a computer/laptop at home so they can access their Department of Education and Google Classroom portals for homework and study purposes.
Your child will receive a printout of their new timetable at the end of Orientation Week
Our school's day is organised on a 5 period, 7-day rotating timetable. If you aren't sure what timetabled day of the week it is, you can find this information on our school calendar.
Your child's timetable is very important. It tells them what classes they have each day - where they need to be and when. By looking at their timetable they can work out what books and equipment to bring to school and the names of their teachers for each subject.
When students lose or come to school without their timetable it can cause them undue anxiety. They can miss out on vital learning in the classroom as they try to find out where they should be. It's important that your child stores a printout of their timetable in a secure location in their bag, a diary and/or locker.
What can students do if they have lost their timetable?
If your child loses the printout of their timetable we encourage them to independently:
- Visit their Year 7 Year Advisor Mr Walker or Ms Yeadon in their faculty staffroom (Science) to request another printout.
- Log into their Student Portal and access the online version through the 'Edval' tab - they can do this at home or in the school Library (see instructions below).
- Visit the timetable checking screen on the counter at the office - students will need to scan their student card to access this service independently.
NOTE: Due to the morning workload on the counters and phones, our office staff CAN NOT help your child access another copy of their timetable before the bell goes. It is recommended that students have a look at (and print out where possible) their timetable online before coming to school.
Accessing timetables online
After Orientation Week, timetables will be available for viewing online through the student's Department of Education Student Portal, via the 'Edval' tab. This can be done from home or at school. If accessing the portal from home, simply Google 'Department of Education NSW student portal'. Your child will enter the username and password that they use at school.
Student Cards
Early in Term 1, after our whole school Photo Day, Year 7 students will be given a Student ID card. This plastic card has the Byron Bay High School logo, the student's name and their photo on it. The initial card costs $5 and is billed to your Statement of Account.
It is important that students bring their card to school each day. They are encouraged to store the card securely in a wallet or a pocket in their bag.
Students use their card to:
- Prove that they are an enrolled student at Byron Bay High School (some companies and transport/travel providers require this proof)
- Sign in at the school office when they are late
- Check their timetable at the kiosk in the office
- Sign into the Library and borrow books
If your child loses their Student ID card, they can order a replacement card through the school office. Any additional cards will cost $10 each.
How we communicate with parents
We use a variety of platforms to communicate with our families and to keep you informed. Below is a guide so you know what to keep an eye on.
When we need to send parents important school information it will always be via email
All communication from our office regarding excursions, sporting events and important school updates will be emailed to you from Please ensure that this email address is marked as a 'safe sender' in your email browser... if you aren't getting emails from us, check your 'junk box' in the first instance!
By default, all School Bytes emails will be sent to the email address that you provided on your child's enrolment for Parent/Carer 1. If Parent/Carer 2 would also like to receive correspondence, please email our school office to advise us.
It is important to let our office know if your email address changes at any time.
To avoid your child missing out on important excursions, ensure you action your consent and payment before the due date. The event portal will always close 2 days prior to an excursion (sometimes earlier for larger excursions and camps) to allow us to finalise staffing, buses, medical information and rolls.
Our teachers and Deputy Principals may also email you Wellbeing notices or information about upcoming assessments through our attendance platform called Sentral. Sentral will draw upon the email addresses and phone numbers from our database that you provided on your child's enrolment form.
'Byron Breeze' weekly online newsletter
A weekly update on what's happening at our school
Each week we will email you a link to our latest Byron Breeze newsletter. This weekly newsletter contains current information about what's happening at Byron Bay High School. In the Byron Breeze you will find key dates for your diary, updates about school events, reminders and celebrations of student's achievements.
You can also find the Byron Breeze newsletters on Facebook, your School Bytes portal and our school website.
'Byron Bay High School Official' Facebook page
Like us on Facebook today for a little bit of fun and some important bits'n'pieces too! On this page we will often post important reminders, P&C events and celebrations of student achievements.
The School Bytes Parent Finance Portal
Our School Bytes Parent Finance Portal is available for you to easily track your Statement of Account. Parents and carers can visit the portal at any time to make a payment online, view payment history and track your available credit.
Once your child commences at Byron Bay High School you will be able to register for the Parent Finance Portal. In early 2025, we will send you information on how to register.
If you do not wish to pay online, you can always pay with cash, cheque or card at the school office after you grant your online consent. Unfortunately over the telephone payments are not available via the school office for security reasons.
Student lockers are available to hire for $10 per year, depending on availability. Please email the school at to add your child's name to the 2025 Locker Waiting List. Make sure you include your child's first and last name and 'Year 7 2025' when emailing us.
School buses and bus passes
Students who live beyond a 2km radius from the school can apply for a bus pass through the Transport for NSW website (see links provided below).
If you need information regarding bus timetables please contact the local bus company that operates in your area:
- CDCNSW (formerly Blanch's & Brunswick Valley Coaches) - 6686 2144
- Northern Rivers Buslines - 6626 1499
- Ballina Buslines - 6686 3666
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not process your child's bus pass application until their first day on-site at Byron Bay High School .
Transport for NSW will contact us when they receive your online application for a bus pass. They will forward it to us and ask us to confirm that your child is an enrolled student and they live at the residential address you've provided.
When your child arrives for their first day at Byron Bay High School we will endorse their application and advise Transport for NSW that they are now a confirmed student at our school. As a result, your child will not have their bus pass for their first day of school in 2025. For the first few weeks of the 2025 school year, your child will be able to get on the bus without a bus pass.
**IMPORTANT** The home address that we have on file for your child must match the address you give to Transport for NSW. If the addresses do not match, we are unable to endorse your child's application. Please let us know ASAP if you need to change the residential address we have on file for your child (i.e. the address you gave us on their enrolment form).
Once approved, CDCNSW (Blanch's) will deliver the bus pass cards to the school early in Term 1. We will hand them out to the students once they arrive. Ballina Buslines and Northern Rivers Buslines will mail the bus passes to the student's residential address.
Access the Transport for NSW webpage here:
We are so lucky at Byron Bay High School to have a wonderful canteen that provides healthy and delicious food options for students. Our canteen is open for breakfast (8:40 am to 9:00 am), recess and lunch.
The canteen accepts cash or card. If paying by card, students will need to bring in a physical EFTPOS/credit card as cards on mobile phones are not accepted.
Items can be purchased by lining up at the canteen during the breaks, or to avoid the lines, students can place an order at the beginning of the day. We recommend that students pre-order specials for recess or lunch as they often sell out quickly.
To place an order, students should visit the canteen prior to 9 am and fill out their choices on a paper bag.
Other important things you need to know
Permission to Publish
Byron Bay High School often publishes student achievements online - in our school newsletter, on our Facebook page and school website. Students photos might also appear in school publications and handbooks.
On the last page of the enrolment form, under the heading 'Permission to publish' parents have the choice of ticking 'I give permission' or 'I do not give permission' to allow the school and the department to publish photos and basic details of your child online. This is called granting your 'Permission to Publish'.
You can change your child's Permission to Publish status at any time by emailing our school office.
The information we publish online may include your child’s first name and last initial, Year group, plus information collected at school such as photographs, sound and visual recordings, your child’s work or expressions of opinion (interviews).
** We ask that you please discuss your decision regarding Permission to Publish with your child. Often students are not aware that their parents/carers have chosen 'I do not give permission'. **
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that students whose parents have nominated 'I do not give permission to publish' will NOT be included in the Whole Year Group school photo taken each year. Your child will receive an individual school photo only. We ask that you are aware of this when ordering your photos from the photography company.
For more information about the Department of Education's Permission to Publish policy, please visit:
Special Religious Education (SRE)
Under the Education Act 1990, section 32, government schools allow time for special religious education. It is delivered by authorised representatives of approved religious groups to students who have nominated to participate.
At Byron Bay High School we offer a mixed Christian denomination SRE class for students in Years 7 and 8. The SRE session is once a week and goes for 40 minutes. The session is facilitated by Mr Matthias Stickl who is an authorised representative of Australian Christian Churches.
Mr Stickl's program follows the approved 'Think Faith' curriculum and offers students the opportunity to ask questions, explore the Bible and discover what it means to be a Christian in our world today. Lessons are age-appropriate, fun and inclusive for any religion, gender or belief. Everyone is welcome!
The scope and sequence of the 'Think Faith' curriculum can be viewed here:
Parents who enrolled their child for Year 7 via the department's online form option had the opportunity to elect for their child to participate in SRE classes in 2025. If you did not see this option when you enrolled your child, please do not worry. At the beginning of the 2025 school year, we will send all parents and carers of students in Years 7 and 8 an email about our SRE program. Through this email you will have the opportunity to opt your child in if you wish to do so.
Students not attending Special Religious Education will remain in their timetabled class.
Wednesday Sport
The BBHS Sport Program runs every Wednesday afternoon for the duration of each term and is a compulsory part of the Byron Bay High School curriculum for students in Year 7 to Year 10. Each term, students have the opportunity to select a sport that interests them. There will be plenty of support on hand as the Year 7 students navigate the Sport selection process for the first time.
On Wednesday's, Sport finishes at 3:10 pm, to allow students to get back to school in time to catch their usual buses home.
Any issues that may arise almost always have a solution! If your child has a sport related problem, we encourage them to go and see the teachers in the PDHPE Staffroom at Recess on Wednesdays (before sport starts) i.e. they forgot their sports gear, don’t know where to go, which bus to get on, etc. There will also be teachers on duty at the bus bay to assist.
We provide supervision in Room 5 for any students who are not doing sport due to sickness or injury (with a parental note explaining why) or for those who have missed their bus.
The Sports Selection process:
All Sport selections take place online. Links are emailed to the student's school email account.
Term 1 | Week 2 2025 - On Thursday 6 February students will receive a list of the Term 1 sports available and information about the online Sports Selection process
Term 1 | Week 2 2025 - On Friday 7 February all Years 7-10 students will be emailed the Sports Selection link (NOTE: the link will become live on Monday 10 February at 8 pm)
Term 1 | Week 3 2025 - On Monday 10 February, from 8 pm, students can select their sport online. Selections close at 3 pm on Wednesday 12 February.
Term 1 | Week 3 2025 - In the following days, parents/carers will be sent a consent and payment email (due by 18 February).
Term 1 | Week 4 2025 - On Wednesday 19 February Term 1 Sport begins.
At the beginning of Term 1 2025, your child will receive a list of the available sports for Term 1, including their location and cost. Please have a conversation with your child about their choices before the portal opens because many of the popular sports will fill up very quickly. Prior to the link opening, we will email parents/carers with instructions on how you can help your child navigate this new process from home.
There are loads of great sports to choose from so we encourage students to pick something they enjoy - or even branch out and try something new - but they need to get in quick as some sports are popular!
Representative Sports
CHS - Combined High School Sport
Byron Bay High School has a strong presence in CHS representative sports. At primary school, students may have competed in the PSSA equivalent. The progression at high school for CHS sport competition is:
- School level
- Zone (Far North Coast - FNC)
- Regional (North Coast - NC)
- State (CHSNSW)
Students who are interested in trialling for our representative sporting teams are encouraged to keep an eye on the Daily Memo that is shared during roll call each morning. Students can also pop into the PDHPE Office at any time and have a chat with our teachers.
We look forward to watching your child actively participate in all sports whether it be competitively or for the joy of participating with friends and peers.
Our regular school carnivals are staggered throughout the year, including swimming, athletics and cross country. These are whole school carnivals and are for everyone! The first carnival for 2025 is our Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 12 February.
We are committed to reducing waste at school
Byron Bay High School is committed to reducing waste and consumption at school. What does this mean?
In 2020, students of Byron Bay High School lead the change to reduce consumption in response to their concern for the environment. Bordering the Arakwal National Park, it is crucial that we minimise our impact on the environment.
- Students are encouraged to bring waste free lunches and snacks that are in reusable containers, therefore avoiding single use plastics.
- Composting takes place onsite, with dedicated organic waste collection in 'green bins' around the school.
- The school collects plastic bottles and drink containers that can be recycled at the 'Return & Earn' facilities in our shire.
- Anything that students bring onto the site, that cannot be recycled or composted, must return home with them.
P&C Association
Our Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) would like to extend a warm welcome to Year 7 parents and carers to come along to our P&C meetings. The P&C Association meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except during the holidays) at 7 pm in the school Library.
For more information about our P&C Association, please visit the Parents, carers and the community page on our website.
Successful education requires a partnership between parents, students and teachers. New families are very welcome to join our meetings. We look forward to seeing you there!
School fees
It is the strong recommendation of this school’s P&C Association to seek from parents and guardians the payment of school fees at the commencement of each school year. This practice has been in place for many years and although not compulsory, the funds raised through this contribution are used to provide additional educational resources and programs for our students.
A Statement of Account is emailed to all families around March each year. Fees on your account can also be viewed through your School Bytes Parent Portal.
Go to the School Fees page on our website for more information about school fees.
School Vaccination Program
Year 7 Vaccination Day - Tuesday 11 March 2025
Each year NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the School Vaccination Program.
** Only those students whose parents grant their online consent will be vaccinated **
No consent = No vaccination
In 2025 the following vaccines will be offered to Year 7 boys and girls:
- Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Parents/carers will be sent an email in early 2025 with more details about the School Vaccination Program.
2025 Term dates
Byron Bay High School term dates for 2025 are:
Term 1
- Friday 31 January to Wednesday 5 February - Staff Development Days | PUPIL FREE
- Thursday 6 February - First day for ALL STUDENTS (timetable DAY 1)
- Friday 11 April - Last day of Term 1
Term 2
- Monday 28 April and Tuesday 29 April | Staff Development Days | PUPIL FREE
- Wednesday 30 April | Term 2 FIRST DAY BACK for all students (timetable DAY 6)
- Friday 4 July | Last day of Term 2
Term 3
- Monday 21 July | Staff Development Day | PUPIL FREE
- Tuesday 22 July | Term 3 FIRST DAY BACK for all students (timetable DAY 4)
- Friday 26 September | Last day of Term 3
Term 4
- Monday 13 October | Staff Development Day | PUPIL FREE
- Tuesday 14 October | Term 4 FIRST DAY BACK for all students (timetable DAY 4)
- Friday 19 December | Last day of the 2025 school year
Want to know what Timetable day it is or events that are coming up? Please visit our BBHS school calendar on the Byron Bay High School Home page.
Camp Tallebudgera QLD - Term 1 2025
In Term 1 2025, Year 7 students will attend a camp at the Gold Coast Recreation Centre in Tallebudgera, QLD from 9 to 11 April. The Year 7 camp is always a fun experience and allows the students to get to know each other and form new friendships.
You will be sent an email with more information about this camp early in the new school year.
A final note
We hope you now feel a little more familiar with our wonderful school. We can't wait for your child to join us on Day 1 ... Thursday 6 February 2025. In the meantime, please bookmark or save this Welcome document to your home page for reference when you need it!
And... don't forget about the upcoming Orientation Day next Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 9:30 am.
BBHS Byron Bay lighthouse school mural