
De La Salle College Newsletter “A Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition”

in this issue


College Principal - “Year 13 Leavers 2023"

Associate Principal - "Congratulations"

Deputy of Curriculum - Curriculum

Deputy of Pastoral - Using a Hero to Motivate My Students

ICT Academy - BYOD Week

Academic Year 7/8

Literacy Centre

Year 13 Vinaka Celebration

2024 College Prefects

Celebrating Excellence

Leavers Day...

In Our Community


Enrol Now

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“year 13 leavers”

Mr Myles Hogarty

College Principal

We gathered as a College community to farewell our Year 13 Leavers as they complete their last days of their secondary education.

This College, as many of you agree, has been your second home for the last five or seven years.

The place where you have grown physically, academically and spiritually. The place where you have practised our Catholic and Lasallian traditions, our rituals and built relationships/ friendships/ Brotherhood with one another.

Our Scriptural Theme Let Perseverance Finish Its Work - this year was chosen very deliberately as our mantra after what we have been challenged by over the last three years.

We thank you for embracing this phrase and I hope that it has been of some motivation for you as you dealt with the challenges before you at school and at home.

Leavers of 2023 You will have many memories of your experiences of life at De La Salle, these memories will be carried with you as you leave and will be etched permanently into your memories and become part of your character, they can never be taken away from you.

As young men you have laughed, cried, loved, dealt with set-backs, the loss of a classmate and staff members, yet you have shown resilience and perseverance through this, which can only add to your character and spirit.

Just as important as the classes you attended, were the sports events and music performances , cultural festivals, the Retreats, Camps, Field Trips, Masses, Liturgies and Assemblies.

As a Catholic, Lasallian school our Vision our goal is to produce, “Great Men of Faith, Service, Community and Excellence.” I believe that we have done this for our Leavers of 2023.

We have educated Young men who leave us and who can make a positive contribution to the Community and make their community a better place.

As young men you have been fortunate to be offered such a range of opportunities, these didn’t happen by chance. These were provided by committed teachers who gave you these varied opportunities out of their deep and genuine concern for you, I encourage you to take some time before you leave, to go and personally thank these people for what they have done for you.

Your College wishes to thank you for sharing your own talents and your efforts in making your College a better place.

Thank you for your contributions to the Academic, Sports, Music, Culture and Faith areas of De La Salle, these are the pillars of your education.

While the opportunities are there, without you stepping forward and throwing yourself into these areas, we as a College would not grow and improve.

Today you experience your last whole College Assembly, you being in the presence of 1000 young men you call “brothers”. The last opportunity to sing your College song surrounded by your classmates.

That is a special experience, one that you may probably not experience again, savour it.

This daily support and the presence of your peers is the thing that you will miss most. Our Old Boys who speak to you mention this often.

I urge you to keep strong and committed to your faith, never underestimate the power and gift of prayer as a daily focus in your life.

Be courageous young Christians, Let Perseverance finish its work with you and own your own story, it is exactly what your College and your families would expect you to do.

Let the values of Respect and Humility that you have learnt at De La Salle, be seen in your final acts of school but also shared with the many new people that you will interact with over the next few years. We wear this tie as a symbol, the Cross is a constant reminder to us that our College is founded on the example of Christ and that bonds us with our Catholic Lasallian community. I am proud to wear it and our efforts as a Staff are always to lift and improve our College community inside and outside. You are challenged to do the same.

Let people see by your actions, that wearing that Cross on your chest for all these years has made you into a young man who has not only learnt the Gospel values of Christ but lives these out in the relationships that you have with others.

While we farewell you as your classes end, it is certainly not the last we want to see of you.

This is your College and you are always welcome to return and give back to it and the young men here. That is “Brotherhood” in action. Many of you have benefitted from the action of our Old Boys who have supported our Retreats, Mentoring, Camps, Rugby, League, Basketball, Debating, Music and Cultural Groups, you can do the same.

If we have been successful as a College in producing “Great men of Community,” we welcome you back to participate in and support these opportunities for your younger Brothers.

While you may feel a little sad that you are leaving; Be happy that you have had a great Catholic, Lasallian education.

Be heartened that you have been at such a warm and nurturing school that has always placed you at the heart of all its plans.

I am sure that I speak for the rest of the College in wishing you our best as you prepare for your final exams and we pray that God keeps you safely in the palm of his hand as you travel on your new paths as young men.

God Bless you all.

associate principal

Mr Dermot English


For year after year we encourage the boys, and ourselves, to set goals, to focus, to keep going and to persevere. One of the ways to keep ourselves motivated is to celebrate the successes when they come. Yesterday we held the Senior Prizegiving, which showcases excellence in Academics, in Service, in Leadership and in music.

A standout section was that of Scholarships. With the massive assistance of our Careers Advisor Mrs Mogi Nayagar 22 of our Year 13 boys gained scholarships at UoA, AUT Unitec and University of Otago to the value of $344,000. A further nine students gained general grants towards tertiary study to a value of $30,000. With St Vincent de Paul and Toloa another 23 boys who will be at school next year gained scholarships that pay for a year of school fees at De La Salle.

Hands-on-at-Otago scholarship recipients L-R George F, Kameron L & Elijah H

For most of these scholarships the boys have to show a positive attitude to academic effort, service and broader school activities, not just academic results. This is the moment for us to enjoy the results of the effort of the boys and the support of their families and teachers.



Deputy Principal Curriculum- Mr Phil Doyle


End of Year assessment for Year 7 - 10 has begun this term with STAR and PAT testing. Year 7 to 9 teachers will this year be making judgements in reading writing and mathematics against the Learning Progressions Framework for the NZC using the PaCT tool. We will be able to provide excellent achievement and progress data at the end of 2023/start of 2024.

Attached are the criteria for all of the Year 9 and 10 assessments. Check in with your son to see if he knows what he is being assessed on. Encourage the boys to attend the tuition afterschool and to ask teachers for help and old exams to practice on.

We have also provided Year 7 – 10 students an update on progress against the De La Salle Certificate. Final points will be awarded after the Junior Assessment Week in week 6. We have been busy creating badges and trophies using the Laser Cutter in the Technology faculty is preparation for award events later in term.

It has been a busy time across the school, especially for Senior students completing assessment.

Senior Assessment


Congratulations to the Year 10 students who completed the new Literacy and Numeracy Common Assessment Activities. They were very patient dealing with delays and an overloaded system. Results will come out in January for those students wh attempted the assessment. All other students will have a go in May 2024.


Congratulations to Mr Aisea Vailahi and the Mathematics faculty completed the last ever MCAT – Mathematics Common Assessment Task with NCEA Level 1 students. All Year 11 students and a class of accelerated Year 10 students attempt the Algebra assessment. We gained some excellent results, particularly in Mr Vailahi’s class. The results of assessments are not available to students until January 2020.


Congratulations to Mr John Singh and Mr Hamish Brebner and their classes who have completed NCEA Level 2 and 3 Digital Technology Common Assessment Tasks as well as completing pilot standards with the new NCEA Level 1 standards.


Congratulations to Mr Jackson Tan, Ms Salome Tanuvasa and Miss Jessie Phillips and their students who have busy submitting their Visual Art portfolios in Painting and Design. Similarly, we have seen strong submissions from the Technology faculty and Design Visual Communication with Mr Anthony Hawkins, Mr John Dobson and Mr Shailendra Kumar.


Exams start Tuesday November 7 and run throughout the month. We welcome back Mrs Barbara Warrender to school as our NZQA Exam Centre Manager. Don’t forget to check your Admission Slip and Exam Timetable

NCEA Progress – Almost there! Don’t stop until the end!

We have some great results even before the NZQA Exams start


Eighty seven percent of Year 11 students have achieved the Numeracy requirement [85% in 2022]. This exceeds progress at the same time in 2019, 2020 and 2021. 96% of Year 11 students have achieved the Level 1 Literacy requirement. This is better than progress at the same time in 2019 - 2022.

Congratulations to the 53 [c.f 51 in 2022] students have already achieved NCEA Level 1.


Congratulations to the ninety students have already achieved their NCEA Level 2 Certificate.


Forty students have already achieved their NCEA Level 3 Certificate.


Deputy Principal- Mr Elton Charles

Using A Hero to Motivate My Students

As students, you are on the brink of one of the most significant challenges of your academic journey – your NCEA external exams. The pressure may seem insurmountable, and the road to success may appear to be filled with obstacles. However, the story of Siya Kolisi, the Springbok captain, is a remarkable example of how adversity can be turned into opportunity, serving as a beacon of inspiration for all of you.

In 2018, Siya Kolisi made history by becoming the first black captain of the South African national rugby team, the Springboks. This achievement not only showcased his incredible talent but also his leadership qualities. His ability to unite a diverse team and lead them to victory in the 2019 and 2023 Rugby World Cup is a testament to his leadership skills. As students, you can draw inspiration from Kolisi's leadership and strive to be leaders in your own right, both in and out of the classroom.

Siya Kolisi's journey from a disadvantaged background to becoming the Springbok captain is a source of inspiration for all students entering their external exams. His story teaches us that adversity can be overcome through resilience, perseverance, and a commitment to one's dreams. As you face the challenges of your exams, remember that you have the inner strength to conquer any obstacle and achieve your goals. Siya Kolisi's story reminds us that greatness can emerge from adversity, and with dedication and determination, you too can achieve excellence in your academic pursuits. Good luck in your exams and may the spirit of Siya Kolisi's journey inspire you to reach for the stars!

ICT Academy


From week 4 until the end of the academic year, the school is running a BYOD programme where the entire Junior College is engaged in digital learning using activities that were prepared and shared with students on various digital platforms across all faculties.

The examples include creating a digital Christmas card in Religious Education, researching, and presenting a New Zealand historical event, heroes in Social Studies, using Khan academic digital videos to improve basic maths skills and others and researching and preparing presentations on various topics in option subjects. Last year we ran a similar initiative with great success; with teachers reporting very good engagement across classes and students enjoying a different approach to learning.

We encourage all students to register their device with school using the BYOD form here. For your information, our College has a dedicated BYOD portal with PB Tech that outlines information on the minimum laptop specifications for our school’s computer network. PB Tech have listed laptop options from minimum to higher specification models. Click the link below to access the portal. https://www.pbtech.co.nz/education/byod/de-la-salle-college?qr=pb_byod. This link is also on the homepage of the school’s website.

Let's Get Your Household Connected

Initiative by the Ministry of Education

Having access to the Internet is a critical part of life these days. Not everyone has access to it at home, and the Ministry of Education wants to change that.

If you are a household with a school-aged child and no internet or you know of a household like this, the Ministry of Education can arrange everything needed to get your house connected. Free of charge.

On behalf of the Ministry of Education their team can arrange everything needed to get connected to the internet. This is fully funded by the Ministry of Education until 30 June 2024. Contact them today 0800 441 844

Academic Year 7/8

Assistant Principal- Mr Herbert Tanuvasa

Senior Prizegiving was a nice distraction from the All Blacks loss, and what a great time we had celebrating the successes of our senior students! It was also a sad time as we farewelled our Year 13 cohort. Head Boy Patolo gave an excellent speech to our continuing students, telling them that his Year 13 group were now “…passing on the baton…”, exhorting boys to continue the good work of De La Salle. At the end of his speech, he sang a very emotional farewell song.

The previous week at the Leavers Assembly, pictures were shown of Patolo and those of his cohort when they were Year 7/8! Looking at the photographs it was hard to believe they were the same boys as they had grown up so much!

Speaking of Year 7/8; there was a disco held by Marist Girls College Year 7/8 last Friday and our young boys were lucky enough to have been invited. Twenty-seven of our boys attended and had a great time. They were very well behaved, so much so that the Marist College Girls principal rang Mr Hogarty on Monday to express her thanks for the wonderful attitude and respect our boys had shown.

Many thanks also to Mr Laumatia for modelling to our boys how to dance! We expect a cameo performance from you next year in our Year 7/8 Musical 😊

In Christ

literacy centre

Year 13 Vinaka Celebration

by Mr A Kumar- FOU HSA Director

The Year 13 Health Science Academy cohort received a grand colourful celebration to mark their three-year journey at the Academy, alongside 11 other schools within the FOU network. The Vinaka Celebration was held on Tuesday evening of October 17 at the Waipuna Hotel Conference Centre.

During the event, students were acknowledged for their resilience in overcoming challenges in the past year and for their remarkable achievements, largely attributed to various supportive interventions. These achievements now pave the way for them to pursue further education at universities and other training opportunities in 2024. Every student was presented with a certificate and a medal as a token of recognition for their exceptional journey at HSA.

Notably, Phoenix Petelo, a HSA council representative, delivered an emotionally stirring vote of thanks.

Additionally, the following students were recognised with the annual FOU awards at the event:

Academic Excellence: Phoenix Petelo

Leadership Award: Nu’u Fineanganofo

Middlemore Foundation Scholarships, each worth $3,500, were awarded to:

  • Lino Tusa
  • Alexander Tiamu
  • Joseph Aiolupo-Fauea
Middlemore Foundation scholarship recipients L-R Alex, Joseph & Lino

Congratulations to the well-deserving recipients mentioned above.

We express our deep gratitude to the Year 13 HSA cohort for their unwavering dedication and commitment to their studies at the college, and we extend our heartfelt best wishes for their continued success in their future educational endeavours.

2024 college prefects

Congratulations to Deverrel Samisoni, Juan Koti, John-Paul Schmidt and Michaelangelo Rasch- 2024 College Prefects and Head boy Troy Sanday.

L-R Deverrel Samisoni, Troy Sanday, Juan Koti, John-Paul Schmidt and Michelangelo Rasch 2024 College Prefects
2024 Head boy Troy Sanday (Year 12 General Excellence: Class of 1996–Legacy Cup, Man of Excellence, 1st in Design & Visual Communication, 1st in Advanced English) pictured with his very proud family


Congratulations to all recipients at this momentous occasion as we celebrate you for your efforts and hard work through out the year. Your commitment and dedication has seen you achieve and be recognised for your subjects and extra-curricular activities. Well done to the 2023 Dux and Proxime Accessit.

2023 COLLEGE DUX Sam Vaotu'ua pictured with his parents
2023 PROXIME ACCESSIT - Nu'u Fineanganofo pictured with his parents and Miss Puleiku


  • Folau Leha Jr Foliaki
  • Hatori Seu
  • Hamish Gosai
  • Patrick Behnam
  • Tevita Otuafi
  • Francis Agana
  • Seter Vaomotou
  • JD Fili
  • Phillip Sii
  • Alex Tiamu
  • Phoenix Petelo


(and Man of Excellence)

  • Alista Mafile’o - 1st in Calculus
  • Robert Dahl - 1st in Drama
  • Joshua Alo - 1st in Music
  • Azahryus Misiniu - 1st in Gateway
  • Taka Pailate - 1st in Lea Faka Tonga
  • Preston Littlechild - 1st equal in Creative Industries Technology
  • Earl Maisog - 1st in Art Design, 1st in Design & Visual Communication
  • Junior Tuiloma - Man of Excellence, 1st in Business Studies
  • Anugrah Rejee - Man of Excellence, 1st in Physical Education
  • Giovanni Lolohea - Man of Excellence, 1st equal in Creative Industries Technology
  • Sae Eteuati Muliaga - Man of Excellence, 1st in Gagana Samoa
  • Walter Patolo - Man of Excellence, 1st in Computer Science Technology
  • Venezia Gaugau - Man of Excellence, 1st in Religious Studies
  • David Niko-Toleafoa - Man of Excellence, 1st in Advanced English
  • Lino Tusa - Man of Excellence, 1st in Statistics
  • Lafi Feo - Man of Excellence, 1st in Earth & Space Science
  • Tauma Ekeroma - Man of Excellence, 1st in Biology, 1st in Geography
  • Nu’u Fineanganofo - Man of Excellence, 1st in Chemistry, 1st in Physics
  • Sam Vaotuua - Man of Excellence, 1st in Accounting, 1st in Economics, 1st in Health, 1st in History
Azahryus Misiniu - First in subject for Gateway and Prime Minister's Vocational Excellence Award
Venezia Gaugau - Man of Excellence, 1st in Religious Studies and Auckland University of Technology: Find your Greatness Hiki Ake (Lift Up) Scholarship


  • Fonteyn Olofai- The Laumemea Cup: Outstanding contribution to Music
  • Romello Ngan Woo- De La Salle Cup for Outstanding Service
  • Jacob Tominiko- Dejoya Legacy Debating Cup
  • Walter Patolo- Noah Sinclair Pritchard Memorial Commerce Trophy
  • JD Fili- Carter Cup for Lasallian Spirit: Year 13 Student who has demonstrated outstanding service to the school and wider community
  • Sebastian Nisa- Br John Cleary Memorial Cup: Outstanding contribution to Liturgy
  • Sae Eteuati Muliaga- The De La Salle Brothers Cup: The Year 13 Student who best exemplifies the key values of De La Salle
  • Azahryus Misiniu - Prime Minister's Vocational Excellence Award
  • Lafi Feo- Brett Barker Cup: The senior student who has shown greatest diligence, perseverance and application in his studies
  • Joseph Aiolupo-Fauea- Page Family Cup: For most outstanding Youth Ministry Year 13
  • Marlon Tuipulotu- The Tusitala Cup: Excellence & all round contribution to the DLS Spoken Word Collective
  • Juan Koti- Audain Cup: Public Speaking and Future is Open to Us: Academic Excellence
  • Patolo Taito- Br Fisher Cup: The student who has demonstrated strong leadership qualities for the good of the College, Taimanea-Atarangi Trophy: Best in Performance for Kapa Haka and Br Julian Cup: For Leader of the College
  • Phoenix Petelo- Most Promising Maori Student and Future is Open to Us: Academic Excellence
  • Harlyn Belford- Samu Ami Memorial Cup: For Personal Courage & Hope
  • Apoua Lilo- Raymond Puni To'oto'o Memorial Cup: Overall outstanding student in Visual Arts
  • Sam Vaotu’ua- Ben Valeni Memorial Cup: Year 13 General Excellence and Fr Maurice Hunt Memorial Cup Year 13 Dux
  • Nu'u Fineanganofo- Future is Open to Us: Leadership Award and Br Steve Hogan Cup Proxime Accessit


  • Joseph Aiolupo-Fauea - Middlemore Foundation Scholarship and University of Otago: Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Robert Dahl - Māori Education Trust Scholarship
  • Kupa Dolan - Māori Education Trust Scholarship
  • Jordan Etei-Michael - St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
  • Lafi Feo - Robert Ned Covich Scholarship and University of Auckland: Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • Gregory Filimoehala - University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • Ethan Filipo-Laulua - Techtorium Excellence Award Scholarship
  • Nu'u Fineanganofo - University of Auckland: Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • Venezia Gaugau - Auckland University of Technology: Find your Greatness Hiki Ake (Lift Up) Scholarship
  • Liam Hakeagatoa - University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • Elijah Hunt - University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • Sam Koroise - University of Auckland: Vaka Moana Scholarship
  • Juan Koti - The 2024 National Science Forum Scholarship
  • William Leau - St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
  • Kameron Letoa - Mrs Maria Heffernan Scholarship and University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • Bryan Leumaga - University of Auckland: Vaka Moana Scholarship
  • Apoua Lilo - University of Auckland: Vaka Moana Scholarship
  • Roldan Mark - St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
  • Manatu'ofa Mila - First Foundation Scholarship and University of Auckland: Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • David Niko-Toleafoa - First Foundation Scholarship and University of Auckland: Top Achiever Scholarship
  • Jeremiah Papalii - University of Otago: Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Phoenix Petelo - Auckland University of Technology: Find your Greatness Hiki Ake (Lift Up) Scholarship and Māori Education Trust Scholarship
  • Gian Reyes - University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • Hatori Seu - University of Otago: Richard & Diana Somerville Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Phillip Sii - University of Otago: Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Christian Snyder - University of Otago: Hands on at Otago Scholarship
  • LJ Tafa - University of Otago: Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Patolo Taito - University of Auckland: Top Achiever Scholarship
  • Alexander Tiamu - Middlemore Foundation Scholarship and University of Otago: Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship
  • Lino Tusa - Middlemore Foundation Scholarship and University of Auckland: Top Achiever Scholarship
  • Tony Ulberg - St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
  • Sam Vaotuua - First Foundation Scholarship and University of Auckland: Top Achiever Scholarship
  • Abdiel Vea - Auckland University of Technology: Find your Greatness Hiki Ake (Lift Up) Scholarship
Harlyn Belford- Samu Ami Memorial Cup: For Personal Courage & Hope pictured with dad Andrew
Marlon Tuipulotu recipient of the Tusitala Cup: Excellence & all round contribution to the DLS Spoken Word Collective pictured with brother Norman Cameron, Miss Puleiku and mum Katalina



Elijah Tia pictured with proud parents- Top Academic Achiever in Year 11, Man of Excellence, 1st in Advanced English, 1st in Religious Studies, 1st in Mathematics, 1st in Advanced Science and Future is Open to Us: Academic Excellence


Juan Koti-Top Academic Achiever in Year 12, Man of Excellence, 1st in Biology, 1st in Chemistry, 1st in Religious Studies, Audain Cup for Public Speaking and Future is Open to Us: Academic Excellence pictured with proud parents and Whaea Michelle
Jozanam Emani- Arthur Solomon Cup: Year 12 Christian Leadership pictured with Mr English and mum Tufosa

Leavers Day...

by Miss F Puleiku- Year 13 Dean

It was a privilege to celebrate the class of 2023’s final day at the college on Friday 27th October. It has been an awesome journey to walk alongside them and to see them reach this momentous occasion.

The day started off with Leavers Assembly, an opportunity for this cohort to have their final school gathering and to be farewelled by the school. The Year 13s wore a special ula made by the Muliaga family that said ‘DLS’ and ‘2023’ to mark them as part of the departing class. As each homeroom processed into the assembly, they were welcomed by the angelic voice of Lani Alo, who sung his song ‘Alo I Ou Faiva’, a fitting song and tribute to the journey of the class of 2023. Mr Hogarty spoke, followed by the class of 2023 representative, Sam Vaotuua, who delivered a heartfelt final address to the cohort. The class of 2023 were then called up to receive their leavers certificates in addition to their special leavers plaques. The leavers assembly was concluded by a performance of the school haka by the outgoing class and the remaining senior students.

Later in the evening, the cohort gathered with their families and staff to celebrate mass together at Holy Cross Parish. Led by Father Martin Wu, the mass was an opportunity for all to reflect on their journey and to give thanks to God for the lessons and successes that have come along the way. To conclude the mass, each homeroom was gifted a candle donated by the PTFA and also a kahoa handmade by the prefects. A special moment during this mass was when Noah Sinclair Pritchard’s mother Joan was able to accept his candle on Noah’s behalf. Although Noah is no longer here with us, we will always remember him as a part of our cohort, of the class of 2023.

Leavers Mass at Holy Cross Parish

The Leavers events were concluded by our Leavers Dinner, which was held in the MPC back at the college. The MPC was overflowing with families and friends of the class of 2023, who all came to celebrate the achievements and journey of this class. Parents generously provided the food, drink and dessert for the event. Each homeroom teacher got an opportunity to speak and present their homeroom awards. This was followed by dance items prepared by the homerooms. We had an item from the Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga and Fiji.

These leavers events could not have happened without the many hands that helped. A big thank you to all the dedicated staff, generous families and especially our leavers committee who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring everything together. The class of 2023 had a wonderful send off thanks to the many hands that made the work light! We wish the outgoing class of 2023 all the best as they prepare for their exams and as they go forward into the many paths ahead of them. Continue to fight the good fight of faith and live Jesus in your hearts… forever!

in our community


St Joseph's Onehunga Jubilee Gala volunteers: Year 12 students Michaelangelo, Semisi, John-Paul, Tepa, Anselm, Zion, Deverrel and Year 11 Elijah Tia
Heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the PTFA and Jubilee committee at St Joseph’s Catholic school Onehunga, I would like to thank you for the wonderful young La Sallian men who volunteered at our Gala day from 8.30am for 7.5 hours. I was extremely proud at the way they presented themselves on that Saturday. All the volunteers arrived on time and were eager to help where they were assigned. They were hardworking and showed great initiative. We know they will all make great leaders next year and are great ambassadors for your school. We received great feedback from other Parent helpers and some of the teachers as well. They were polite, energetic and when they were approached to do another task, did so without question and were eager to help. They definitely put De La Salle on the map, for some parents who were not familiar with the school and the values you instill in your students. Thank you again for your help and we wish all the amazing volunteers the best with the rest of their studies this year and the next.

Mrs R. Vagavao

St Joseph's Catholic School, Onehunga PTFA Chairperson


Parents have been emailed their child’s unique Key Code to go online to view and purchase 2023 School TEAM photos. Go online and purchase your team photos today. Email comms@delasalle.school.nz if you did not receive your unique Key Code to place an order
Register your interest to be a rugby coach for 2024 in all grades: U12 to First XV. Please email Mr Hakeagatoa hakeagatoau@delasalle.school.nz
Want to earn badges for service hours?- sign up here


De La Salle College

A Catholic School for Boys Year 7-13 in the Lasallian tradition

*Spaces are still available in Year 7 for 2024*

Creating great men of Faith - Service - Community - Excellence

  • Strong Catholic Character and Lasallian traditions
  • Dynamic teaching staff
  • Strong academic achievements
  • High expectations of every student
  • Caring and Supportive Pastoral Care team
  • Extensive co-curricular activities

For enrolment enquiries contact Mrs Bianca Leau

Phone: +649 276 4319 ext 816

Email: enrolments@delasalle.school.nz

Website: delasalle.school.nz/enrolments

contact us

Connect with us

Website: www.delasalle.school.nz

Facebook: De La Salle College, Auckland , La Salle Collegians (NZ)

College app: SchoolAppsNZ

De La Salle College

81 Gray Avenue

Mangere East

Auckland 2024


+649 276 4319
